Stage & Screen

Comedian, Actor, and Writer Jay Jurden Pt. 2

Episode Summary

Hello everyone and welcome back to stage and screen. I'm your host Katherine Stewart and today we have Part 2 of my interview with alum Jay Jurden. Jay is what you might call a triple threat, but of a slightly different sort. He's a comedian, actor, and writer whose first stand-up album, which was released last year, debuted on iTunes at number one. He's on the HBO show High Maintenance and his writing has appeared in The New Yorker, Mcsweeney's Internet tendency, and Teen Vogue. When we left off with Jay on the last episode, and by the way, if you missed that one, do you go back and give it a listen. I promise you will enjoy it. So when we left off, Jay's career was just about to blow up and by blow up I mean he was about to be offered in appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. In this episode, Jay talks about that, and it's a great story, and he shares his thoughts on comedy, fame, success and more. So stay tuned, and we'll let Jay take it away.

Episode Notes

Hello everyone and welcome back to Stage and Screen. I'm your host Katherine Stewart and today we have Part 2 of my interview with alum Jay Jurden. Jay is what you might call a triple threat, but of a slightly different sort. He's a comedian, actor, and writer whose first stand-up album, which was released last year, debuted on iTunes at number one. He's on the HBO show High Maintenance and his writing has appeared in The New Yorker, Mcsweeney's Internet Tendency, and Teen Vogue.

When we left off with Jay on the last episode, his career was just about to blow up. And by blow up I mean he was about to be offered in appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. In this episode, Jay talks about that, and it's a great story, and he shares his thoughts on comedy, fame, success and more. So stay tuned and we'll let Jay take it away.

Some links to Jay's work:

Tonight Show appearance:


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Episode Transcription


From the Department of Theatre & Film at the University of Mississippi, this is Stage and Screen.

Katherine Stewart

Hello everyone and welcome back to Stage and Screen. I'm your host Katherine Stewart and today we have Part 2 of my interview with alum Jay Jurden.

Katherine Stewart

Jay is what you might call a triple threat, but of a slightly different sort. He's a comedian, actor, an writer whose first stand Up album, which was released last year, debuted on iTunes at number one. He's on the HBO show high Maintenance and his writing has appeared in The New Yorker, McSweeney's Internet tendency, and Teen Vogue.



Katherine Stewart

When we left off with Jay on the last episode, and by the way, if you miss that one, do you go back and give it a listen? I promise you will.

Katherine Stewart

Do it.

Katherine Stewart

So when we left off, Jay's career was just about to blow up and by blow up I mean he was about to be offered in appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. In this episode, Jay talks about that and it's a great story and he shares his thoughts on comedy, fame, success and more. So stay tuned and will let Jay take it away.

Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

I was lucky enough that like things are going like pretty well, it's like a stand up baby. I won two competitions, an one of them.

Jay Jurden

The person who will become my my book in my touring agent. She was there and she's like if I get this promotion and my agency. I'm going to tell them to reach out to you and like I can't promise anything but it's just like I really like your stuff and then she saw me again like she saw me like one time it was just like randomly she saw me perform again and thank God that went well too and then she booked me for another show.

Jay Jurden

And that one went really well, to the point where, like I was a person.

Jay Jurden

Who it was just like very it was very fun for that. Those couple of months and then they signed me. But I mean it was just like in good faith there was nothing. There was I had done nothing. I wasn't making them no money.



Jay Jurden

And so then I have like a really good year 2018, just like working a lot as a New York comedian like Trauma. Best like and keep in mind, I'm still training people, so I'm I'm trying to.

Jay Jurden

People I I usually have like a an 8:00 o'clock or 10:00 and 8:00 o'clock at 10:00 o'clock. And then sometimes I have like a seven AM 8:00 AM bunch of space to workout, audition, walk my dog and then afternoon I have like a 5:00 PM at 7:00 PM.

Jay Jurden

Maybe an 8:00 PM and then go do comedy too. So just like running around.

Jay Jurden

And it worked out, I guess 2018.

Jay Jurden

At the end of the at the the summer of 2018, I got an invitation to do comedy in Atlanta. They wanted me to do stuff at Laughing Skull and it was just like I was like, yeah, I'll do it. I like take time off.

Jay Jurden

I'll do it, I'll stay.

Jay Jurden

In like a like a bad hotel like a so bad Oh my God wow Catherine I just it was just so bad but the club they had a lot you got paid in food sometimes.



