Stage & Screen

Commit to the Bit with Gregor Patti and Keeton Landfair, Class of 2021

Episode Summary

Continuing our series highlighting graduating seniors, this episode features Gregor Patti and Keeton Landfair, who have an interesting perspective because they went to high school together and have now been through our BFA Acting for Stage & Screen program together.

Episode Notes

Continuing our series highlighting graduating seniors, this episode features Gregor Patti and Keeton Landfair, who have an interesting perspective because they went to high school together and have now been through our BFA Acting for Stage & Screen program together.

Gregor and Keeton talk about why they came to the University of Mississippi, life and theatre in a pandemic, perks of the program, and more.

In the fall 2020 semester, Gregor helped to develop and performed in an original work of devised theatre called Near/Far, which you can watch here:

Gregor and Keeton both recently appeared in our innovative theatre-meets-film production of Urinetown, and you can see them in our trailer here:

The Department of Theatre & Film is grateful for its patrons and corporate sponsors. As a department we are committed to the high quality instruction that our students receive. Investing in the students’ education and these quality productions helps us move toward our common goal of graduating successful, creative adults who are lifelong learners. If you are interested in contributing to these efforts, please visit




Episode Transcription

From the Department of Theatre & Film at the University of Mississippi, this is Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

Hello, hello and welcome back to Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

I'm your host, Katherine Stewart, and today's episode continues our series of features on graduating seniors with a 2 Fer Gregor Patti and Keeton Landfair went to high school together, got into acting together, and came through our program at the same time.

Katherine Stewart

We had a really interesting conversation.

Katherine Stewart

I think you're going to enjoy it, so stick around.

Katherine Stewart

Good morning hi.

Keeton Landfair

Hello morning good morning.

Katherine Stewart

Thanks for taking the time to visit with me.

Katherine Stewart

I was I was thinking maybe just to get us started.

Katherine Stewart

If you could both introduce yourselves just who you are and and where you're from and what you're doing here.

Keeton Landfair

Well, OK.

Gregor Patti


Keeton Landfair

Hi, I'm Keeton Landfair.

Keeton Landfair

I'm a senior BFA in the acting for stage and screen degree.

Keeton Landfair

I am from Brandon, MS which is a nice little suburb outside of Jackson, MS.

Keeton Landfair

And what am I doing here?

Keeton Landfair

I I, I guess I already answered that so.

Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti

I, I guess that means it's my turn.

Gregor Patti

My name is Gregor Patti.

Gregor Patti

I am a I'm a senior in the in the BFA or acting for stage and screen.

Gregor Patti

I'm originally from Jackson so also from Jackson.

Gregor Patti

And I'm yeah that's me.

Katherine Stewart

OK great so.

Katherine Stewart

So yeah, one reason we thought it might be fun to talk with you together is that you've been traveling on a similar path for a number of years.

Katherine Stewart

You went to Jackson prep together.

Katherine Stewart

I'm I'm assuming that's where you first act.

Katherine Stewart

Then together and now you're about to complete our program in the same time frame.

Katherine Stewart

So I'm just wondering what what drew you to the University of Mississippi was coming here?

Katherine Stewart

Part of the plan all along was there something specific about the program?

Gregor Patti

I, uh, you, you can go ahead if you want.

Keeton Landfair

Well I guess yeah yeah go ahead.

Keeton Landfair

I guess we can both answer from our own individual perspectives, but as as it sounds, we did sort of collaborate on the effort.

Gregor Patti


Keeton Landfair

Like I know that we both had looked at a lot of schools and I know Gregor took the extra mile and do a few more auditions and such.

Keeton Landfair

But I know, for me at least, and uhm, that.

Keeton Landfair

I toured, we both actually had the same perspective student weekend here and we saw at Matt Wilson the tooth puller and what, uh, honestly, I didn't really know if it was going to because I mean we were just so used to like viewing really popular musicals and really serious plays.

Keeton Landfair

Uhm, and so to be introduced to Commedia dell'arte as a prospective student.

Keeton Landfair

That is a really.

Keeton Landfair

It's really wild experience and immediately it was.

Keeton Landfair

For some reason I kind of showed I was like this is really weird and really creative, and the fact that it's entirely student devised is a really.

Keeton Landfair

Interesting aspect and might actually throw this place on the consideration table.

Keeton Landfair

That, and along with sort of all the student talkbacks and seeing it on the class is really.

Keeton Landfair

Revealed to me that this is a place that.

Keeton Landfair

Was really reliant and the students I really relying on the students and the students.

Keeton Landfair

Were you know, the backbone of the productions here and there was a really strong faculty to student connection that propelled the Department through its everyday operations and being a smaller.

Keeton Landfair

Program students were really welcoming to new students and it was a bit less.

Keeton Landfair

Uhm, you'll get eaten alive sort of thing, so I think that's my initial thoughts.

Keeton Landfair

I might have more as I might can riff off Gregor more, but for me that was a big thing.

Gregor Patti

Yeah, uhm keeping.

Gregor Patti

He was right in saying we both kind of we.

Gregor Patti

We looked at other schools and we talked about other schools we.

Gregor Patti

The the the eventual choice to to come here with is definitely individual.

Gregor Patti

That that's something that I think is like maybe like a misconception about our friendship 'cause.

Gregor Patti

It's like we came here as freshmen and we were, you know, Dumber and Dumber or thing one and thing two or whatever, like our nicknames were, are are fun pet names for their work and and because it it, it's it's a reasonable assumption to make.

Gregor Patti

But I think like like he said, he looked at.

Gregor Patti

Schools I I.

Gregor Patti

I auditioned for some schools and I even got into some other schools but.

Gregor Patti

I, I think for for me it was.

Gregor Patti

It was an amalgamation of a lot of things that made me decide to come here.

Gregor Patti

I think our student weekend was a a big a big impact on me.

Gregor Patti

'cause I I came in my cousin Karen and went here for Karen and Patti.

Gregor Patti

She went here for acting she.

Gregor Patti

She's a wonderful actress.

