Stage & Screen

Catherine Long, BFA, Class of 2021

Episode Summary

In a continuation of our series of interviews with graduating seniors, today's episode features Catherine Long, a recent BFA graduate from our Acting for Stage & Screen program. The Georgia native knew early on in high school that she wanted to come to the University of Mississippi and study theater, but she didn't know how much she'd excel as a performer or that she'd discover a talent for comedy. Along the way, she developed a passion for diversity and inclusion, accessibility, and community engagement.

Episode Notes

In a continuation of our series of interviews with graduating seniors, today's episode features Catherine Long, a recent BFA graduate from our Acting for Stage & Screen program.

The Georgia native knew early on in high school that she wanted to come to the University of Mississippi and study theater, but she didn't know how much she'd excel as a performer or that she'd discover a talent for comedy. Along the way, she developed a passion for diversity and inclusion, accessibility, and community engagement.

The Department of Theatre & Film is grateful for its patrons and corporate sponsors. As a department we are committed to the high quality instruction that our students receive. Investing in the students’ education and these quality productions helps us move toward our common goal of graduating successful, creative adults who are lifelong learners. If you are interested in contributing to these efforts, please visit

Episode Transcription

From the Department of Theater and Film at the University of Mississippi, this is Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

Hello, hello and welcome back to Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

I'm your host, Katherine Stewart.

Katherine Stewart

And today we are continuing our series of interviews with graduating seniors.

Katherine Stewart

My guest today is Catherine Long.

Katherine Stewart

She is a Georgia native.

Katherine Stewart

Who just graduated with a BFA in Theater Arts and an emphasis in Acting for Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

During her time in our program, Catherine discovered passion for diversity and inclusion, Accessibility and community engagement as all of them relate to the theater, we talked about that and much more, so stay tuned.

Katherine Stewart

Hi Catherine, how are you doing today?

Catherine Long

I'm good, how are you?

Katherine Stewart

I'm doing great thank you and thank you so much for joining us.

Katherine Stewart

I know it's a super busy time.

Katherine Stewart

We're right in the middle of finals so I appreciate you making the time.

Catherine Long

Yes, of course I hope.

Catherine Long

Yes, of course.

Katherine Stewart

I hope it's going well so far.

Catherine Long

Yes, so far yes awesome.

Katherine Stewart

So if you wouldn't mind just to start us off, introduce yourself, tell us who you are and where you're from, and I would love to hear how you got into theater.

Catherine Long

OK so hi, I'm Katherine long.

Catherine Long

I am from just a little bit outside of Atlanta, GA and and I am a BFA and acting for Stage & Screen and and so how I got into theater is actually a little.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

Funny UM?

Catherine Long

I'd always, you know, really enjoyed theater and like growing up my parents and my grandparents.

Catherine Long

They're huge theater fans and anything with performing arts.

Catherine Long

They always love to bring us along too, and my grandparents always made sure my cousins and I saw at least like 1 show a year so that I think.

Catherine Long

That, like really instilled that with me and my dad is like a big music guy, so I think that's how I got into singing and But anyway?

Catherine Long

Uh, in 8th grade, like we had to come, we got this sheet of like electives that we were interested in taking in high school and I saw they had a theater class and I was like that's like kind of interesting, UM.

Catherine Long

And it was.

Catherine Long

I still think about this an unusual thing for me to do because I really was someone who just like followed with everyone else did and I knew no one else taking this class.

Catherine Long

So I don't know what gave me the confidence to take this class and check that in 8th grade.

Catherine Long

But now looking back at it I have a lot to thank 8th grade captain for.

Catherine Long

So I started in the class and I really really enjoyed it.

Catherine Long

And my best friend David.

Catherine Long

He's still one of my really good friends.

Catherine Long

He did a lot of community theater and so using the classes.

Catherine Long

Me, we had auditions for Richard the third, my sophomore year, and I was so nervous, but he like just like took me to those auditions against my will and I ended up being passed as one of the York Princess.

Catherine Long

So my first girl was a boy.

Catherine Long

Loved that.

Catherine Long

And I died in like 5 minutes.

Catherine Long

That's OK, so that's how I got into theater.

Catherine Long

It's a little dumb.

Catherine Long

Unusual, but.

Catherine Long


Katherine Stewart

That's great, it's great so, So what brought you to the University of Mississippi?

Catherine Long

So again, I just don't know how I end up doing these things, but.

Catherine Long

So like I said, I'm from Georgia.

Catherine Long

No one in my family at my immediate family has gone out of state, but I'm I'm really close with all of my cousins, and Luckily we all live really close and all of them had gone out of state.

Catherine Long

So I was like, oh, I want.