Jay Jurden

Me another myself in the hotel, but 'cause it was cheap but man was it woo wee.

Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

It's one of those stories I was like listen you guys I'm I'm not saying I Dodge the bullet literally, just metaphorically. Also, I might have dodged a bullet.

Jay Jurden

And so I like having a really good time and it was like my first time doing like big do like like, uh, a lot of comedy outside of New York and it went really well. It was my first site.

Jay Jurden

Time time performer for like a big southern crowd. So there was like a second layer to like a lot of my jokes. Four people from Georgia and then audition for stand up in BC. I got to the semifinals for that and I made it to the finals, which were that December when all the way out tell leg and I think the.

Jay Jurden

Prize was like a a talent holding deal with NBC and I lost. My set went well, crushed it. I did very well but I didn't get it as it still sticks in my craw. Is people you remember those jobs? You don't get wood so I didn't get it an an.



Jay Jurden

This whole time I'm like I'll just name for like I think I got like one I got to do like a self tape for like The Daily Show I got the do a sub mission for like NBC writers Room. I got to do a submission from Michelle Wolf Show. I gotta do a sub mission for The Tonight Show for The Colbert Report and I think.

Jay Jurden

And not the Colbert. But now with Stephen Colbert and they get any of these one didn't get it. But then.

Jay Jurden

In December, I like did really well the Booker for Fallon, liked my semifinals and my finals tape for standard NBC and that, but that's at that point. That means nothing. It's just like thank you. I'm so glad you see me working hard and then I did Knack.

Jay Jurden

Which was the the National Association of Collegiate Activities? Something like that. It's like the activities board that chooses the stand up acts and then you sort of performing an act that's going to come to the school through the allocated funds of this of the like Student Advisory Board.

Jay Jurden

An I got the most NACA onsite request. I think of any comic on my day.

Jay Jurden

I think of the of the like conference, but I know like.

Jay Jurden

I got like 31.

Jay Jurden

Statements the Venturist an as 'cause it was 'cause like everything where it was a perfect storm. I like I was new enough so my price point was low but my material was good. Is also clean but there's also like young there were just like a number of like very important check boxes I checked off.

Jay Jurden

And so then.

Jay Jurden

I was like wow, this is crazy so.

Jay Jurden

That happened in this.

Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

The spring and then I auditioned for another thing and I got like another festival. And then I got JFL, which is like the biggest festival. And then both of those Michael Cox, who's the Booker for The Tonight Show the stand up booking for Tonight Show he saw me again and he's like I love new stuff and I'm like thanks I took him to a gay bar in Atlanta.

Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

Now you call it. This is like I'm fine, I was like wow. I was like this is crazy. And then.

Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

I do my tour AM so focused on like my college tour that then I also get an album offer. I got that like in the summer and I say oh record my album in September. Some touring I'm doing my album working on my hour making it type and I get like a crazy call an.

Jay Jurden

Um, I want if it was September, so this had to be like.

Jay Jurden

Yeah, September, I think because I was it was on like three weeks out all where I found out that I booked it. I got Tonight Show.



Jay Jurden

Just even I wasn't thinking about it. My agent at one point she said OK, look this Tuesday open and in my head because I'm a dummy. I was like, oh, that's for like is this Comedy Central? I said something about Comedy Central few weeks ago is this for Comedy Central? OK, this is Comedy Central and then like that's all I was thinking in my head and so when she.

Jay Jurden

Very good, not connecting again. OK and then when she said it was Tonight Show I was in a hotel room like one of those hotels that have like a pool inside but like a pool faces the room and there's like a lot of wet carpet around the pool like it was like that. Beautiful place.

Katherine Stewart


Katherine Stewart

Please Level 3.

Jay Jurden

Yeah it was just like a weird.



Jay Jurden

It was, I think it was either in Indiana or Kentucky.

Jay Jurden

It was one.

Jay Jurden

Was so I can look it up. 'cause I took a picture 'cause I was like I wanna remember this pool.

Jay Jurden

And so I was like what and I? I mean, I was super excited. I had the five minutes I wanted to do for it. And so I worked really hard an I I I like did 4.

Jay Jurden

Different college shows that week. I think I had four shows in three states. Then it was like Tuesday, Wednesday, then Thursday Friday.

Jay Jurden

'cause I only like was I. I went back to New York for a month.

Jay Jurden

Day then I went back again and so then I came back on a Saturday to like work this stuff and record it.

Jay Jurden

Um to send them for notes I recorded. I think I did 4 shows on Saturday, three shows on Sunday.