Gregor Patti

And I saw her as Capitano in tooth puller.

Gregor Patti

And I think it was just it wasn't just like getting to see something new IT was like the quality of it was also like very distinct.

Gregor Patti

I remember being like this is a professional like these people are getting paid this is this is way beyond my pay grade.

Gregor Patti

I don't know what I'm going to be doing here.

Gregor Patti

But I I I it got me excited to come here and I was like, even though I was from Jackson and I had these like big ideas about going to like to other schools.

Gregor Patti

I realized that, like University, Mississippi was kind of like a hidden gem.

Gregor Patti

It was a place where I could go and I could be in shows 'cause all the other programs that I had gotten into were had grad programs.

Katherine Stewart


Gregor Patti

And and you, and they say this, and they tell you this, and you don't listen when they tell you this, but they, they cast the grad students a lot more than they cast the undergrad students, that is, that is a crucial point of of their programs.

Gregor Patti


Keeton Landfair


Gregor Patti

There, I mean I have friends that are juniors in their undergrad theater programs and in in large programs like famous programs that have yet to be cast in mainstage show.

Gregor Patti

I've I, I don't.

Gregor Patti

I don't know how many shows I've been in.

Gregor Patti

I've been very.

Gregor Patti

I mean, I'm blessed for a number of reasons, but but like I I've been in shows and I've been able to.

Gregor Patti

I mean, you get better by doing.

Gregor Patti

The thing is my belief and and it's also my belief.

Gregor Patti

I I share the belief with Joe Turner cancer that it's also in the classroom and the the classroom was a meaningful place.

Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti

They they they they kept it separate.

Gregor Patti

They kept a meaningful in the class, or like we we learned a lot of great things from from Matt and and Joe and Rory and Dan and and Renee and Jenn everybody.

Gregor Patti

But yeah, I think in the end it was.

Gregor Patti

It was obviously it was money and it was opportunity and it was like it was the environment that was so inviting that Keeton talked about.

Gregor Patti

And it was just the quality of the product like the the one production I saw like that was such high quality.

Gregor Patti

I was like this is definitely a place that I can see myself.

Gregor Patti


Keeton Landfair

That is, another thing is that some sort on the financial side.

Keeton Landfair

I I I commended.

Keeton Landfair

I commend it.

Keeton Landfair

Well I commended the Department because, you know, we were both fortunate to receive.

Keeton Landfair

Like for example the the Theater Merit Scholarship, which which, honestly it wasn't.

Keeton Landfair

I mean obviously like that's not paying my whole tuition right?

Keeton Landfair

But like it is something I'm more important scale that it shows that the Department does care about people who are really passionate and wanted to be serious here.

Keeton Landfair

And the fact that we were both able to.

Keeton Landfair

They make it so easy to apply for and to go there.

Keeton Landfair

Extra step, it spoke to me a lot that I was somewhere I was also going to be really wanted and respected as a student and as an artist.

Katherine Stewart

Nice so so when you came into the program, were there certain expectations you had or goals that you had for your time here, and if so?

Katherine Stewart

Uh, how?

Katherine Stewart

How did they change if at all, over over the years?

Gregor Patti

I when I read this question on the list that was concerned 'cause I, I don't think that I was wise enough as a freshman to come in with.

Gregor Patti

With like, well, I I'd say this, so I tell this story.

Gregor Patti

But like we we did some musicals and and we did plays in high school.

Gregor Patti

I just didn't think that I would ever do a musical again.

Gregor Patti

I didn't really think that was in my skill set.

Gregor Patti

I didn't think that that was my like Forte and I don't know how it's going to continue to be a part of my career in the future, but.

Gregor Patti

I mean, the majority of the things I've done here have been musicals and and I think that's been a really great thing because.

Gregor Patti

My my my my goal sets have changed continually and and.

Katherine Stewart


Gregor Patti

And because I'm achieving these goals like I have teachers that are facilitating.

Gregor Patti

Like the like, an increase in my range then like in addition to my book.

Gregor Patti

In addition to like another monologue, choose, but I think I I came in.

Gregor Patti

I just really love training.

Gregor Patti

I really love like.

Gregor Patti

Actor classes, it's like it.

Gregor Patti

It's really cliche, I just I like all of the dramatics and and all like all of the the the history and the learning of it and and the practicing.

Gregor Patti

And like the the the day by day incremental.

Gregor Patti

Increase in skill because it is a skill that you can.

Gregor Patti

Learn but coming in.

Gregor Patti

I don't know that I had specific goals just to be better just to try to get better and trying to be in shows.

Gregor Patti

But then eventually it evolved into like.

Gregor Patti

You know encouragement from my teachers.

Gregor Patti

It it evolved into, you know I need to have these certain types of songs and this number of songs in my book.

Gregor Patti

I want to like work on these monologues and then like specifically for like acting.

Gregor Patti

I want to work on a lot of.

Gregor Patti

Things like you know they say that, like actor ticks or it's like a game of whack a mole.

Gregor Patti

You know you like, you know it's like too many moles and not enough wax like he just can't.

Gregor Patti

He can't get rid of them like you know one another clips or the UM.

Gregor Patti

But I was I was really excited to be.

Gregor Patti

I remember being super excited to learn about Meissner and learn about stanislofsky 'cause it was like something I like.

Gregor Patti

I read about them.

Gregor Patti

I hadn't read my book and I we had discussed we discussed in high school Udah Hagen like I think both of us had like skim through to haggens.

Gregor Patti

And I was just like really excited to be an actor that had been in a class and had like learned miesner and learned the like the methodology of Stanislavsky and everything.

Gregor Patti

So yeah, that that's that's kind of what I came in with, I think.

Keeton Landfair

Well, I will definitely say that I for talking expectations I def.

Keeton Landfair

Really, uh, I I had been in one musical before I I came here and it was a non singing role.

Keeton Landfair

I I did the Rock Island rack in a music man at the top of the show and then I had like 3 or 4 lines later in the show.

Keeton Landfair

So coming in as a freshman and somehow.

