Stage & Screen

Annalise V. Caudle, Instructional Assistant Professor of Lighting Design

Episode Summary

In this episode, we're catching up with new faculty member Annalise V. Caudle, who is an instructional assistant professor of lighting design. Annalise joined our department in the fall of 2021 and jumped in with both feet designing our huge production of LEGALLY BLONDE. In addition to teaching, she'll be creating lighting designs for our upcoming spring-semester shows, HAZEL—an original work created through our new Emerging Women's Playwriting fellowship, more on that later—and ROMEO & JULIET.

Episode Notes

In this episode, we're catching up with new faculty member Annalise V. Caudle, who is an instructional assistant professor of lighting design. Annalise joined our department in the fall of 2021 and jumped in with both feet designing our huge production of LEGALLY BLONDE. In addition to teaching, she'll be creating lighting designs for our upcoming spring-semester shows, HAZEL—an original work created through our new Emerging Women's Playwriting fellowship, more on that later—and ROMEO & JULIET. 

To learn more about Annalise and her work, check out her website here:

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Episode Transcription

From the Department of Theater and Film at the University of Mississippi, this is Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

Hello hello, hello and welcome back to Stage & Screen. I'm your host Katherine Stewart and on the show today we have Annalise Caudle who is a new faculty member as of the fall of 2021.

Katherine Stewart

Annalise is instructional assistant professor of lighting design, and she jumped right in designing our most recent show, Legally Blonde.

Katherine Stewart

We talked about that and many other things, so stick around.

Katherine Stewart

Here's Annalise.

Katherine Stewart

Hi Annalise, thank you so much for joining us on the podcast today.

Annalise Caudle

Hello Serge.

Katherine Stewart

How are you doing?

Annalise Caudle

I I am well, I'm well, I'm uh, adjusting to academia at a large university and and Oxford Ms, but so far so good.

Annalise Caudle

So yeah.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, absolutely.

Katherine Stewart

So you are a brand new member of our faculty.

Katherine Stewart

Starting this semester, could you tell us a little bit about your background?

Katherine Stewart

Kind of where you came from and how.

Katherine Stewart

You got here.

Annalise Caudle

Yeah, absolutely.

Annalise Caudle

So I, uh, have a BFA in design with emphasis in lighting and secondary and scenic from the University of Oklahoma.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, and I had a really smart mother that.

Annalise Caudle

It's like we're gonna have it where you're gonna have like shortest education possible and not pay for school that much.


The short

Annalise Caudle

So I graduated in three years.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, uh, yeah, entirely credit that to my mother, uh, and.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, so I graduated at the age of 21 and I was like I am not ready to move to New York or to do like anything adult or.

Annalise Caudle

Real I know nothing.

Annalise Caudle

So grad school was the answer solution to that 'cause I just keep going to school and avoiding becoming an adult.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, I also had a really a really, really great mentor and undergrad, and I thought like wow, wouldn't it be so cool to like stay in a university environment and to kind of.

Annalise Caudle

Foster education and do something like that their job.

Annalise Caudle

Of like seems to fit so well with my personality and just like viewpoint and and like they bring such passion and energy to work and so I wouldn't mind doing something like that.

Annalise Caudle

I and so I knew like for the long portion of my career, at some point I wanted to teach.

Annalise Caudle

I didn't know when, but I knew that should be a priority, so that was another advantage just like.

Annalise Caudle

Doing grad.

Annalise Caudle

And and then in grad school similarly, I finally got to officially start teaching and being a teacher on record.

Annalise Caudle

And again I had a like another really awesome mentor whose identity was even more similar to my own and I really could see like potential in my future with her and and and.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, had not only like a really great mentor and in relationship, but just someone to like aspire to be like and look up.

Annalise Caudle

She was like, oh, this could be me.

Annalise Caudle

I absolutely can see myself in this role in physicians and and so that was really exciting from from there I I wanted to work professionally for a while and not jump straight.

Annalise Caudle

Into becoming a faculty member.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, 'cause I I wanted to.