Jay Jurden

One show at the seller on Monday and sent them the audio recording of that, and they're like is perfect. Like the cake is baked 'cause my show my tonight recording is Tuesday.

Jay Jurden

And I was like, OK.

Jay Jurden

And so Tuesday was just insane. I mean it was. It was crazy. I think I almost even took a client that morning just to like make it feel like it was a normal day just to get my brain off of it. But so was three.

Jay Jurden

Yeah, picked up at three. Got picked up in a car so that if you ever see someone escalate in New York they're either time traveler or they're like going to do something at 30 Rock. So I like was like my brain was still like what?

Jay Jurden

What was going?

Jay Jurden

Oh my God.

Jay Jurden

Like at one point my boyfriend, I would see Britney Spears and I pointed at 30 Rock and I was like I wouldn't like to do comedy here like at a certain point, I don't know just to work at NBC for something at some point and just like tucked away in the back of my head and so then I'm like right in there.

Jay Jurden

And you go through rehearsal an like all the the. It's like the entire crew that's at rehearsal with a few like I think like some producers, some handlers, and whoever is like interning, and they loved my set. And I was like, oh, this is gonna be fun.

Jay Jurden

They meet Jimmy and he's just tall. In real life you don't even know this. Catherine is tall, kind of handsome, very charming. I was like get outta here man would you leave? I'm trying to do work and.

Jay Jurden

And then.

Jay Jurden

You like here the He goes, his mylog first guess.

Jay Jurden

His model Despit first guess, second guessed in your after second guessed if you're this, if you're the comedy so like you hear the second guessed like oh.

Jay Jurden

And like you get ready then they take you behind the blue curtain and like the producer is with you. And then you hear Jimmy like hyping you up to this crowd. It's like we love this stuff.

Jay Jurden

You guys are gonna love me. Everyone crack up and rehearsal. I'm so excited to get your introduce you guys to this comedian. It's his first time all network TV. I think it's the first time on TV and at in like at not kind of local news. And now like why you think like.

Jay Jurden

Local news is like a little kid there like this kid. I think I like sold a whole bunch of books up down or something like that. But like he sounds and you hear it, and part of me is like who is he talking about me?

Jay Jurden

OK, and so then they push you. It's like some people like it was like a nudge. Now they're like push you out. So like you're like the leading with NRG and you just hit like a wall of like like screens and like clapson 'cause you're like OK I get it, you're from the Midwest but sit down I got comedy to do.

Jay Jurden

And then I told my first joke and then it went very well and after that first laugh like oh oh you guys messed it answered. It was great. I loved it. I got to do a little couch time at the very very end of my episode and talk Jimmy and told him how big of an influence he was on me.

Jay Jurden

And then I find out that Adam Sandler and Lauren Michaels were there. I'm selling was there to do promo, to take something after my set for uncut gems, 'cause Jimmy was going to take the show to Austin and they wanted to film something while they were still in New York.

Jay Jurden

And so I kind of Adam Sandler. Was there secretly and he Somerset? And he complemented me and I was like, well, this is just what I was like. Well, OK.

Jay Jurden

Uh, do I die way? Is this yet is it? I'm cool. If it is, I just.



Jay Jurden

Well, make sure I don't have to um, and then I did another. I did like a charity show that night for a kids with brain cancer. 'cause I was like, well, God, if you listening I'm not gonna give up on these kids 'cause I feel like I owe you 1 today so.

Jay Jurden

And then I am. I watched it that night. Tapes that I think I've done like at 6 something close up and then I watched it at 11 at night. It was perfect. It was wonderful and then like more fun stuff happened. That was like the crazy like that's the crazy story.

Jay Jurden

And then going HBO, I said like HBO thing before that in August for high maintenance. That was fun. I feel like a how many. My Comedy Central set in Brooklyn in November and I was really fun. 'cause I have a good relationship with them. And so then my album came out. There was no more iTunes and.

Jay Jurden

That's it, that's that's all. Now hopefully I have like another. I have like a special in the next 4 year, three years, hopefully.

Jay Jurden

Wow it is crazy.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, it's crazy, but it's great.

Jay Jurden

Yeah, I'm not.



Jay Jurden

My actor training is part of the reason I'm able to even do it, though. There's just like I did a podcast that's called like theater kids that I think will come out as a test episode. It's about people that do theater, and if they don't.

Jay Jurden

Go into acting later in life like that, like what stuff like stuck and the ability to give ripete performances of a product as if it was the first time is an essential skill as a comment.