Keeton Landfair

Uh, flopping my way into the ensemble of Chicago.

Keeton Landfair

Bob Fosse, Chicago was really a culture shock.

Keeton Landfair

For me, but that was that was a really great opportunity as a freshman, and I think it's sort of where I learned that I, I, you know, I loved the classroom as well.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

I think for me I I realized through Chicago that I was going to.

Keeton Landfair

The Chicago it was a hardship.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

Matt Wilson is a great guy, but he is a he you cannot slack off and then that I think that was a great first director to have because in high school I mean being a little transparent here.

Keeton Landfair

It's very easy to slack off like you know, you can roll in and maybe that's not all high schools.

Keeton Landfair

'cause I mean, but, you know, at least here I I know in high school I had a bit less of a.

Keeton Landfair

Of a strict, uh, work ethic, but I think being is yeah.

Gregor Patti

That was a big point of when the goals change.

Gregor Patti

Sorry to interrupt, but that was like a big point when I was in high school, we were driven by just like self ambition.

Keeton Landfair

Yeah yeah, yeah.

Gregor Patti

Like we we got better because we wanted to be but we didn't know how to be better.

Gregor Patti

We just were like we wanted.

Gregor Patti

We want to like.

Gregor Patti

That wasn't.

Gregor Patti

It was like we want to just do nothing and and do the best we can.

Gregor Patti

But then you get to to, you know, we got here in the first acting teacher we buttheads with is not buttheads but like that we meet with Hazmat Wilson.

Gregor Patti

And like we, we did this scene from Art by Yasmina, Reza and and and I remember our first round.

Gregor Patti

We so that the scene starts where we would enter in and we would be in mid conversation and Matt Wilson like was.

Gregor Patti

He said OK class anytime you don't believe what they're saying.

Gregor Patti

Raise your hand.

Gregor Patti

And we spent like 40 minutes on this scene where we would like we.

Gregor Patti

We walk in and we would get a little further and then someone wouldn't believe it.

Gregor Patti

And then a little further and someone raised their hand and it was like that kind of like tough love that that it was enjoyable.



Gregor Patti

It was funny that that that's the way that he chose to like teach this lesson.

Gregor Patti

To us, it's like you can't just walk in.

Gregor Patti

You need like there's a lot of ideas and preparation and imaging and thoughts and things that like you you can do to make this so much more weighted.

Gregor Patti

And so Matt really like having that.

Gregor Patti

Sort of tough love changed my goals and I know like it, it just changed the way that we looked at the craft itself, but yeah.

Keeton Landfair

Yes, I mean, yeah, that's exactly right.

Keeton Landfair

Uhm, I mean that that was sort of the turning point.

Keeton Landfair

I realized that any expectations I did have, I should probably toss because this was going to be a lot.

Keeton Landfair

I think in a way a bit more, maybe even a bit more serious than I had ever been exposed to.

Keeton Landfair

But also it's where I learned, you know, especially with him as stretch for Chicago that.

Keeton Landfair

That the productions themselves would be a very valuable tool.

Keeton Landfair

In learning, and that's the closest thing you'll get to, you know, real work experience a lot throughout College in terms of of theatrically.

Keeton Landfair

So working on shows for me was actually an unexpected way that I wear my expectations changed because I I looked forward to working hard and getting cast in those as much as I can because I knew it would be.

Keeton Landfair

I knew that the Department was going to model these productions after real world experience, and so therefore that would be, you know, preferably a really great way to grow and supplement to the technicalities we were learning in the classroom.

Katherine Stewart

So in inevitable question, a little over a year ago, the global COVID-19 pandemic had escalated to the point that things all over the world were starting to shut down, including the University of Mississippi campus. And at that time Gregor you were getting ready to open in the nether.

Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti

Yeah, yeah.

Katherine Stewart

And Keeton, you were in rehearsals for a new brain which was going to be our last production of the season.

Keeton Landfair

Yes, yes.

Katherine Stewart

When you learned that campus was closing, perhaps indefinitely, and that we would not be able to put on those last two shows of the season, what was that like for you?

Katherine Stewart

What were you thinking and feeling when that happened?

Keeton Landfair

Uh, that is a that is a hefty.

Keeton Landfair

Question a few different levels.

Keeton Landfair

You know, I don't know.

Keeton Landfair

Uh, it's quite strange.

Keeton Landfair

I mean we were both on the way to summer stock auditions when campus closed and and so we never actually even got to the airport to head up to straw hats in New York City.

Keeton Landfair

It felt like I don't know for a new brain was big for me because I mean it was another musical but.

Keeton Landfair

Uhm, it was a heftier show than some of the stuff I had done previously, so I was kind of looking forward to that challenge for myself.

Keeton Landfair

But once everything shut down.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

It I don't know it was.

Keeton Landfair

It was weird because I I think most of us thought we would just be back by fall and that it was just gonna have to be a.

Keeton Landfair

Unfortunate loss, maybe we'd come back around to these shows, you know, and and the following spring like I mean, I think that was actually a pretty common theory that was floating around for a while, but when things shut down, we both got actually stuck up here in Oxford.

Keeton Landfair

Uhm, but I mean.

Keeton Landfair

It's hard to talk about this period of time because it feels really nostalgic in a way like like your early childhood does, and I don't want to romanticize it at any at any point, because this pandemic has been horrible for a lot of reasons, but you know, it was also a point where I think.

Keeton Landfair

I got to evaluate what I was doing exactly as a person and as an artist as creator and all of that.

Keeton Landfair

But it's it's led to some changes, so that point is still lead to some changes.

Keeton Landfair

The way I'm doing now, I think we've all we all were able to pivot from that point in a mostly positive way.

Keeton Landfair

Uhm, but.

Keeton Landfair

It was it definitely cut deep.

Keeton Landfair

I mean, you know, given what I had given the hopes and aspirations that a lot of us had for the summer, whether we had.

Keeton Landfair

Being set in stone already or or hoping to.

Keeton Landfair

I think it cut pretty deep and I think for a while morale was pretty low.

Keeton Landfair

But it was a.

