Stage & Screen

Donna Buckley's Study Abroad in London

Episode Summary

Today we are talking with Donna Buckley, who is Instructional Associate Professor of Costume Technology, about the very exciting study abroad program she will be leading over May Intersession next year. It’s called “Exploring the Performance and Design of London Theatre,” and is basically two weeks jam-packed with workshops, museum visits, performances, and other experiences. It’s open to students in any major and any year, and as we’ll hear from Donna while it is theatre-focused, it’s going to be a great program for students in many disciplines.

Episode Notes

Today we are talking with Donna Buckley, who is Instructional Associate Professor of Costume Technology, about the very exciting study abroad program she will be leading over May Intersession next year. It’s called “Exploring the Performance and Design of London Theatre,” is basically two weeks jam-packed with workshops, museum visits, performances, and other experiences. It’s open to students in any major and any year, and as we’ll hear from Donna while it is theatre-focused, it’s going to be a great program for students in many disciplines. 

To learn more about the program and to apply, visit the Study Abroad office website here:

For more information about Donna Buckley, see her bio on the Theatre & Film site:

(If you'd like to contact Donna with specific questions about the program, her e-mail address can  be found in her bio at the link above.)

And here are just a few of the experiences included in this immersive, two-week study abroad program (check out the study abroad office site for the full listing!): 

The Globe Theatre:

The National Theatre:

The Victorian & Albert Museum:

Warner Brothers Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter

ITV Studios:


Episode Transcription

From the Department of Theatre and Film at the University of Mississippi, this is Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

Hello and welcome back to Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

I'm your host, Katherine Stewart and today we are talking with Donna Buckley, who is instructional associate professor of costume technology.

Katherine Stewart

About the very exciting study abroad program she will be leading over May.

Katherine Stewart

Intersession next year.

Katherine Stewart

Here it's called Exploring the Performance and Design of London Theatre.

Katherine Stewart

It's basically two weeks jam packed with workshops, museum visits, performances and many other experiences.

Katherine Stewart

It's open to students in any major and any year, and as we'll hear from Donna while it is theater focused, it's going to be a great program for students in many disciplines.

Katherine Stewart

Stay tuned to learn more about it and don't forget to check out the show notes where we'll have links to the application and tons of info about the experiences included in the program.

Katherine Stewart

Without further ado, here's Donna.

Katherine Stewart

Hello Donna, how are you doing today?

Donna Buckley

I'm doing well.

Donna Buckley

It's nice to.

Katherine Stewart

See you, it's nice to see you too well.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to me about this amazing study abroad program that you're going to be hosting next semester.

Katherine Stewart

But before we get to that, I would love to just talk a little bit about your background and your role within the department so you do costume.

Katherine Stewart

Design and technology.

Katherine Stewart

How did you get into costume design?

Donna Buckley

I started out as an actor actually, and I think there's a lot of people in various technology parts of theater that have started out in acting.

Donna Buckley

Most high schools don't have a lot of technology based experiences, so that was my start and I was majoring in that.

Donna Buckley

Uhm, and the odd way I got into it was I was cast in.

Donna Buckley

A certain role.

Donna Buckley

Which was a queen at a Renaissance festival and.

Donna Buckley

I wanted more.

Donna Buckley

Than the one costume that they gave me.

Donna Buckley

So I just dived.

Donna Buckley

In and you know talked to people.

Donna Buckley

And made friends.

Donna Buckley

With people who knew how to do it and started to really get into historical cost to me because I love history and so that was just a nice gateway into.

Donna Buckley

Doing historical costume ING, so that was the start of it, and from that experience I was working with someone who worked at a university and they needed a costume shop manager and that was my segue into.

Donna Buckley

Costuming and academia, and then from there I went on to get my masters.

Donna Buckley

Degree in costume design.

Katherine Stewart

Nice, nice and how long have you been with the department here?

Donna Buckley

Ooh, it's been little over six six years now.