Jay Jurden

'cause my said mass mass sometimes my. Sometimes if I really wanna set, I'm gonna say it like all the time and I want it to feel normal tone. Intonation can change so many parts of jokes that do kind of want it to be codified. There's a little wiggle room 'cause it got it.

Jay Jurden

Just gonna laugh differently. Maybe something like makes someone go a little bit crazier than that for them. I want be good an like intentional.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, so you you said earlier you were talking about kind of like a scientific method for jokes and like what? What makes a joke a joke? What makes something funny?

Jay Jurden

Oh, So what makes something funny is a little different than what makes like a joke, a joke. So what makes something funny for for me is that humor and like I think, Hannah Gatsby discussed this in the net a bit. Just a bit of critical.

Jay Jurden

Theory is that, like you need tension and then release, and that's like a number of different emotional constructs. That's like why we like well up, and then we cry. That's like why we like bite our lips and then we scream. It's like why we like.

Jay Jurden

Are like we laugh like you like come boss and then you release a laugh so that's like what like funny has to deal with. Like a lot of times.

Jay Jurden

Incongruent repetition dramatic irony.

Jay Jurden

Me those are like a lot of like the big big ideas to me. That like a rooted and kind of like the base of American humor and word play and like a shared historical legacy so that we understand what the other person is talking about to me. What makes a joke?

Jay Jurden

A joke, I'm very heavy. Premise setup, punchline based like my comedy is Very Joke, Joke, joke, maybe even callbacks to joke. Maybe a joke? That's like a triplet 'cause they're like 3 different tags to it. But it's very joke Bay.

Jay Jurden

I like there's a joke I'm working on right now with people like, oh, do you? Do you ever go back home and do comedy you ever do comedy in Mississippi and the way I think about it is that though, OK, so that's the premise. And then I say the setup is you guys. Comedy is a lot like gay sets.

Jay Jurden

I'm pretty good at it. I mean, hell, sometimes I even get paid, but I'm not trying to go back home and do it in front of my mom. So it's like to me.

Jay Jurden

That's like a perfect indication of like what I like to do stylistically.

Jay Jurden

I did it on the on.

Jay Jurden

On one of my like favorite jokes on that balance set where I say black Catholics do exist, we say Hail Mary J Blige. So all of that to me is like it's a single joke. And then I do A tag on that joke where I say.



Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

Where I stay.

Jay Jurden

But what's the tag that I jumped the original like that just because the roots last longer than the crowd and Jimmy at the tag? And like if you watch the tape again, you can see me pointing at them 'cause I want to keep going, but they're making me laugh and I'm like I gotta, I gotta do the rest of my set. Oh yeah, it's just like.

Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

I'm trying to think of like the other thing that really makes a joke to me. Oh intention, so my jokes were always intentional. I'm always kind of in control of the car and it's a fun little romp. A lot of my humor is rooted.



Jay Jurden

In like word play whimsey.

Jay Jurden

Some, like historical knowledge is required a little bit, but then also the ability to.

Jay Jurden

Use my identity and my observations together like I'm very observation ull plus auto biographical in a way that, like Mike Birbiglia, was early on the lot. Mulaney does a lot of like autobiographical observation ull. Whereas like Jerry Seinfeld is very.

Jay Jurden

Observation first, then you get you get snippets of auto biographical stuff like closer.

Jay Jurden

With like even like recently like he like, finally talked about a bit of other stuff, but that's like what makes my comedy brain works.

Katherine Stewart

So that's like what you would consider your style I guess.

Jay Jurden

Yeah, that's what I would consider my style and this my.

Jay Jurden

Reasoning behind that is because it's like pretty, I guess, like utilitarian and practical. I'm not famous.

Jay Jurden

There are a lot of people.

Jay Jurden

Who forget they're not famous like early on.

Jay Jurden

So sometimes audiences like yeah, yeah yeah cuckoo politicks, wait a minute. Who are you?

Jay Jurden

Uh, where you from? Why do you care so much about this? What messed you up that made you wanna do this for a living?

Jay Jurden

And so, like those are statements, you have to address. One thing I used to always say is like listen don't tell me how you want to solve America's financial crisis. Tell me how you go. Sorry your financial crisis.

Jay Jurden

So that's like the end.

Jay Jurden

It's a I mean that attitude for me is going to exist until it can't because I'm very aware that right now we live in, uh, we live like in a time or people are.