Keeton Landfair

It did open up a time for a lot of.

Keeton Landfair

So flexion, and anyway, it's it's weird that for that to be your launching pad for your senior year in terms of how, how in the world do you finish.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

Uh, the strongest that you can, but I mean here we are now and I think some good has come out of it.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

So I might riff off Gregor.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

We'll see.

Keeton Landfair


Gregor Patti

Yeah, I uh, I was in.

Gregor Patti

Yeah I was in the nether at the time and, uh, that was kind of the first opportunity.

Gregor Patti

I was really excited with another in particular because it was my first opportunity to do a straight play with mainstage.

Gregor Patti

Uhm, and I was that I mean, well, I I I was in Nick be if you like if two years.

Gregor Patti

Prior and freshman year, that was like a a modern string play and I was like really excited about it.

Gregor Patti

And so yeah, it was.

Gregor Patti

I mean, it's disappointing that everybody.

Gregor Patti

Everybody kind of went through that whole deal and I think it was just cool like keeping kind of talked about the theories that would float around.

Gregor Patti

Like I remember the first like 3 months of the pandemic.

Gregor Patti

There's like a new theory about how long it was going to go on with started circling around like something would come out, like MSNBC would say something that CDC would say something, and then we would be like Oh well, maybe it'll be done by the end of the summer.

Gregor Patti

We can like like he said, maybe we can go back to these shows and where we can like have our senior year.

Gregor Patti

Or maybe we can all stop.

Gregor Patti

I mean that's the selfish way to look at it.

Gregor Patti

Or maybe like.

Gregor Patti

The world can stop being on fire.

Keeton Landfair

I think we definitely thought we were going to be doing the fall production.

Keeton Landfair

Still for some weird reason.

Gregor Patti

For a long time it wasn't until like maybe.

Keeton Landfair

And that's yeah.

Gregor Patti

Maybe June July like July came around that we kind of realized that we didn't think that there was gonna be much room for that.

Gregor Patti

I mean there.

Gregor Patti

Just it wasn't going to be possible.

Gregor Patti

Uh, I think the the reflection thing is probably the biggest thing that artists are going to take away from from the pandemic.

Gregor Patti

It's kind of the only thing we can do.

Gregor Patti

It's like you can start like you're told to stop doing what you're doing and what we do is a lot of grind.

Gregor Patti

It's a lot of.

Gregor Patti

You know, going from this place to the next, it's a lot of moving a lot of change and then all of a sudden for like, an indefinite amount of time over a year.

Gregor Patti

It turns out you, you're told to stop and not do that.

Gregor Patti

And everybody found a way to make their art and stay busy like we obviously stayed busy during the pandemic, which was honestly great, but

Gregor Patti

I think it it.

Gregor Patti

You know a lot of us use the time to like sit and think and study and contemplate and and and.

Gregor Patti

Just do this and there's a lot of discussion about.

Gregor Patti

What was going to be like, what we're gonna wait?

Gregor Patti

There's still discussion about what we're going to be doing after this.

Gregor Patti

And so that was useful.

Gregor Patti

I think that now there's it's weird for the seniors because I'm just.

Gregor Patti

I just keep contextualize this to the program, 'cause I think it's I don't know.

Gregor Patti

That's that's what we're here to talk about, but.

Gregor Patti

Or our experience, but like.

Gregor Patti

Now it's.

Gregor Patti

It's especially weird because.

Gregor Patti

We kind of had two or three years observing what seniors would do when they got to this point, and then we've.

Gregor Patti

And now now no one did what we're doing, so we're just having to figure it out and and people are asking us what we're doing and and and we're like we don't.

Gregor Patti

We don't really know like it's.

Gregor Patti

It's usually hard to graduate from a BFA program because of the transition and and change in life.

Gregor Patti

And for the first time you don't have.

Gregor Patti

Plans, perhaps, but then you throw in.

Gregor Patti

Thank you, maybe you just can't go anywhere. Still you, there's not really much going on like the big issue has been now for like the for performing side of things has been like like Straw Hat and CTC, and up has occurred but like I instead of 100 companies.

Gregor Patti

There's ten companies and and they're hiring one track that they that they didn't fill because the pandemic happened last year.

Gregor Patti

So a lot of us aren't.

Gregor Patti

You know, there's not work to get.

Gregor Patti

And so that means when there is work, it's going to be even more competitive.

Gregor Patti

So it's just like a strange.

Gregor Patti

It we all re evaluated our priorities and I think that like you can like a good thing that we got out of this was.

Gregor Patti

I think I I'm it.

Gregor Patti

It reassured me that despite the difficulty, I know this is what I'm supposed to be doing, despite it being frightening in a way.

Gregor Patti

Like, even though this is quite different from what I was, I was told it was going to be at this point in my life because of strange circumstances.

Gregor Patti

I I'm still sure that the unknown path ahead of me.

Gregor Patti

Is what I'm supposed to be doing?

Gregor Patti

And that kind of touches on like Keeton instead.

Gregor Patti

Well, so yeah, this was sort of my heady vague thoughts on the pandemic.

Gregor Patti

Is everybody kind of has that like that similar feeling about it but but yeah.

Keeton Landfair

Is weird though, because we were.

Keeton Landfair

I mean, we just so happen to be close to a couple of senior classes that have come through here.

Keeton Landfair

I know our freshman year we were both of our, you know.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

Quote bigs that we have here in the Department.

Keeton Landfair

We're we're seniors and and we would just happen to be, you know, friends with those upperclassmen.

Keeton Landfair

And on our sophomore year, we were still.

Keeton Landfair

We were obviously friends with the next group of seniors.

Keeton Landfair

And you know, I just remember we would just always be able to observe them and they would be here.

Keeton Landfair

But you do and you get to your senior year.

Keeton Landfair

And here's what you apply for and.

Keeton Landfair

Here's you know how you should, uh, what class load you should take and all of that, and and obviously.

Keeton Landfair

You know it's something was working 'cause most of you know. I would say at least 98% of those people like got jobs immediately. For example after they graduated or or even while they were still in.

