Stage & Screen

Listening in the Shadows - 01 - Femme Fatale

Episode Summary

Welcome to the first episode of Stage & Screen! We're kicking off this podcast with a special presentation of our original radio drama "Listening in the Shadows." Today's episode is called "Femme Fatale.".

Episode Notes

Welcome to the first episode of Stage & Screen! We're kicking off this podcast with a special presentation of our original radio drama "Listening in the Shadows," an original, five-part radio drama written and performed by our students as part of our Fall 2020 season. Today's episode is called "Femme Fatale," written by written by Gabriela Nieto-Hale, directed by Erin Stanphill, and starring Catherine Long as Lucy; Don Waller as Adam; and Leah Blevins as the news anchor.

Production Credits:

Project Director—Matthew Shifflett 

Project Coordinator—Haley Parker

Production Manager—Jared Spears

Sound Designer and Editor—Kurt Davis

Foley Artist—Fel Macias

The Department of Theatre & Film is grateful for its patrons and corporate sponsors. As a department we are committed to the high quality instruction that our students receive. Investing in the students’ education and these quality productions helps us move toward our common goal of graduating successful, creative adults who are lifelong learners. If you are interested in contributing to these efforts, please visit


Episode Transcription


Hello hello and welcome to the first episode of Stage and Screen! I’m your host, Katherine Stewart, and we are kicking off this podcast with a special presentation of LISTENING IN THE SHADOWS, an original, five-part radio drama, written and performed by our students. This is the first production of our fall 2020 season, and we’ll be rolling it out over the first few episodes of the podcast. After that, we’ll move to a more traditional format, interviewing students, faculty, staff, alumni, and special guests, to bring you an inside look at everything we’re creating in Theatre & Film at the University of Mississippi. For now, we’re delighted to bring you the first drama of LISTENING IN THE SHADOWS. It’s called FEMME FATALE. It was written by Gabriela Nieto-Hale and directed by Erin Stanphill. Without further ado, here is FEMME FATALE.


A MAN: You’re late.

LUCY: I know, I know. I’m so sorry, traffic was horrible, and

you know, parking is always limited.

A MAN: I told you to be here at seven, and it’s nearly seven


LUCY: I know. I’m so sor--

A MAN: Don’t bother looking at the menu. I ordered your food

already. ( Beat .) Lemon water and a salad. I know you’re trying

to watch your weight.

LUCY: ( angrily ) How dare you-- ( shift back to normal voice ) Um,

I mean, thank you. I appreciate the gesture.

A MAN: You know, I could have just ordered you nothing. But

since I’m so nice, I thought of you. Now what do we say?

LUCY: Yes, John. Thank you, John.

A MAN: And?

LUCY: I love you, John.

SFX: Walking on pavement

A MAN: That was quite the fulfilling meal. Did you enjoy your

caesar salad, Kate?

LUCY: Yes, John. Thank you, John.

A MAN: Well, what do you say we take the car back to my hotel

and settle in for the night?

LUCY: Actually, John, I was wondering if I could drive tonight.

To thank you for being so kind to me after how late I was.

A MAN: I did have a bit to drink...why not?

LUCY: Yes, John. Thank you, John.

SFX: Two car doors shut.

SFX: Car starts up.

LUCY: I was hoping we could take a small shortcut to get to the

hotel this time. Traffic was so bad earlier and all, I think

this is our safest bet.

A MAN: Fine with me.

LUCY: Yes, John. Thank you, John.


A MAN: Kate, this doesn’t look like anywhere near my hotel.

Look, you could have turned right there to make it in about

three minutes. It looks like we’re going in the opposite


LUCY: Oh, dear. I’ll pull off somewhere and turn around. I’m so

sorry, John.

A MAN: God, Kate, I wanted to settle in and relax, and now

you’ve got me wired. Get out and let me drive.


A MAN: What the hell do you mean “no”? Just let me out and

I’ll-- ( Beat .) Kate, unlock the doors.

LUCY: Not yet.

A MAN: Kate, let me out now . ( Beat .) Kate!

LUCY: Okay.

SFX: Two car doors opening and closing.

A MAN: Alright, now get in the passenger seat, and I’ll--the

handle won’t budge. Unlock the doors, so I can drive us back.