Jay Jurden

Their comedy acumen is higher, so you have to be not better at comedy. You just have to be very intentional and you have to have, like a deft hand. You have to show that you're skillful but also like that you are aware that you're doing comedy while doing it efficiently.

Jay Jurden

You can never like give completely into like.

Jay Jurden

I guess like the God of madness, you can't ever just be like I'm gonna fully embrace like all of this. 'cause then people go Oh no, no I wanted like controlled chaos I wanted a controlled performance I wanted like the shadow of the thing. I don't know if I want the thing.

Jay Jurden

And you can't give them the thing 'cause The thing is, just the conversation. The thing is me like going. Oh why is this like this? Is this OK? Is there is there like a an analogy for this like there's?

Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

Name that.



Jay Jurden

You offer OK. I mean it's the same thing as like I don't know any sortof.

Jay Jurden

Like stage combat, any sort of stunt like it's close enough to be exciting, but far enough away to be safe. And so that's how I feel a lot about my accommodate like I want my comedy to be good. And then if you wanna talk to me about stuff afterwards you can.

Katherine Stewart


Katherine Stewart

What about growing up in Mississippi? I know you have some jokes about Mississippi sometimes. How is that? Once you or play in?

Jay Jurden

Oh yeah.

Jay Jurden

It made me like it makes you approach every other state, not with like.

Jay Jurden

A grudge, but whenever you find some, whenever you meet someone who's like, I'm from the worst part of Ohio. You're like girl, OK?

Jay Jurden

Is this is very, but you're also just aware of like what it means to be from a place with like a rich cultural heritage book like negative an positive. It's instantly. It instantly makes you more interesting. I I say that not to poo poo on other states, it's just that Mississippi.

Jay Jurden

Seat number one. The craziest state to even say um P people just don't meet people from Mississippi enough outside of Mississippi for them to be like, oh that's cool. Like no matter what, if he if I didn't have jokes about Mississippi they'd be like wait, Wait, Wait, WAIT, wait.

Jay Jurden

Wait, what? So there's that whole thing?

Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

Me, I understood like the power of language a lot. There's like a tradition, both like a theatrical legacy for me. 'cause I went to school in Mississippi but also just like Southern stories are always like.

Jay Jurden

They're always so rich and they kind of like glide and they're structured without being forcibly so like there's this like.

Jay Jurden

There's this idea that if you're from the South, you should be able to like tell a good story that is kind of like part of a standup legacy, it helps.

Jay Jurden

Whenever you can shift between like standard American and like a bit more southern because people hear it and they do get comfortable, and then you can like, really.

Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

Like nail 'em with something so those, I mean like those and because like Mississippi.

Jay Jurden

Made me more interesting, people always and then it makes you like I don't know. It makes it like a it makes you a an authoritative voice on race relations in this country, even if you're not, you're like, well, no. Don't you have something to say is like, ah, yeah, yeah, I'd say something.

Katherine Stewart


Katherine Stewart

You're like another kind of triple threat 'cause you see and you're like on TV.

Jay Jurden

Oh yeah.

Jay Jurden


Katherine Stewart

Right? Yes, that's cool. How have you cultivated such a diverse career? I mean, I feel like you sort of told me that not in so many words, just through telling the story of how you got to where you are now, but like that's kind of not a lot of people have that many things that they're doing successfully.



Jay Jurden

I'm a I want control freak.

Jay Jurden

And so, like writing is like one part of like the control freak enerji. And then, like acting is do you releasing that and you just like have to do the text and someone else did in your lab to do this. This is great. I love this. I love this character. I love Travis, he's he's. He's, he's, uh.

Jay Jurden

Sex workers is not that good. Great. I got half of this covered already. Who knew I was doing so much research for this role and then stand up is actually.

Jay Jurden

The synthesis of, like both of those you're acting, you're writing you're in control. You're the editor. It's it's like soup you like. Don't let that go at all. Whereas like with writing, you let it go a little bit 'cause you're like, I wrote this dog and have at it.

Jay Jurden

An with actings like I performed. Let's see if we can get another take, but I'm trying to like bring this person up and out and interact with people.

Jay Jurden

Stand ups the most control free controlling is the one with like the most things, the balance. I like it. I think they're all related. My acting maybe in better stand up my writing maybe better stand up my stand up makes me better actor and my writing makes me a better actor so they work in.


Uh huh.

Jay Jurden

In synthesis with each other an you can parse them out and separate it, but I think they all help. I think in because like I was one of only not only understanding of people who like when I got callbacks for things when I had to print out sides when I like. Had like generals I like new.