Keeton Landfair

Cool and and that was sort of what we were.

Keeton Landfair

It felt like we were steamrolling toward the whole time and then, like Gregor said, we got there and it was like were invented we we invented a new quote.

Keeton Landfair

I mean, I don't even know if it's a.

Keeton Landfair

If it is a norm.

Keeton Landfair

We invented a new method of how to navigate your senior year when everything is.

Keeton Landfair

Not exists yet.

Keeton Landfair

Or when everything is virtual, yes, the virtual.

Keeton Landfair

The virtual hiring landscape is forgive me hellacious.

Gregor Patti

So the good news for any like perspective, people that might be listening to this is that.

Gregor Patti

Way it's coming to an end.

Gregor Patti

And and but a positive thing that's probably going to come out of this is that video wall auditions are going to be a lot more common, and that means theater is going to be a lot more accessible.

Keeton Landfair


Gregor Patti

For for actors that don't have the funds to travel 'cause we like, I would have to like save and portion out my funds to go to Straw Hat like that was like my big spend to go destroy.

Gregor Patti

Had to audition to try to get a job.



Gregor Patti

But I like I'm I've been, uh, auditioning for for companies and still doing.

Gregor Patti

I'm still doing that, but it's it's all affordable and accessible.

Gregor Patti

So that's a good thing.

Gregor Patti

But but then also, by the time you get to this point, you will be able to go there and do it as well if you want, and I'm sure.



Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti

It'll be a lot more sanitary because I think all of these habits are funny.

Keeton Landfair

Hopefully hopefully you don't have to learn how to how to you know access your in person charm whatever over zoom making making in person.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

It seems like now for like.

Gregor Patti

It's not, it's it's really hard to translate the the like you develop a skill of like this is I can like I can buy him over in person like I just have to meet him in person and then you you meet him over zoom and and you've got your like your all your weird things like background.

Keeton Landfair

Weird yeah my my Triceratops.

Keeton Landfair

Yeah, it's it's yeah.

Gregor Patti

So there is hope.

Gregor Patti

There is hope to say.

Katherine Stewart

Well, you have both just touched on some some positive things that you've been able to take away from B dynamic experience.

Gregor Patti


Katherine Stewart

What about pandemic?

Katherine Stewart


Katherine Stewart

What about some favorite moments from your time in the program?

Katherine Stewart

What's in your highlight reel?

Keeton Landfair

Oh boy, I think they're all I honestly, uhm.

Gregor Patti

There are a lot.

Keeton Landfair

I think we have some together in some individual, definitely.

Keeton Landfair

Uh, I think the biggest.

Keeton Landfair

I think we.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

Yeah, go ahead, you seem to have something.

Gregor Patti

We we both loved Assassin's.

Gregor Patti

I know I can say that.

Keeton Landfair

Yeah, that was that would have been my.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair


Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti


Keeton Landfair

Yeah, yeah, I mean, that was my first Sondheim show I ever did and it's sort of really.

Keeton Landfair

I would say a hotwired my my love almost maybe your obsession.

Keeton Landfair

But for that man's works.

Keeton Landfair

Uhm, but I mean the there there was a really that was definitely a a star crossed moment in terms of the actors that were available and the production team that was available because everything from the set to the lights, actors and and Renee the director.

Keeton Landfair

Everything from the set.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

Written, everyone involved.

Keeton Landfair

That was a really.

Keeton Landfair

We got a really special product out of that.

Keeton Landfair

I think it was a lot of fun and it was, you know.

Keeton Landfair

Yeah, this is great music.

Gregor Patti

Yeah, assassins was was really special.

Gregor Patti

For all the things that he just would, Keeton just said I really was.

Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti

Like I remember all the upperclassmen who talked about like shows they had been in that people like still like come up to them and like ask them about or like like were you in this and I think assassins was kind of that for us.

Gregor Patti

It was really it was our first 'cause we were in Chicago and Mcbee our freshman year and then some.

Gregor Patti

Like our ghost light stuff, but assassins was our first opportunity to be like a part of this, like this small ensemble of members and and with like incredible music and writing.

Gregor Patti

And it was just it was really special and I think that.

Gregor Patti

Assassin's and and and for me, I think one of my favorite Speaking of Star crossed.

Gregor Patti

I think I think, fly by night was probably my favorite.

Gregor Patti

One of my favorite things.

Gregor Patti

I was apart of here and in the same way it felt like everything kind of lined up, which was serendipitous.

Gregor Patti

Considering the themes of the show of crossing paths and rhythm games and and the stars and everything it, it was a really loving environment.

Gregor Patti

It was really forgiving and it was really.

Gregor Patti

Uhm, it felt like the theme for the first time.

Gregor Patti

I experienced a very potently 'cause this always happens in theater, but I'd experienced very potently the themes of the show emit beyond the show like for in my life.

Gregor Patti

I started realizing that things.

Gregor Patti

That existed for me in the shows and I I learn lessons every time I do theater, not by not acting lessons, but life lesson.

Gregor Patti

Uh, and I think for a long time they had consists they persisted in my in my subconscious like I had just sort of embodied the lessons that shows I'm talking about it, accepted it or whatever, but fly by night.

Gregor Patti

It just it was so potent and it it it pulsed like it said, like with rhythm and rhythm is like a huge is a is a big theme in that show and.

Gregor Patti

And we all worked very **** ** that show is I had to, you know, pick up the guitar and learn all those varied those songs that were not that difficult.

Gregor Patti

But we're very difficult for me.

Gregor Patti

Uh, and uh, we had lots of friends around involved with that.

Gregor Patti

'cause like at Kaylee, Albert, and Nicole and in Quincy were all involved and they were graduating and and uh and and he was graduating and and and so that was like that added a lot of.

Gregor Patti

Weird emotional weight at the end.

Gregor Patti

Which you know.

Gregor Patti

You always leave your stuff at the door, but carry your humanity with you into the show and so that was always there.

Gregor Patti

And yeah, I I will.