Annalise Caudle

Have relevance in the classroom and and I didn't want to just teach like my undergrad and graduate experience.

Annalise Caudle

'cause if that's.

Annalise Caudle

The case, then the students should just go to my undergrad or grad school.

Annalise Caudle

Like what what can I have to offer?

Annalise Caudle

And so I was working professionally.

Annalise Caudle

I assisted Michael Barnett actually on a summer stock, which is how I like first met him.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, and he actually has worked with my same mentor, uh, from grad school so, so there was a little slight connection there and and it.

Annalise Caudle

Was a really grueling summer stock.

Annalise Caudle

So it was kind of like the like.

Annalise Caudle

We both survived and and and had.

Annalise Caudle

That camaraderie to it.

Annalise Caudle

We we had to like focus the show at like 3 AM.


Oh my gosh.

Annalise Caudle

Must be before attack and he he he.

Annalise Caudle

He was particularly like grumpy and and frustrated.

Annalise Caudle

And I was like I get.

Annalise Caudle

It yes, I would be grumpy infected too.

Annalise Caudle

Be like got it died and and.

Annalise Caudle

He was very appreciative.

Annalise Caudle

Like professionalism and and everything, and so it was great which where there's a completely human to be grumpy and frustrated 3:00 AM I.

Annalise Caudle

Think everyone was grumpy and frustrated.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, anyway, so that's how I got to know my call in.

Annalise Caudle

While freelancing, Ole Miss needed the Department of Theatre and Film needed.

Annalise Caudle

A guest lighting designer for a musical.

Annalise Caudle

I think in 2019 like thing, right? Yeah, uh, and so I did that and got to know more of the faculty. Got to know some of the facilities. Got to kind of get a taste of the department.

Katherine Stewart

That sounds.

Annalise Caudle

And so yeah, when when COVID hit in in the industry shut down, I lost like 8 months worth of work in three weeks.

Annalise Caudle

And, uh, so I I wanted to work, uh, professionally like full time, a little bit more and have a little bit more experience to to bring.

Annalise Caudle

To the table but.

Annalise Caudle

He kind of just.

Annalise Caudle

Work with the cards like serves you and so that point was like, well maybe it is time to move to academia 'cause there's literally no other options.

Annalise Caudle

I was looking at being a receptionist for an atomic tryst, or this my goodness.

Annalise Caudle

So yeah.

Katherine Stewart

Oh, we're we're glad the optometrist lost you.

Annalise Caudle

They didn't even offer me the job, so this is great, which I mean.

Annalise Caudle

I went to school for this and actually liked this, so I think it all worked out for the best.

Annalise Caudle

I don't know how good of a optometrist receptionist.

Annalise Caudle

That would have been.

Katherine Stewart

So I'm curious how what attracted you to lighting design in particular, OK?

Annalise Caudle

I have really good.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, why not to like brag or anything like?

Annalise Caudle

That, but I.

Annalise Caudle

Quickly developed, I should say in high school, uhm like studio art skills like a sculpture and drawing and rendering and such.

Annalise Caudle

And there was actually a time in high school where I highly considered like majoring in in the arts.

Annalise Caudle

And becoming a studio artist.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, but I.

Annalise Caudle

Miss Collaboration and working on something bigger than myself and I feel as if that's too like isolating, just like working on your own art.

Annalise Caudle

And then I would pretty quick.

Annalise Caudle

I already question like everything I do in in life and so working on something bigger than me that's that has like a collaborative support system.

Annalise Caudle

It's probably healthier for me anyway, and I love the storytelling aspect anyway, so all that to say, I have a really particular eye when it comes to things and like.

Annalise Caudle

Highlight and shadow.

Annalise Caudle

That's really it.

Annalise Caudle

Exciting, and so I just like the fact I had had a colleague describe at one time that the lighting design is like putting in watercolor paint on a set or an environment where you're you're like bringing it to life in in that way.

Annalise Caudle

And and I.