Jay Jurden

What to do? Where is like if you come from a purely standard background, there is kind of like a. There's a tiny learning curve when it comes to like doing an audition with the side, 'cause that I mean.



Jay Jurden

It's just harder, it's it's harder than you think to be like. OK, here's some. Here's something here's the same with the reader, though.

Jay Jurden

'cause they? I mean, it's just I went to school for it, so it's a little easier for me. So I'm I cheat in that way.

Katherine Stewart

Well, what's next for you? I know that's probably a hard question at maybe 'cause everything's been playing down, but I like after like you've been able to do some stuff. I mean, your album came out during all of this, and you've done zoom stand up and.





Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

Um, writing a long form project with a friend that hopefully will garner interest in that like it's a. It's a comedy so I'm working on that. It'll be my first like actual attempt at like a TV.

Jay Jurden

Thing from a writing standpoint, an. I mean, we're at the point right now where?

Jay Jurden

Like it's early meetings, but it's fun. That's really fun.

Jay Jurden

Um, I I have like there's I think there's gonna be a podcast at can like say was he gonna? But there's gonna be like a recurring audio thing that it is kind of rooted in my voice as one of the hosts that I'm going to be working on. That's kind of a positive thing.

Jay Jurden

And then, um, fingers crossed. I mean, the next thing will be, I still have so many goals, like a late night set was a goal Tonight Show was secretly the goal. But like you have to be so grateful. You would be like any late night show do, but then you get to nicely like that's the one.

Jay Jurden

And still like that was a goal, but I'd love to be staffed as a rider on late Night show. That's a goal I'd love to be cast as the series regular like a recurrent character on a comedy. That's a goal I'd love to finish this pilot. That's a goal I'd love to perfect.



Jay Jurden

An kind of like.

Jay Jurden

Make this next 45 into an hour or chop it into two 30s and one of those 30s or that hour be filmed an like a special like that's a goal. So over the next and I kind of always thought like bigger like over the next three years. Those are all things I would like to see happen.

Jay Jurden

And things like think that I can take actionable steps towards making happen, and so that's that's what it is for me.

Jay Jurden

I always wanted to be good before I was famous, which is like that's like a thing that, like I learned because.

Jay Jurden

You want people to go, Oh my God, who is that you don't want people to go? Oh my God, no you won't.

Jay Jurden

You want people to walk away going God. Why is it that guy in more stuff Jesus?

Jay Jurden

Christ is good.

Jay Jurden

And so that was always my philosophy is to like, make people like, have leave a standup show, and have audience members think that or like leaving audition and have casting thing who. Why haven't we put him in something's funny like.

Jay Jurden

So working on myself.

Jay Jurden

I couldn't have done stand up if I wasn't out, not as effectively as I would have wanted to. I could have done stand up if I. This sucks, say if I would've gotten every break I would have wanted it right. Like, right when I'm moving or I don't know if I'd be as good as stand up. You have to hear no.

Jay Jurden

A lot all the time. I mean, so it helped me so much to not be in control of my career when I first got here. So like moving forward, I just want to continue my trajectory, which everything is kind of stalled right now, and that's like a tough thing to stay in the middle of all this. But I would like to continue.

Jay Jurden

Doing what I'm doing.

Katherine Stewart

You're on a good trajectory.

Jay Jurden

Yeah hope fingers crossed I might add like a network pilot there's always like there's always like a show where you're like oh that's who got it?

Jay Jurden


Jay Jurden

That that that's the that's probably one of the most fun games to play with fellow performers. It's like, did you hear? I'm like, yeah, yeah, I saw why, it's like 'cause I'm just. I know that you I mean yeah, yeah, I thought it went well too. You don't have to call me.

Jay Jurden

United premieres to let me know I'm not in it. Trust me, I know I'm not in it. I didn't get it you like but I thought I said listen I found two we all think a lock box OK.



Katherine Stewart

Oh, thank you so much. This has been really fun.

Jay Jurden

Thank you, how are?

Katherine Stewart

Once again, that was alum  and comedian, actor, and writer Jay Jordan. If you want to check out some of his work, there are links in the show notes. There are also links in the show notes for the last episode and their different ones, so do look at both so you can see every.

Jay Jurden


Katherine Stewart

Thing as ever, if you are enjoying the show, please subscribe Pop over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review. Or if you stars, share it with your friends. All that good stuff. We really do appreciate it until next time this is stage and screen.