SFX: A gun cocking.

LUCY: I’d rather see you run.

A MAN: What the--?? Where did you get that? Don’t point that

thing at me!

LUCY chuckles.

A MAN: ( desperately ) Shut up and open the car door, Kate.

LUCY: Who’s Kate?

A MAN: What?

LUCY: Oh, don’t look so confused. You can’t tell me you honestly

thought any woman would actually give you the time of day? After

the whole “Yes, John. Thank you, John.” and the, frankly, less

than mediocre sex, I could barely keep up the act. But the

thought of seeing this desperate little look on your face was

enough to keep me motivated. The ends justify the means.

A MAN: Kate, I’m willing to put this all behind us if you just

put down the gun.

LUCY: ( laughing ) Yes, John.

SFX: Gun shot

LUCY: Thank you, John.

SFX: Gun shot

LUCY: I love you, John.

SFX: Gun shot


SFX: Alarm clock, coffee grinder, pouring liquid into a mug

NEW ANCHOR: A man found on the side of the road today with three

gunshot wounds to the chest. Police have no leads currently, but

are investigating all possibilities...

ADAM: Good morning, honey.

LUCY: It’s morning. How can that be good?

ADAM: Aw, sleepy head. I know you hate mornings, but I made you

some coffee.

LUCY: What would I ever do without you?

ADAM: Probably make your own coffee.

LUCY: ( chuckles ) I need to take this to go. I have to be at the

office a little earlier this morning to prepare for the big team


ADAM: You doing your proposal today?

LUCY: Ohhh yeah. It’s pretty major.

ADAM: Well, I know you’ll do great. I love you, Lucy.

LUCY: I love you too, Adam. Gotta run!

ADAM: Hey, wait. Before you go, there was this letter I found in

the mailbox this morning. Something about an invoice for a Kate

Carter? It’s got our address on it. Do you know anyone by that


LUCY: Hmm, not that I know of. I’ll run it by the neighbors’

later and see if it might belong to them. Maybe they mixed up

the house numbers.

ADAM: Yeah. Maybe.

LUCY: Well, I’m off. Wish me luck!

SFX: Door shuts

SFX: Shuffling through mail

ADAM: Huh. This one’s unaddressed.

SFX: Opening envelope

ADAM: ( reading off a letter ) West Avenue, Apartment 38A. Take

this key, and head there for the truth. Don’t let her know.

Signed, The One That Got Away. ( back to himself ) Weird. Maybe

this is one of those mystery games Lucy always sends out for.

SFX: Grabbing keys off counter

ADAM: I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I checked it out.


SFX: Car door closing, running up the stairs

ADAM: Apartment 34, 36...aha! 38.

SFX: Unlocking the door

ADAM: God, what a rush! This apartment looks just like someone

really lives wonder she loves playing these mystery

games so much.

ADAM: New wallpaper, cozy-looking living room...oooh! The

bedroom door is cracked open. I should be careful not to tamper

with any possible evidence. ( excitedly ) I feel like a real


SFX: Pushing the door open and stepping into the room

ADAM: This must be the killer’s disguise room! Look at all these

wigs and costumes. They are really going all out with these

games lately. It’s so...organized!

ADAM begins thumbing through the boxes in the room.

ADAM: Burner phones, of course. God, there are so many.

“Souvenirs” from each victim...a wallet, some sunglasses,

a--Rolex watch?? Oh, that’s definitely fake. Oooh, fake IDs!!

Man, these pictures are so bad. Hmm, some of these look like

skeevy old men. Wonder whose pictures they used. Here’s a

woman’s. Maybe she’s the killer I’m looking for?

ADAM: ( reading ) Kate Carter, West Avenue, Apartment 38A! Yes,

and that’s score one for Adam! She has to be the killer. Wait,

Kate Carter? Wasn’t that the name on that invoice this morning?

And this photo looks so real..almost like...

SFX: The click of high heels walking into the room

ADAM: Lucy?

LUCY: Surprise.


ADAM is trying to yell “Help me,” but he is gagged and tied to a

chair. LUCY paces.

SFX: Pacing in heels

LUCY: I really tried so hard to keep you out of this, Adam.