Katherine Stewart

OK, and what are some?

Katherine Stewart

Of the classes you teach.

Donna Buckley

Well, I teach an.

Donna Buckley

Entire class of costuming so the students, I mean we have mostly actors who take that class, so they're learning basic.

Donna Buckley

Design elements of costuming, and they're also learning.

Donna Buckley

The construction part, so they learn how to sew and they're helping out.

Donna Buckley

Working on shows, and so that was really the main thrust of that.

Donna Buckley

That particular class is helping out with the theater productions that we do here.

Donna Buckley

The other thing that I teach is the technology courses and these are for mostly BFA costume students.

Donna Buckley

Occasionally I have other students, but there are students who are really focusing on doing this for a career path, and so I'm teaching them how to drape, how to tailor something, how to flat pattern.

Donna Buckley

So I'm teaching all of those.

Donna Buckley

Types of courses as well.

Katherine Stewart

Very cool, So what was the origin of this study abroad that you're going to be doing next semester?

Katherine Stewart

Tell us some of the basics of that.

Donna Buckley

I love England.

Donna Buckley

I feel like it's a second home in a lot of ways and so I.

Donna Buckley

Also love traveling and I would wanted to to come up with some kind of study abroad program and I thought that.

Donna Buckley

For me, England would be the easiest choice because of a familiarity with the country and the people.

Donna Buckley

I thought that would be.

Donna Buckley

A nice place to start.

Donna Buckley

I do know some of other professors will do study abroad programs and you know different countries, but because of my familiarity with England I thought that would.

Donna Buckley

Be a good.

Donna Buckley

Place to start and also it's just so rich in history where you have Shakespeare's history there and.

Donna Buckley

You know it's it has the basically the Golden Age of theater in the Renaissance.

Donna Buckley

Really, when we think about that, we think about England and English theater, so I thought it would be a good opportunity for students to experience one another country and also to see a lot of shows in another country.

Donna Buckley

So I thought it would be something to help broaden their horizons.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, and so is this study abroad.

Katherine Stewart

Designed specifically just for costume design students or for even just for theater students?

Katherine Stewart

Are there other students who might be interested in doing something like this?

Donna Buckley

It's actually it's actually open to anybody who.

Donna Buckley

Wants to take it any major.

Donna Buckley

Well, so I mean there are things that are.

Donna Buckley

A theatre student would probably be really interested in like there's a workshop on swordfighting in Shakespearean times by globe actors in in London.

Donna Buckley

So maybe somebody who is a psychology major that might not be their cup of tea, but there are a lot of things that are.



Donna Buckley

Part of this program, so everybody has a chance to to do something that they would be interested in.

Katherine Stewart

Cool, so yeah, so you just touched on a couple of the specific activities or experiences that students on the study abroad might have.

Katherine Stewart

What I'm looking at a list of all the things that are that are planned for this very short period of time there.

Katherine Stewart

What are some of the other things students will get to do?

Donna Buckley

Yeah, we're criminal otin

Donna Buckley

So we are we are.

Donna Buckley

Going to do some sightseeing things like see the Tower of London, which you know, see London as a tourist.

Donna Buckley

So that's always a good thing for students to start off with just to kind of get a feel of that.

Donna Buckley

Uhm, also there will be the a theater tour of the National Theatre of in England, and also there will be.

Donna Buckley

Performances in the West End that we're going to see.

Donna Buckley

We also are going to a TV studio 'cause we have student students in our department.

Donna Buckley

We have theater students.

Donna Buckley

We have film students so then students can see what it's like to produce.

Donna Buckley

Theater and film in a TV studio setting.

Donna Buckley

So that's one of the workshops that we're going to be going on.

Donna Buckley

Also, we will be going to bath, which is in Roman town and we were able to see the Roman baths.

Donna Buckley

This will be a full day excursion and not only that, there's a fashion museum there which houses clothing from the 16th century all the way up through the 19th century, so that will be something for the students.