Gregor Patti

I think I will always have a very special place in my heart for fly by night.

Gregor Patti

I've got my star on my wall over there that they let me keep but yeah.

Keeton Landfair

Yeah, that that and I would also say Chicago as freshman was a great experience.

Keeton Landfair

Like I said, you know, being thrown into that.

Keeton Landfair

Huge show cast wise.

Keeton Landfair

You know.

Keeton Landfair

Definitely the huge show in the in the high production value of that show is definitely a great taste of or the best of collegiate theater I think.

Keeton Landfair

Then sort of preview like like.

Keeton Landfair

We've talked about that of of what a work environment should be.

Keeton Landfair

And actually I found a piece of the confetti from Chicago yesterday outside of Fulton and the grass still still remains.



Keeton Landfair

But that and and honestly the work.

Keeton Landfair

I think we've been able to do with our student production company Go Sitrep has been really rewarding.

Keeton Landfair

You know which has ranged from another productions.

Keeton Landfair

I mean Heathers was.

Keeton Landfair

It was really fantastic one.

Keeton Landfair

We did all the way back to shows like that were really weird.

Keeton Landfair

Honestly, like like the.

Keeton Landfair

All it's Greek mythology and 9 minutes or less science lesson.

Keeton Landfair

It's my freshman year and it feels like an eternity ago, but I, I and you know, I know we've had that.

Keeton Landfair

That has been a great way for student working relationships to really flourish and even gives opportunities for those who who might not find themselves.

Keeton Landfair

In the main.

Keeton Landfair

Age necessarily to to thrive.

Keeton Landfair

And it was a really great way to sort of close the gap in the circle of.

Keeton Landfair

I guess this you the the the Department slash University.

Keeton Landfair

It was a way for everyone to be involved to some extent.

Keeton Landfair

That was really great.

Keeton Landfair

You know I can't pinpoint one specific memory with Ghostlight, it's just that it's been a great supplement on top like alongside the Department for these years.

Gregor Patti

Yeah, I I got to work on.

Gregor Patti

My my desire to direct through Go Slate and that was a big deal for me 'cause I I directed a little bit in high school and I really enjoyed directing, but it gave a very like clear stage for for me to to do and I I got to direct crimes which Keeton was in crimes of the heart which kinesin and Keeton was fantastic, doc.

Gregor Patti

Uhm, and that show is this very special to me.

Gregor Patti

It's it's one of the one of the gems I think, but yeah.

Gregor Patti

It's like.

Gregor Patti

I think supplement is a really great word like heating.

Gregor Patti

Use it.

Gregor Patti

It it really flag?

Gregor Patti

It's it's.

Gregor Patti

It's a big supplement.

Gregor Patti

It it it?

Gregor Patti

It consists.

Gregor Patti

It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort.

Gregor Patti

But Ghostlight is was one of the reasons I I came here to be quite honest 'cause 'cause me and and Keeton and a lot of friends in high school started up a.

Gregor Patti

Been a group of students doing theater over this summer.

Gregor Patti

Or it was just us and we raised the money and we did the shows and so when we knew that Ghostlight was the thing we were like, that sounds like us like we're there like we'll do that and and and so Ghostlight is is is a is a great vein and supplement for for your like learning and growing 'cause.

Keeton Landfair


Gregor Patti

You can do new things and you can take a lot of you feel a little like you feel free to take risks always like that's what we do, but you can take more like.

Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti

Let's calculate, you can just.

Gregor Patti

You can just be kind of like.

Gregor Patti

I don't know.

Gregor Patti

Like I I maybe I want to do.

Gregor Patti

I want to do a set design.

Gregor Patti

I don't know that might be fun.

Gregor Patti

And then you realize like wow, I love set design.

Gregor Patti

This is maybe what.

Gregor Patti

Maybe what I want to do with my career and we've had a lot of people do that.

Gregor Patti

They have a situation like that where they try a random thing just because we need someone to to fill that position to go slideshow and they realize.

Gregor Patti

Like wow wait, this is this is actually really amazing.

Gregor Patti

So yeah, go slight is definitely a big a big uh a big plus and a big moment of like really grateful for that.

Katherine Stewart

Nice, do you have any advice for prospective or incoming students aside from getting involved with Ghostlight, it sounds like.

Keeton Landfair

Yes you should.

Keeton Landfair

You should come, you just do that.

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

That's just a question I feel like I'd have a better answer to at this point.


Maybe twice.

Keeton Landfair

I I I, I think we're all I at least asked this, like once a semester and I feel like I've never developed my go to answer, but.

Keeton Landfair

And I if.

Keeton Landfair

I'm in a in a normal quote world in which it looks like this, you know, fingers crossed fall semester will be back to, you know at least like 98% the way it was, right?

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

I would say you're coming out of high school.

Keeton Landfair

Uh me too.

Keeton Landfair

Trust your initial instincts and take those leaps.

Keeton Landfair

You know, getting involved would be really scary for people who are like introverted for most of their high school and early educational life, as I think me and Greg are both were.

Keeton Landfair

Uhm, to some extent.

Keeton Landfair

Uhm, uhm, and two.

Keeton Landfair

It's OK starting out to throw yourself into everything.

Keeton Landfair

It is OK, and it's encouraged because I think that defines a lot of.

Keeton Landfair

How far you're willing to go early on, and I think you learn a lot of limits, uhm?

Keeton Landfair

You know, talk to your professors after class before class.

Keeton Landfair

I just end class, learn about them and learn what they expect or what they have found like where they find success in their own professional careers as well as with your.

Keeton Landfair

Dear colleagues and fellow classmates, you know you're not going to be best friends with everybody.

Keeton Landfair

You have to kind of accept that, but you do have to learn how to respect and work with each other and get through classes.

Keeton Landfair

But you also can keep each other accountable in that sense to ones you're closer to.

Keeton Landfair

And as much work as you.

Keeton Landfair

You can do in the classroom.

Keeton Landfair

It kind of.

Keeton Landfair

It's a very you get what you want out of it degree, whether it be the BFA or the BA.