Really I did. I wanted this to be my thing and mine alone. I got

this apartment under an alias just to make sure you’d never

know. But you had to go snooping around places you aren’t

supposed to. And now I can’t let you out of my sight until you

understand where I’m coming from. God, if you knew--if you

really knew what it’s like out there for a woman you would get

it. You would support me, help me even.

ADAM is still struggling.

LUCY: Oh, right, you can’t speak.

LUCY removes the gag, and ADAM coughs and gasps for air.

ADAM: Lucy, what the hell is going on? I get a letter in the

mail telling me to come to this random apartment, I find your

face on someone else’s ID, and then you tie me up?? Is this part

of a game or what? I thought you said you didn’t know a Kate

Carter? I don’t know what to--

LUCY: ( angrily ) Can I speak ?

ADAM is silent. LUCY sighs.

LUCY: When I was fresh out of college, I was looking for a job

to make ends meet. I tried to work as a bank teller, a

secretary, even a fast food cashier. Nothing stuck. I was dating

this guy who said he had some connections that could get me a

well-paying job. And, well, I just couldn’t pass it up.

ADAM: Lucy...what was the job?

LUCY: I was given an address and told to do what I had to do to

make sure I was the only person who walked out alive. And I hate

to say it, but I kinda liked it. It was hard, sure, but what job

isn’t hard? I only worked nights, and I had so much time to

myself. I made bank offing these assholes who nobody was gonna

miss anyway. Eventually, I broke off from my original company

and started my own business. And now I guess they sent my

boyfriend after me to ruin it all. Only man I’ve ever dated

who’s still living. Well, except for you.

ADAM: You--Luce. Lucy. Baby. You’re joking with me here, right?

You don’t actually run hits on people?

LUCY: Not on people . On bad men. My business is strictly to help

women and women only. I do abusive husbands, ex-boyfriends, you

name it. No one is missing these jerks, okay? It’s for the good

of everyone. Plus, I charge pretty steep. I don’t maim for fifty

bucks. And I definitely don’t dismember for $200. But I

sometimes do a discount for the occasional single mother.

ADAM: Dismember?? Single mother? Women actually pay you to kill

men, am I hearing that right?

LUCY: Of course! You’d be surprised how many women you know have

hired me. Just last night, I shot a guy for Ms. Sara down the

street. You know, the kindergarten teacher? That guy was a real

fucking creep too.

ADAM: You killed someone for Ms. Sara?

LUCY: You see, when you say it like that, it sounds so dirty.

ADAM: ( stumbling over his words ) Because it is! It is dirty! You

killed a man for money. Do you not see how horrible that is?

LUCY: I’d like to think it was admirable.

ADAM: You are crazy if you think murdering someone is even close

to admirable. God, I can’t even look at you. How could I have

married such a monster?

LUCY: ( shift in demeanor, like when she killed John ) You really

think I’m a monster, Adam?

ADAM: ( noticing her change ) Maybe not a monster, per say--

LUCY: But that’s exactly what you said, isn’t it?

ADAM: Luce, let’s talk about this.

LUCY: You know, Adam, after five years of marriage, I really

thought you’d stay loyal to me. I thought you’d get that this is

my calling. I help people. I rid the world of a little evil one

man at a time, and sure, it’s messy work. But it’s necessary

work. And if you really loved me, you would understand. But I

guess you don’t.

ADAM: No, Lucy, I do love you, and I do understand. I was just a

little shocked at first. I don’t think you’re a monster. I’ll

support you, I’ll set up victims! If you just untie me, we can

talk this through, and--

SFX: Gun cocks

LUCY: I’m sorry, Adam.

SFX: Gun shot

LUCY: Goodbye, Adam.

SFX: Gun shot

LUCY: I love you, Adam.

SFX: Gun shot

That was FEMME FATALE, the first drama of LISTENING IN THE SHADOWS. FEMME FATALE was written by Gabriela Nieto-Hale, directed by Erin Stanphill, and starred Catherine Long as Lucy; Cord Barlow as John; Don Waller as Adam; and Leah Blevins as the news anchor.

Next week, we’ll be bringing you drama number two, MERRY MORNING, so be sure to subscribe so you can hear it as soon as it comes out. If you enjoyed what you heard, leave us a review, and tell your friends and family, and don’t for get to tune in for the next episode of Stage & Screen.