Donna Buckley

We're interested in in costuming and also.

Donna Buckley

The Theatre Royal.

Donna Buckley

We will be able.

Donna Buckley

To see a performance there as.

Donna Buckley

Well, I kind of touched on the globe actors, but part of that is touring the Globe Theatre and seeing a production there as well, which is fun.

Donna Buckley

The Globe Theatre is really unique because they've recreated what it was like in Shakespeare's time, and so you have the area where they're called the Groundlings, where it's really the people.

Donna Buckley

Who were poor?

Donna Buckley

And couldn't afford a seed.

Donna Buckley

They would all stand around the stage and watch a show so you can still do that so you get the get the feel of what it was like.

Donna Buckley

To watch a show in Shakespeare's time and then you have the various tiers around the the the stage where people sat in so that it's always exciting to kind of get in that that kind of environment and you really kind of get a.

Donna Buckley

Feel of what?

Donna Buckley

It was like so this is open air.

Donna Buckley

It's there's no roof.

Donna Buckley

So so to speak on.

Donna Buckley

The theater so it's outside, so you just get you really do get a nice feel of what that.

Donna Buckley

Is we will also be seeing the Victorian Albert Museum.

Donna Buckley

There will be a tour that we will have there, so that's a really exciting thing for people who are interested into the history and there will be some costume ING and fashion things associated with that.

Donna Buckley

Another full day excursion is at Stratford upon Avon, which is where Shakespeare is.

Donna Buckley

From so there will be a tour of that.

Donna Buckley

We will go to the Royal Shakespeare Company and we will see a production.

Donna Buckley

In there and then, the final thing that a lot of students are really showing interest in is going to the Harry Potter experience, which is at the Warner Brothers Studio and one of the suburbs of London.

Donna Buckley

So that is exciting because it includes tours of the costumes, detailed sets, props from the film, and backstage.

Donna Buckley

Studio lots, so you can kind of get a really good idea of what it was like to do things on that movie so that kind of gives you an idea of some of the highlights and then that we have class as well.

Donna Buckley

We will be discuss.

Donna Buckley

Seeing what we are seeing in in the shows, talking about what that is.

Donna Buckley

So that kind of gives you an overview of what we're doing in two weeks so.

Donna Buckley

It's a lot to do in two weeks.

Katherine Stewart

It is a lot to do in two weeks and it sounds to like a pretty full immersive cultural experience in London and and in England and not just exclusively focused on theater and film.

Katherine Stewart

Which is why I think you were saying like there, there might be a lot of students who are not necessarily already in our department or interested in theater who might want to go on.

Donna Buckley

This trip, right?

Donna Buckley

So that's I wanted to leave it open that way so it could be, you know, appealing to a variety of people.

Donna Buckley

And I realize that there there's a probably a lot of students on our campus who have done theater in high school or having interest in it.

Donna Buckley

Or maybe an interest in Shakespeare if they're in, you know, in into.

Donna Buckley

English, and they're not majoring in theater, so this gives them an opportunity to kind of explore that without having to be a major in this department.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, so you mentioned your vast experience with London.

Katherine Stewart

Can you tell us a little bit more about that?

Katherine Stewart

I know you.

Katherine Stewart

Lived there.

Katherine Stewart

For a while.

Donna Buckley

I did and I was doing missionary work for the my church at the time and so that's why I was living in London.

Donna Buckley

I did marry somebody who was English and so I've been back.

Donna Buckley

Many, many times, so that really.

Donna Buckley

Is how I ended up getting acquainted with the country.

Katherine Stewart

So probably all of these things that you're including.

Katherine Stewart

Well, most of the things you're including in this trip, you've you've experienced and seen and done yourself.

Donna Buckley

I have most of them.

Donna Buckley

Yes, absolutely.

Donna Buckley

And I enjoy it.