Annalise Caudle

Think that's really true, and so I.

Annalise Caudle

Appreciate how like how much variety there is and how how dynamic you can change it and how much you can change the tactile and visual elements of the scene.

Annalise Caudle

I also really appreciate how conceptual it is and like it's so intangible.

Annalise Caudle

And and it's kind of.

Annalise Caudle

It's kind of like.

Annalise Caudle

Well, I mean, I.

Annalise Caudle

I mean.

Annalise Caudle

Part of my job is like demystifying it and making it less intimidating and and more approachable for for sure because I think it's one of those like technology based ones that.



Annalise Caudle

And people are hesitant to necessarily jump on board with or or understand or, I think, sound and lights.

Annalise Caudle

Both are harder for people to to necessarily follow and move along with.

Annalise Caudle

You can.

Annalise Caudle

You can present a sketch for, uh, costume design or a model or something for scenic design, but but it's hard to show and talk about qualities of light effectively, and so I think that added challenge or or.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, mysterious quality to it was really, uh, exciting and interesting.

Annalise Caudle

And yeah, it was cool.

Annalise Caudle

So very cool so.

Katherine Stewart

Uhm, what have been some of the highlights of your career so far?

Annalise Caudle

Uh, I, I mean, I guess the one of the biggest ones for me was I got to intern on a commercial production.

Annalise Caudle

It was the UM.

Annalise Caudle

Broadway premiere of the the production Prince of Broadway, which was produced by Hal Prince, and it was kind of like his own.

Annalise Caudle

Memoir and and it was a collection of a lot of famous and not so famous works of how Prince over the years on Broadway.

Annalise Caudle

So they're just like West Side Story in it and Evita and all of these different great shows anyway.

Annalise Caudle

So I got to intern as an assistant lighting designer or assistant to I should say I.

Annalise Caudle

I mostly did a bunch of paperwork and grunge work.

Annalise Caudle

But it was for Hal Binkley production, the late helping Flea.

Annalise Caudle

He was a lighting designer.

Annalise Caudle

And it was so awesome.

Annalise Caudle

To experience and and just be in the room and watch all of these extremely talented and and highly skilled collaborators working together and and they're at like the the the prime of their field, you know.

Annalise Caudle

And and the it's this common goal.

Annalise Caudle

And it's like so clean and professional and you're just like goodness like it's it's the difference between I guess like uhm.

Annalise Caudle

Like you're you, you.

Annalise Caudle

See someone do flips and it's really cool, and then you watch like the Olympic synchronized divers.

Annalise Caudle

And you're like that shouldn't be humanly possible.

Annalise Caudle

Like wow and.

Annalise Caudle

And if you got to experience that like live or something like that, and and I think that that kind of revelation happened for me in that room.

Annalise Caudle

You know there is a moment where.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, they they realized like a transition didn't work or they needed different music.

Annalise Caudle

And and.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, uh, RBJ the the the composer, but it was like OK hold on a second.

Annalise Caudle

And just like thinking aloud and you like told the drums do this and like he was making music like on the fly for this and and and they were like editing things as they go and and the choreographer was like changing things with that music.

Annalise Caudle

And this is happening like like a night after a preview like a preview when they realized it didn't work and it was like this list 4 hour rehearsal.

Annalise Caudle

Check you're just like.

Annalise Caudle

Goodness, like I I know we're so used to theater where where?

Annalise Caudle

And you have this script and it's what it's given, but but when you're like creating something new and it's at this level and they're like no, let's figure out what works and like is, well, crazy.

Annalise Caudle

And like the conductor is is putting like notes into their into their their score with it.

Annalise Caudle

And like this is the score.

Annalise Caudle

That they're gonna perform with an audience for tonight and they're just writing handwritten notes of how the music changed the.

Annalise Caudle

Biggest and yeah.


I just like.

Annalise Caudle

Wow, like.

Annalise Caudle

This is awesome.

Annalise Caudle

It's it's kind of like the I.