Catherine Long

To go out of state.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

I was watching the blind side is how I learned about the University which is like so embarrassing.

Catherine Long

But then I like looked it up 'cause I think I wanted to know.

Catherine Long

Like again, I think I was in middle school like I was like I wanna know where if they actually shot this on the campus.

Catherine Long

And so I started looking and like just literally researching the school because I'm.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

And I thought I was like, oh wow, this looks really nice.

Catherine Long

And then like I saw it was like 6 hours away which.

Catherine Long

And I've mentioned like my family lives really, really close and we are really close and I knew going away to college is something I wanted to do to like gain some indepen

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

And so my mom, my junior year we went to go tour it and I was like Oh my gosh, I have to go here.

Catherine Long

My mom was like are.

Catherine Long

You sure it's six hours?

Catherine Long

Away and I was like, yeah I have to like and like me and my mom and dad like we came in this spring so it was like beautiful and like all fell in love with it and.

Catherine Long

I think I applied like here and like one school that my dad went to and like that's it.

Catherine Long

But as soon as I got in here I was like I have to go here and then I.

Catherine Long

I got the theater scholarship when I auditioned my senior year, so that, just like really sealed the deal, that that's what I wanted to do.

Catherine Long

Yeah, so that's how I ended up here.

Katherine Stewart

It's nice.

Katherine Stewart

So when you came in when you started as a freshman, did you have a plan or any specific goals for your theater training, and if so, how did those play out?

Katherine Stewart

Or maybe change over the year?

Speaker 3


Catherine Long

So my freshman year and turned in.

Catherine Long

I was very, very hesitant about theater.

Catherine Long

I knew what I was.

Catherine Long

Doing was a little.

Catherine Long

Out of the norm.

Catherine Long

Not that that's like any surprise for me, but uhm.

Catherine Long

Yeah, I will say I'm definitely someone who has to like get used to their environment.

Catherine Long

At first I'm like super shy so there is nothing.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

Like, truthfully, like pushing me to get super involved, I knew I had to audition for shows 'cause I had a scholarship and so I was auditioning, but I wasn't like pushing myself to present what I could actually do, just out of pure hesitation.

Catherine Long

I didn't even audition for any ghost slideshows, and I had convinced myself.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

I was like I don't know like I felt like Keaton and Gregor and like Hannah and Elizabeth I was like I don't need to be doing this like we're not on the same level like they're just much better than me.

Catherine Long

So I told myself I was going to be a stage manager and so I started picking up some skills as stemming.

Catherine Long

And getting a lot of other odd little skills like marketing and scenic painting, and prop designing and literally anything else you can think of, but performing.

Catherine Long

That's what I was doing so.

Catherine Long

Then my sophomore year.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

I got a callback for assassins and I kind of did the same thing again like I knew I could sing really well and I got into the BFA program and they and they all told me like I'm in addition, they're like you have a great voice like we are really looking forward to working with you, and I was like, huh, cool, I guess and I remember.

Catherine Long

Going in.

Catherine Long

To Renee's office. After my Assassin's callback, which I obviously like women cast in it just fine, and I I was like I just I like what could I have done better like I just I'm confused like just really not being like truthful with myself that I was not.

Catherine Long

Presenting my best work and I will literally never forget her literally just looking at me and be like.

Catherine Long

I'm just gonna be honest.

Catherine Long

You need to grow some balls and I was like Oh my God, I'm so.

Catherine Long

While her words were harsh, they definitely helped me and I still think of them quite often.

Catherine Long

And and then after that my spring semester of sophomore year I got cast in my first show with Ghost Flight.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

I haven't stopped getting cosmetic since so, uhm, thank you.

Catherine Long

Rename polio, so I guess my plans definitely did change, but it was just I had to get over.

Catherine Long

My hesitancy.

Catherine Long

Uhm of like a new environment, a new state, new people and just like.

Catherine Long

Pursue to do what I know I'm good at and why I came.

Catherine Long

Here so.

Katherine Stewart

It sounds like he really came out of your shell.

Catherine Long

It's definitely so.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long


Katherine Stewart

Yeah, and I I know from a previous conversation with you that you also discovered a talent for comedy along the way.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

And I think that's like what's funny, like.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

Not that dumb.

Catherine Long

You know, being like doing any dramatic acting is like less than or like takes less courage or anything but.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long


Catherine Long

I think like.

Catherine Long

I don't know.

Catherine Long

I can really think this like.

Catherine Long

My friends like eating, especially like is always someone who like.