Donna Buckley

I mean, I never get it never is dull to me when I go back there, there's just so much to see and do.

Donna Buckley

It's it's amazing and you think oh, you know two weeks, that's all that's so much.

Donna Buckley

But then you realize it's nothing.

Donna Buckley

You know I've been to England many times and I still have not seen.

Donna Buckley

Everything on my list.

Katherine Stewart

And so on.

Katherine Stewart

This list.

Katherine Stewart

What are some of your favorite things?

Katherine Stewart

I'm assuming many of them are your favorite things.

Katherine Stewart

That's why they're on the list.

Katherine Stewart

But what are some of your favorite experiences for this trip?

Donna Buckley

I really like.

Donna Buckley

I really like going to the Globe Theatre.

Donna Buckley

I like that setting.

Donna Buckley

I like seeing Shakespeare that way, so I just I find that kind of exciting.

Donna Buckley

I I like experiences.

Donna Buckley

Where I can kind of delve into the past and kind of get a a glimpse of what that is like and so that's why something like that appeals to me.

Donna Buckley

Of course, as a costume designer and as a costume technologist, I enjoy seeing period clothing.

Donna Buckley

Sure, that is very.

Donna Buckley

Very much up my alley and I never get bored.

Katherine Stewart

Of and you also mentioned that that there would be an opportunity to see some plays while you're there.

Katherine Stewart

Aside from Shakespeare, do you know yet what those might be?

Donna Buckley

No, they haven't.

Donna Buckley

They have not picked those yet, yeah?

Katherine Stewart

Kind of what I was.

Donna Buckley

Kind of what's going on?

Katherine Stewart

Figuring, but I thought I'd ask you.

Donna Buckley

Yeah, it's kind of what's being available, what's available, and the ticket pricing and all of that when we're there.

Donna Buckley

Yeah, cool.

Katherine Stewart

So we talked about how this is open to really anybody?

Katherine Stewart

Are there any eligibility requirements?

Katherine Stewart

If somebody wants to apply?

Katherine Stewart

I think usually with study abroad, there's like a GPA component.

Donna Buckley

It's it's not a really high GPA component. I believe it's 2.5.

Katherine Stewart

Is it open to any year?

Donna Buckley

Yes, absolutely.

Katherine Stewart

Wow, great.

Katherine Stewart


Donna Buckley

And so if you're going do you, are you going to put a link to the study abroad link?

Katherine Stewart

Absolutely well, yeah, we'll put that in the show notes and I'm I'm also so well like the website for the podcast has like a show notes section and I'll have a link to where to apply and all that information that you sent to me.

Katherine Stewart

And then I'll I'll also include some links to some of the different places you're going to go if people maybe aren't familiar with the Globe Theatre or something and they want to.

Katherine Stewart

Look it up.

Katherine Stewart

And learn more.

Donna Buckley

OK, yeah, that sounds.

Donna Buckley

Awesome yeah.

Donna Buckley

It's not everybody is going to know what I'm talking.

Donna Buckley

About when I talk.

Katherine Stewart

About the globe.

Katherine Stewart

Theatre exactly exactly, but I think it's very cool that this is designed to.

Katherine Stewart

Again, like you said, include.

Katherine Stewart

Not specifically, costume design students, and not even specifically theater and film students, but anybody who's really interested in Shakespeare might love to go.

Donna Buckley

Or anybody who's interested in history.

Katherine Stewart

To anybody who's interested in history, yeah, or anybody who's just interested in England.

Donna Buckley

England or culture or anything like that, yeah.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, I think that's great.

Katherine Stewart

I think it'll be.

Katherine Stewart

A really rich experience, especially if students from different disciplines are able to go together and have it together.

Donna Buckley

From what I understand right now, the majority of people who are interested are not in the department.

Katherine Stewart

Really, wow, that's interesting.

Donna Buckley

Yeah so.

Donna Buckley

We'll see, we'll see.