Annalise Caudle

I imagine that that's the inspiration or the feeling that like you get in like any Aaron Sorkin show like newsroom or like West Wing.

Annalise Caudle

When, like all these people do something awesome, you're like, I'm part of something bigger than myself and this is like so cool.

Annalise Caudle

It's kind of like that moment so.

Annalise Caudle

I mean, I've had a lot of really rewarding experiences in my career, I think.

Annalise Caudle

One that was.

Annalise Caudle

One of the most notable ones of like.

Annalise Caudle

Really, really distinguishing and really reaffirming for me that the arts is more than a hobby, right?

Annalise Caudle

And if, like there, there can be a professional reason to get a degree in theater, and certainly it doesn't have to be Broadway and and you.

Annalise Caudle

Know like not everyone is going to get a Tony Award or something like that, but that there is.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, like a craft to this and it's really clean and and when done properly is truly inspiring.

Annalise Caudle

So yeah, wow.

Katherine Stewart

You are doing the design for some of our upcoming productions.

Katherine Stewart

Yes, yes and you had to kind of jump right in as soon.

Katherine Stewart

As you got here.

Annalise Caudle

Right, right?

Katherine Stewart

Are there are there certain hallmarks of your design style that people might be able to experience when they see these shows, or or do you want to talk about these shows at all?

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, well the the the the the.

Annalise Caudle

Shows for next semester.

Annalise Caudle

We're we're just on the cusp of talking about, so I I don't necessarily know if I have the full context.

Annalise Caudle

To to to.

Annalise Caudle

Really discuss our approach.

Annalise Caudle

Other than that, I'm excited and and.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, really grateful for the opportunity I.

Annalise Caudle

Yeah, I last year I was an adjunct shadow at a small private university and they did have some theater spaces, but they were smaller and it was similar to like Fulton Chapel.

Annalise Caudle

But but even smaller where it it definitely didn't feel like a theater fully.

Annalise Caudle

Necessarily it is, uh, found space, which is awesome and and great.

Annalise Caudle

And I definitely know like working with your resources or creatively, but there was a moment where I like walked into the Ford Center for the first time to come to see the space that we're working in in designing it for Legally Blonde.

Annalise Caudle

And I was struck by the quality of the air, and I was like, ah, this is my first time in like a year and a half to walk in a theater like this capacity and I I just like had to take a pause or a moment like wow.

Annalise Caudle

Yeah, I remember what this feels like like the the air is is is comfortable and and comforting.

Annalise Caudle

Yeah no so I think for me I was kind of overwhelmed with the sensation of of.

Annalise Caudle

Getting to collaborate again in such a scale with so many people that also want the production to be as successful and capable as it can be.

Annalise Caudle

Which is really awesome.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, yeah, no.

Annalise Caudle

But in reference to like hints of me or something I I mean it.

Annalise Caudle

It's Legally Blonde, right?

Annalise Caudle

So we'll we'll.

Annalise Caudle

We'll definitely have fun color and and it screams and and calls for like pinks and all of that.

Annalise Caudle

And so you certainly see that that right it it?

Annalise Caudle

It definitely won't look like a Tennessee Williams product right along those lines.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, but no, I think what was harder for me actually is is I I've done this show before.

Annalise Caudle

I've I've designed this musical before and so coming at it.

Annalise Caudle

Where like just listening to the soundtrack again and getting into the headspace, really trying.

Annalise Caudle

I will try my best to eliminate.

Annalise Caudle

Like the the preset cues or any any.

Annalise Caudle

Notions that I had specific to a singular production and really trying to come at it with fresh eyes.

Annalise Caudle

You know, and and.

Annalise Caudle

'cause I mean you could argue.

Annalise Caudle

That like, there's so many productions of like Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, that all look the same and you could like copy and paste a lighting design on it.

Annalise Caudle

And and that's true.

Annalise Caudle

And I think in a lot of ways there's a very clear approach to how you might do Legally Blonde, that that fits well and nicely.

Annalise Caudle

Within similar to like Hello Dolly where there's there's often like a clear approach, uhm?