Catherine Long

We would be doing scenes like we'd get paired together a lot in class and Joe's class particularly, and he was like this is like this ridiculous idea. Like should we try it? And like, yeah, wait, what about this ridiculous idea so I can really think like my friends? I think for like seeing that in me and like pushing to do that, and especially like with Boeing, Boeing.

Catherine Long

Especially like it's literally just a farce and a hilarious one, uhm?

Catherine Long

At moments and yeah, and so that especially like really pushed like my physical comedy and timing and like really sharp and that so yeah, Now that's like something I can't imagine like giving up.

Katherine Stewart

And you had talked more about maybe wanting to do some standup or improv, or you still thinking about doing.

Katherine Stewart

Things like that.

Catherine Long

Yeah, so I'm uh after college going back to Atlanta and I knew they do a lot like dad's garage is a theater there they do a lot of like stand up and improv. And also like.

Catherine Long

Is it theater?

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

I would love to do stand up like I think it's gonna be good practice at writing and also like.

Catherine Long

There's like so little women who do stand up and like that.

Catherine Long

It's like I remember there was a.

Catherine Long

Open mic night.

Catherine Long

Uh, Matt Harrison's in Oxford like.

Catherine Long

Maybe a year?

Catherine Long

Well, I guess more than a year ago, but.



Catherine Long

Yep, I went down there to watch and there is like not a single girl who performed it was like just men.

Catherine Long

I was like OK like it's like not that men can't be funny but like women are funny too.

Catherine Long

Like you know like there's no reason to be like Meek or shy and I think that's like.

Catherine Long

Maybe I took.

Catherine Long

My face saving a little too seriously, but.

Catherine Long

Even a little bit.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

Yeah, so that's something that I would really love to get into and just also because like there's just not a lot of representation for it.

Catherine Long

I think, which makes it.

Catherine Long

10 times more important.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, so this actually this ties perfectly into another question.

Katherine Stewart

I was going to ask in the last little while.

Katherine Stewart

You've gotten very into diversity and inclusion in the theater and also community engagement broadly.

Katherine Stewart

How do you hope to apply your theater training to those things?

Catherine Long

Sure, so I think.

Catherine Long

Those two things don't seem like they go together, but oddly enough go together.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

Very well and and so yeah, this past year I worked with the Office of Community Engagement on campus which is in the office of.

Catherine Long

Division and diversity and community engagement.

Catherine Long

So it's one big bubble.

Catherine Long

But yeah, working that job I never thought I would, you know, I guess connect so many of those issues back into the theater world and just like lack of representation for LGBTIQ plus and.

Catherine Long

Uhm, people of color and you know?

Catherine Long

Queer people and like literally, women like just so many people like are not represented through this.

Catherine Long

You know, systematic.

Catherine Long

Set up that we have of, you know the same old white men passing it down to the next old white man and and so yeah, I think that this was a big thing this year, especially as artistic Director of Ghostlight.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

Really having Accessibility to our shows was super important.

Catherine Long

Having closed captions for everything, making everything super accessible no matter who you are, what you're doing or where you are.

Catherine Long

I think art is something that everyone should be able to experience, and so I think that was something I really like.

Catherine Long

Connected those two dots this year, which was really eye opening.

Katherine Stewart

So you mentioned that you're going back to Atlanta after graduation.

Katherine Stewart

What are you going to be doing there?

Catherine Long

So I'm hoping to work within like the arts community there, acting as like a community engagement assistant that's been unlinked.

Catherine Long

Then with a lot of things that have been listed and then hopefully within the next year or two, I would love to do a Masters program for an MPA and there's a couple that I have listed so far.

Catherine Long

There's a couple.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

Thought I need to look into a little bit more, but specifically pairing community engagement and theater arts together is the goal.

Catherine Long

So yeah, that's what we're gonna do in Atlanta for a little bit, uhm, hanging out with my parents all good things.

Catherine Long

My cats, but eventually spring semester.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long


Catherine Long

My goal is to have enough money saved where I can move into the city.

Catherine Long

Come and have a little bit more freedom again.

Catherine Long

Which will be nice, so yeah.

Katherine Stewart


Katherine Stewart


Katherine Stewart

Absolutely, absolutely so.

Katherine Stewart

Uhm, do you have any advice for prospective or incoming students about how best to take advantage of the opportunities in our Department?

Catherine Long

Yes, so I think listen this far.

Catherine Long

You've heard my mistakes my freshman year so.

Catherine Long

My best advice?

Catherine Long

Would just be.

Catherine Long

Don't be afraid to like.

Catherine Long

Be bold and like show yourself off because.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

I can like confidently say everyone in this Department is different and unique and we all bring different talents.

Catherine Long

There is no one who is ever going to be the same as you, and so the talents you bring are unique and special and.