Keeton Landfair

I, you know.

Keeton Landfair

Hopefully if you're a BFA student, you.

Keeton Landfair

Uh, we have some idea coming into it that is an intensive, but besides just I mean your professors aren't going to see you at home unless it's over zoom, right?

Keeton Landfair

So it's going to be up to you and the people who you trust and our closest to to keep you accountable.

Keeton Landfair

So just know that I find those people early on if you can.

Keeton Landfair

But then you gotta learn how to say no to you know.

Keeton Landfair

Obviously, you can't say no to academic things and and you need to be in like the Department shows.

Keeton Landfair

If you're you know, cast and such, you know, at least as of now.

Keeton Landfair

'cause I don't know.

Keeton Landfair

I, I don't.

Keeton Landfair

We've we've Department store idea of like a casting policy every now and then.

Keeton Landfair

But I don't know, for the most part, you just sort of sign off and and strap in right, which is great.

Keeton Landfair

Some of the best experiences that I have had from are from unexpected Department castings, but.

Keeton Landfair

But in terms of extracurricular is, you know, learn how to say no because spread yourself too thin, as if all these might be, you know you might lose a lot of passion.

Keeton Landfair

A lot of drive, and.

Keeton Landfair

I don't know.

Keeton Landfair

I like to say quality over quantity, right?

Keeton Landfair

So pick the things that speak to you the most and really focus on those.

Keeton Landfair

You know, if you don't get something one semester, you want to really do you at the next semester, uhm?

Keeton Landfair

And I've rambled on long enough, but I would also say keep an idea of your campus climate, right?

Keeton Landfair

Be a good steward and citizen of your campus.

Keeton Landfair

It's really easy as a theater Department.

Keeton Landfair

To make our own little island and sort of isolate and.

Keeton Landfair

We it feels like we're in a cave all day, right?

Keeton Landfair

Because we we we are in class all day and then we could have rehearsal at night and we're still inside to like 10 or 11:00 PM.

Keeton Landfair

And then we leave and then like no ones there but but be a good steward of your campus.

Keeton Landfair

Know what's going on, no?

Keeton Landfair

Know what issues are arising and keep keep people who keep your professors and and people who aren't indeed or accountable because.

Keeton Landfair

I mean, it's your campus.

Keeton Landfair

You're still going there.

Keeton Landfair

You're still stuck here.

Keeton Landfair

For four years, I mean.

Keeton Landfair

People like to people like to think that Ole Miss in general has a bad rap enemy.

Keeton Landfair

It does.

Keeton Landfair

It does not.

Keeton Landfair

Our theater Department but UM.

Keeton Landfair

The University has a history, right?

Keeton Landfair

It has a really long complicated.

Gregor Patti


Keeton Landfair

Uh, more so dark than light history, unfortunately, but there is no reason that we have to sit with that, and I think we've seen a lot of growth over the last couple of years with everything going on in the world.

Keeton Landfair

You know, just look last year the the statue on the circle finally moved after how long, right?

Keeton Landfair


Keeton Landfair

That's that's a student body effort that's not just, you know, and that's not just solely a student government, or just solely faculty thing.

Keeton Landfair

That's that's everybody.

Keeton Landfair

So so be a good steward.

Keeton Landfair

That's what I'm saying.

Gregor Patti

Uhm, I'll try to follow that up.

Keeton Landfair

I I'm sorry I got really.

Gregor Patti


Keeton Landfair

I really focused in there for a minute.

Gregor Patti

No, it's no.

Gregor Patti

It's it was.

Keeton Landfair

I really.

Gregor Patti

It was very.

Gregor Patti

It was very, uh, all that's all great advice.

Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti

I I.

Gregor Patti

I'm being a being an Aquarius.

Gregor Patti

I'm a little.

Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti

Aryan nebulous about the way I I do advice.

Gregor Patti

I think that that I I would and I and I kind of want to direct it towards people that want to be performers and actors because all of that was directed to them.

Gregor Patti

But like specifically, I, I would say I wish that I would have taken.

Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti

I would I wish.

Gregor Patti

I would have trusted my instincts to take bigger risks earlier on because what I one big thing that I've learned like the big lesson you're going to learn in college about performing and acting, is that people want to see you.



Gregor Patti

And showing yourself is is is vulnerable.

Gregor Patti

It's very hard because.

Gregor Patti

What if, like the fear, and I'm going to say it out loud, the fear is that you're going to make a choice that you think is funny.

Gregor Patti

That is very you that you think it's very funny and you're going to do it, and you're going to make the choice and everyone is gonna is no one going to laugh and everyone gonna hate you.

Gregor Patti

But in reality people people are going to appreciate it even if it's not funny.

Gregor Patti

People are going to appreciate the fact that you you expose your humanity.

Gregor Patti

People want to see that.

Gregor Patti

More than anything, that is what this this form is and and you don't need to like copy.

Gregor Patti

All of your favorite performers.

Gregor Patti

You don't need to be the new remain caramel.

Gregor Patti

You don't need to be the new Sierra Bogas.

Gregor Patti

You need to be who you are wholeheartedly, and you need to love it.

Gregor Patti

You need to love every portion of every inch of who you are because that is what's going to bring you success, because that will if you follow the truth of who you are, you will land exactly where you want to be.

Gregor Patti

And I really believe that I'm still on that path, and Keeton still on that path.

Gregor Patti

Catherine is still on that, but we're all still on a a journey to be placed exactly where we want like but but.



Gregor Patti

One thing that I was really proud of myself.

Gregor Patti

A lesson that I learned freshman year.

Gregor Patti

Was my ability and I would really encourage that this helped a lot, especially if you deal with anxiety.

Gregor Patti

I think that this is this.

Gregor Patti

This will help your process a lot.

Gregor Patti

Is truly try to find the enjoyment in the moment where you are from.

Gregor Patti

I remember I.

Gregor Patti

I felt that for the first time during assassins, as I and then in fly by night, it like really hit home.

Gregor Patti

I was like each moment of this is so precious and I refused to take any of it for granted.

Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti

I refuse to.

Gregor Patti

Like stay upset about something I I refused to stay like and of course like I was bad and I'm still sometimes I'm like not I'm like this is like I wanna be here like I'm tired and like I'm mad at them about this.

Gregor Patti

And then when I'm sleepy and I'm hungry or whatever but.

Gregor Patti

The the place freak like make where you are in the moment that you that you exist in special because that that that is that is that is more important than the idealization of the future, like.

Gregor Patti

That that you want, or that you think you want, whatever, whatever is beyond you.

Gregor Patti

If you can make this moment special justice special is that you will be happy for all of your days you you will find peace.

Gregor Patti

You will set.

Gregor Patti

You will walk into rehearsal.

Gregor Patti

And you'll you'll not be as all book is, you want to be and you're like this is going to be fun because I'm gonna I'm gonna mess it up and I'm gonna go and call for line and everybody it's going to be fine I'm going to grow and and I'm going to learn my lesson and it's going to be.

Gregor Patti

But I get to be with people that I enjoy to be doing.

Gregor Patti

What I love doing, and that's really the heart of it.

Gregor Patti

Is is if you really enjoy this, it's not going to be that hard to exist in peace and every moment and and to enjoy every moment.

Gregor Patti

I think it may be the last thing.

Gregor Patti

Yeah, the last thing I will say is.

Gregor Patti

I think don't.

Gregor Patti

Give yourself grace.

Gregor Patti

Forgive yourself because a lot of what we do is no.

Gregor Patti

A lot of what we do is is is is mistakes and and people like to say well people like to label them as mistakes or failure.

Gregor Patti

But it's a process and so you make a choice or you you you make a decision and maybe it doesn't work.

Gregor Patti

Maybe it's not like exact.

Gregor Patti

We don't label things as good or bad, just label them as useful or not useful, and that's that.

Gregor Patti

That's a phrase that one of my directors taught me that that has helped me a lot because it that that subconscious labeling of things will help in the positive or negative viewing of how you look at your work.

Gregor Patti

Like it's not a bad choice.

Gregor Patti

It's not a good choice.

Gregor Patti

It's useful or it's not useful and give yourself grace and your ability to to go into a room or rehearsal room.

Gregor Patti

Whatever piece you serve.

Gregor Patti

Gonna and and make those big choices.

Gregor Patti

Enjoy every moment of it and give yourself grace and and just look and see if it's useful or not useful and that's it.

Keeton Landfair

So yeah.

Keeton Landfair

That's I mean, that's the beauty of the college theater classroom, right?

Keeton Landfair

It's the best time to learn how to let yourself do all of that.

Keeton Landfair

And it's the best place to experiment because there's there.

Keeton Landfair

I mean that there's no.

Keeton Landfair

It's judgment free zone.

Keeton Landfair

I mean, it's not.

Keeton Landfair

You're not on the job.

Keeton Landfair

Yeah, take advantage of that.

Keeton Landfair

Your professors are going to tell you to do it in the classroom at time, so might as well hear it now.



Katherine Stewart

Excellent advice, a lot of excellent advice.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you very much.

Katherine Stewart

And yeah, yeah, this is a wonderful conversation.

Gregor Patti

Thank you, this was a lot of fun.





Keeton Landfair

Yeah yeah, yeah.

Keeton Landfair

I yeah.

Keeton Landfair

I mean I, I hope it's if someone finds something in it.

Keeton Landfair


Katherine Stewart

Many people will find many things, I'm sure.

Keeton Landfair

Oh yes.

Katherine Stewart

Well, thank you both so much.

Katherine Stewart

Was there anything else you wanted to add before we wrap up?

Katherine Stewart

I know we're over time a little bit.

Gregor Patti

Oh the Golden rule uh, of ICM Hall.

Gregor Patti

Commit to the bit.

Keeton Landfair

Met you, but yeah, we understand what that means you understand.

Gregor Patti

You have to buy that admitted the press.

Gregor Patti

You'll understand what that.

Gregor Patti

You'll what that.

Gregor Patti

Never dropped the bit to the.

Keeton Landfair


Gregor Patti

But that is the Golden rule.

Keeton Landfair

And I'll have a hot take here is do not fill that Cabinet back up with sauce.

Keeton Landfair

It does not need any more fire, it's you know I, that's a hot take.

Gregor Patti


Gregor Patti


Keeton Landfair

I know if anyone who's.

Gregor Patti

We ever been the beginning.

Gregor Patti

We see sauce in that cabinet were stripping it out and throwing it on like no, no socks deserves.

Keeton Landfair

People, people who who have graduated.

Keeton Landfair

If they listen this, they're going to be really mad at me for that.

Keeton Landfair

I just know they are but but I think keep the sauce out.



Gregor Patti

But sanitary expectations have changed since they've graduate.

Keeton Landfair

That's true.

Gregor Patti

So maybe they would.

Keeton Landfair

Sit still.

Gregor Patti

Agree with you.

Gregor Patti

I mean I would agree with you.

Keeton Landfair

I agree with you and respect.

Keeton Landfair

You respect the space that I said.

Keeton Landfair

It's gotten a, you know, a long overdue renovation.

Keeton Landfair

At least you know we, it's it's getting.

Keeton Landfair

It's good.

Keeton Landfair

It's going to be more, but keep take care of that lobby.

Keeton Landfair

Take care that lobby.

Katherine Stewart

Keep it nice.

Katherine Stewart

Well thank you both so much for taking the time.

Katherine Stewart

I really appreciate it.

Keeton Landfair

Absolutely thank you and and best of.

Gregor Patti

Yeah, thank you.

Gregor Patti

Yeah you.

Keeton Landfair

Luck to everybody.

Katherine Stewart

Best of luck to everybody indeed

Katherine Stewart

Alright, once again that was Gregor Patti and Keeton Landfair, two soon to be graduates of our BFA acting for stage and screen program.

Katherine Stewart

I'm going to drop some more information about them in the show notes, so do be sure to check that out and until next time this is Stage & Screen.