Annalise Caudle

Uh, but I also think it's one of those shows that you have to really try hard, like not to stereotype it, or it literally defeats the purpose of like what the show is trying to.

Annalise Caudle

Bring to the table up.

Annalise Caudle

So no, I keeping an open mind and and and and doing my best to maintain the quality of the show.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, that I was developed before I came on, uh, my.

Annalise Caudle

I came on later in the process, so I'm also.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, trying to maintain like my own artistic integrity while also making sure they don't like shake the trees or or just do something because it's the way I do it but but acknowledging and respecting that like a story has been developed before I got here and that I'm trying to tell that story and not something of my own.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, so yeah, no.

Annalise Caudle

I don't know if that really answers any.

Annalise Caudle

Of your questions but.

Annalise Caudle

But yeah, I mean I I I often find that I'm a chameleon and my approach to things, but this is like a people pleaser.

Annalise Caudle

But also I I.

Annalise Caudle

Feel I, I feel strongly that if anyone in in theater tries to tell you that there are absolutes or ways in which you always have to do things like that person is taking shortcuts and not.

Annalise Caudle

Respecting like the art form.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm not to get like crazy deep or something like that or like but but uhm my very first class in in in like college.

Annalise Caudle

Some whole university I went to Community College.

Annalise Caudle

That's how I had like the smart mother and everything but my my very first theatre class in particular was intro to acting in in in the professor.

Annalise Caudle

It was like what is the purpose of an actor and everyone trying to like?

Annalise Caudle

Do smart answers or something like that.

Annalise Caudle

And and answer, I think well, certainly applies directly to actors I I like to say could apply to like all theater artisans or the people that like work in storytelling with us.

Annalise Caudle

Is that it's to?

Annalise Caudle

Remind us what it means to be human.

Annalise Caudle

Which is which?

Annalise Caudle

Is again such a deep in in in a huge topic, but this is one of the first things I talk about in intra design.

Annalise Caudle

And with something like that, that's so relatable and personal.

Annalise Caudle

And and like there, there are no absolute like right or wrong answers necessarily when doing things or having an approach.

Annalise Caudle

And so you kind of just.

Annalise Caudle

Have to dissect.

Annalise Caudle

And based on the people that you're working with and like our our perspective or just how the world has changed and how I have changed, I as a human being has certainly changed in in the four years since I last did this show.

Annalise Caudle


Annalise Caudle

Goodness, the world like shut down and so like yes of course.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, so. So yeah, uh.

Annalise Caudle

So with that like human elements, yeah, like we're not robots, so so I I definitely wanna approach it new now the there's probably a lot of qualities that will look similar, like pink and.

Annalise Caudle

Blues and stuff.

Annalise Caudle

But yeah, certain certain beats might hit different and just responding to it as it goes.

Annalise Caudle

So yeah, sure.

Katherine Stewart

Sure, sure.

Katherine Stewart

So you just you hinted at something that leads into my next and last question, which is about teaching.

Katherine Stewart

You're also teaching and you're teaching a.

Katherine Stewart

Bunch of classes.

Katherine Stewart

Are there are there certain?

Katherine Stewart

Certain things that you hope students will always take away from or experience in your classes.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, yeah, I mean I, I definitely I'm.

Annalise Caudle

I'm I'm very passionate about my work, particularly like lighting design and and the storytelling and and the support of like art form of design and so harnessing.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, that passion.

Annalise Caudle

I think the production side of theater can sometimes seem less.

Annalise Caudle

Glamorous or exciting in comparison to the performance?

Annalise Caudle

But but as the people pleasing introvert like I get so much satisfaction out of out of helping support this story through like my own artistry and such.

Annalise Caudle

And so grabbing that, but also again acknowledging like the humanity within all of us, I think one of the mentors.

Annalise Caudle

I had a like within their teaching philosophy said something that's stuck with me and that I maintain is said.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, when when I teach right?