Catherine Long

And deserve to be seen.

Catherine Long

So I think just not selling yourself short even though it is scary in college is like a big transition like.

Catherine Long

I found that as soon as I was making these big choices and getting more involved, I was finding the people who I found made me more comfortable to keep going and who were there encouraging me and being like?

Catherine Long

No like seeing that harder song like you don't need to sing like something that's not going to share your voice off for like yeah, I'll help you with your monologue.

Catherine Long

So like.

Catherine Long

Making those choices and like not being afraid to.

Catherine Long

Be the person to be like.

Catherine Long

Hi, do you want to go get lunch?

Catherine Long

Today and in the Union.



Catherine Long

I think is something I wish I would have taken advantage of more and not let my anxieties get the best of me.

Katherine Stewart

And what about some favorite memories from?

Katherine Stewart

Your time at the University of Mississippi overall, or especially in the Department.

Katherine Stewart

Can you share some of those?

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

OK, so let me think.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long


Catherine Long


Catherine Long

I don't know, I guess.

Catherine Long

One of my favorite memories is probably.

Catherine Long

This is like so specific but.

Catherine Long

I auditioned for the BFA like I signed up the very last day.

Catherine Long

You could sign up and I had planned on just being a BA and I remember I switched to BFA and I saw Alan Dillon who was my grand big in my few family in the hallway of Iceland.

Catherine Long

And I was like hi, I just randomly signed up for this thing and I got in.

Catherine Long

I have to change my whole schedule.

Catherine Long

Can you please help me?

Catherine Long

So he like dragged me into the conference room and he sat down with me and changed my whole schedule with me and knew exactly what I had to take and what to take and when.

Catherine Long

And just having like.

Catherine Long

That, like guidance and.

Catherine Long

Again, like just having that person who to like push me and help me immediately, no questions asked was like.

Catherine Long

Super important and.

Speaker 3


Catherine Long

So that was very very special to me.

Catherine Long

Uh, probably other things.

Catherine Long

I don't know it goes fight was obviously like a huge thing for me at this University.

Catherine Long

My first show is.

Catherine Long

Heathers, I got to play Martha.

Catherine Long

That was like a huge deal.

Catherine Long

I got to sing this big song and.

Catherine Long

Have everyone cried and I felt like such an actress and.

Catherine Long

Then definitely probably my favorite show of like my collegiate career, was crimes of the heart.

Catherine Long

With Geiger directing that, that was like a show.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

That was one of the first shows I actually discovered in high school, and I did a monologue for Meg, which like doesn't make sense at all.

Catherine Long

Casting wise, but uhm, yeah, I did it with my friend David.

Catherine Long

He was Doc and we really thought we were doing something but just.

Catherine Long

Getting to do a show that I'd been itching to do for like.

Catherine Long

Four years was like.

Catherine Long

So special and.

Catherine Long

Gregor like handled it.

Catherine Long

Gregor and Claire just handled it with such care and appreciation for the story and getting.

Catherine Long

Also, Justin.

Catherine Long


Catherine Long

So just you know, like those characters, all three of those women like are like real women.

Catherine Long

People like.

Catherine Long

They're not like a stereotypical woman, and I feel like that's sometimes so hard to find and shows up.

Catherine Long

Even like Martha, as much as I loved playing her and how there's like she very much is like the weird quirky best friend archetype where Babe has like.

Catherine Long

She's just really her own and I don't think could ever fit into stereotypes she tried, so that was something that was like.

Catherine Long

Yeah, those three things.

Catherine Long

I think all three of those like really big like turning points for me in my career.

Catherine Long

I know Babe was like the first time where I was like wow, I could run this show for like.

Catherine Long

Two years and like never be bored of it, so that was special.



Katherine Stewart

Well thank you, Catherine.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, of course.

Katherine Stewart

Thanks for having me absolutely.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you so much again for taking the time and the best of luck with the rest of finals week and beyond.

Catherine Long

Yeah, of course.

Katherine Stewart

And that connection and all that.

Katherine Stewart


Katherine Stewart


Katherine Stewart

Please keep us posted on what you're doing.

Catherine Long

Yes, of course I will definitely.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, we'll be following along from here.

Katherine Stewart

Thanks so much.

Katherine Stewart

Take care, thank you alright.

Katherine Stewart

Once again that was recent graduate Catherine Long.

Katherine Stewart

We are very excited to see how she will take her overlapping interests in diversity and inclusion, Accessibility and community engagement within the theater into her future career.

Katherine Stewart

We've got quite a few more recent graduates to interview, so stay tuned for future episodes and until next time this is Stage & Screen.