Annalise Caudle

Or when I mentored students and I'm fostering, uh, education and growth.

Annalise Caudle

I'm not trying to create like a bunch of different mini Annalise is like the world can't handle that in the 1st place.

Annalise Caudle

That's that's far too many.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, but but I'm not trying to like clone.

Annalise Caudle

Little people that.

Annalise Caudle

Have all of my aesthetic and think my way and and and and design my way.

Annalise Caudle

I I want to like each of the individual artists and students truly develop their own.

Annalise Caudle

Uh, like aesthetic or approach or or.

Annalise Caudle

Sticks within design?

Annalise Caudle

Uh, and it's more of just giving them the tools to best.

Annalise Caudle

Set them up for success.

Annalise Caudle

Yes, and the confidence in what they have like in in undergrad, I started to really develop my I.

Annalise Caudle

I would say and my ability to like fine tune and look at things and but it wasn't until grad school that I was able to really confidently talk about my work or or speak to things and collaborate, you know?

Annalise Caudle

And so like.

Annalise Caudle

There's there's an approach I'm still learning to this day, you know, and I think that's another thing is that they know that like when I'm in that classroom, I'm just capable of learning things as they are, you know.

Annalise Caudle

Uhm, I mean I.

Annalise Caudle

I acknowledge that I am a pretty young.

Annalise Caudle

For for faculty here or just on the campus at large, so I'm sure they're very aware of that, but, uh.

Annalise Caudle

Yeah, I think that.

Annalise Caudle

Answers your question.

Annalise Caudle

I don't know.

Annalise Caudle

Yeah, sometimes I.

Annalise Caudle

Sometimes I get lost.

Annalise Caudle

In the thought of like wait, there was a question in the 1st place that was supposed.

Katherine Stewart

No, that was great.

Annalise Caudle

Right, right?

Annalise Caudle


Katherine Stewart

Yeah, well, wonderful.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you again.

Annalise Caudle

Yeah, thanks for yeah.

Katherine Stewart

And a nice conversation.

Annalise Caudle

Thanks for the chat.

Annalise Caudle

I'm a very nasally voice and I always hate hearing it so I don't know if I'll go back and listen to this because I hate hearing myself talk, but.


I I I.

Katherine Stewart

Totally understand where you're coming from.

Katherine Stewart

I also do not like my voice and.

Katherine Stewart

Do not like Spirit recorded at all.

Annalise Caudle

Like have you ever had to like?

Annalise Caudle

Listen to your own voicemail after like five years of not listening to it?

Annalise Caudle

You're like good.

Annalise Caudle

Gracious is that what people have been listening to with every time?

Annalise Caudle

Yes, I miss a call that's terrible.

Katherine Stewart

It's yes, it's awful.

Katherine Stewart

I'm totally with you, but.

Katherine Stewart

I I, your voice does.

Katherine Stewart

Not sound particularly nasal to me, oh.

Annalise Caudle

Great, very good.

Annalise Caudle

Very good, well, you're editing this right, so maybe you can make me sound like like Scarlett Johansson or something like that where?

Katherine Stewart

I don't know.

Katherine Stewart

I'll do my best.

Annalise Caudle

Yeah, no worries.

Annalise Caudle

Don't worry you don't have.

Annalise Caudle

To do that, you don't have to do.

Katherine Stewart

Oh, thank you again.

Annalise Caudle

Oh yeah, yeah, absolutely thank you.

Katherine Stewart

This has been fun.

Annalise Caudle

Oh no.

Katherine Stewart

And I'm I'm sure we'll talk more in the future about your designs for upcoming shows 2.

Annalise Caudle

Oh absolutely, I always do the hand wave regardless.

Katherine Stewart

And yes, OK.

Katherine Stewart

Once again that was Annalise Cottle brand, new professor of lighting design in our department.

Katherine Stewart

You can learn more about Annalise by checking the links.

Katherine Stewart

Our show notes and we'll be talking with her again next semester about the upcoming shows she's designing for until next time this is Stage & Screen.