Donna Buckley

What what happens?

Katherine Stewart

That's very cool.

Katherine Stewart

Well, what's what's the pitch for this program?

Katherine Stewart

Why should people?

Katherine Stewart

Why should people take their two weeks of them?

Katherine Stewart

It's the may intersession, right?

Donna Buckley

It's May 15th through May 27th at yes.



Donna Buckley

It's theater, 20.

Katherine Stewart

Nine OK?

Katherine Stewart

Oh, that's right.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, is there a class?

Donna Buckley

It's theater 209. It's three hours, but they when they apply for the study abroad Office will basically walk them through that part of the process.

Donna Buckley

So that will be something that it'll be easier once they get in and start the the how to apply for.

Donna Buckley


Katherine Stewart

Gotcha gotcha alright, so what's?

Katherine Stewart

Why should students spend their two weeks of intercession with you in London?

Katherine Stewart

What's what's the big stuff?

Donna Buckley

Well, I my cell is actually if I go think about my first study abroad opportunity was in Greece so I did Greek theater and you just don't look at the world the same again.

Katherine Stewart

Oh well.

Donna Buckley

When you do study abroad, you're going to just have experiences that.

Donna Buckley

You just can't.

Donna Buckley

You can't have here in Oxford and you just are going to meet people and you're going to experience a different culture.

Donna Buckley

You're going to experience theater in that culture, and it really opens you as a person when you can go on a study abroad trip.

Donna Buckley

And usually everybody that I've known who's done it.

Donna Buckley

It's always been.

Donna Buckley

The highlight of their academic undergrad career, or if you know, sometimes people do it in grad school.

Donna Buckley

But everybody always talks about how it was life changing and how it just makes you see the world differently, and so that's really the goal.

Donna Buckley

Here is just to help students experience something beyond Oxford, Ms.

Katherine Stewart

And I I will 2nd that I I did a study abroad my junior year and it was.

Katherine Stewart

For some for a whole semester and it was, it was incredible, and it ended up being a place I visited many.

Katherine Stewart

Times after that.

Katherine Stewart

And I'm still friends with with other students who were in that program who I met there who are from different parts of the country.

Donna Buckley

Yep, so it's just a combination of, you know, being somewhere else and experiencing great theater.

Donna Buckley

'cause what we're going to experience is phenomenal theater and and that's always something that opens someone up as well.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, you know, that's that's an interesting question that I should have asked earlier.

Katherine Stewart

What is it about Theatre in London or theater in England that is special in part?

Donna Buckley

Killer, well, I think the theater that we're going to see is it's going to be on the same par or level when we think of Broadway.

Donna Buckley

That kind of professional.

Donna Buckley

Level, and I think when you see when you see theater that's on that type of level.

Donna Buckley

It really does make a difference when you.

Donna Buckley

Get to see actors who really have the.

Donna Buckley

Chops who really?

Donna Buckley

Know how to perform that way or if it's something that's really.

Donna Buckley

Phenomenal and the way they've done it with technology in the production area that also can really be mind-blowing.

Donna Buckley

So it's just it's just being able to see things that are done so well with such high quality.

Katherine Stewart

Wonderful, wonderful and of course the historical aspect as well.

Donna Buckley

Right, and you know, like going to see the.

Donna Buckley

Tower, London.

Donna Buckley

It's been there since you know, Norman the Conqueror that that log so and and you'll be walking around buildings that have been there for hundreds of years and whatnot.

Katherine Stewart

One thing on this list of activities that I'm not sure we touched on is entrance to the clothworkers center.

Katherine Stewart

What is that?

Donna Buckley

Well, I'm not.

Donna Buckley

Sure, if we're going to be able to do that because of COVID, but what that is is the museum's behind the scenes room, where they have all their clothing.

Donna Buckley

And they do give tours of that, and that's also where if somebody wants to do research, they can tell the universe.

Donna Buckley

The museum I'm interested in say a gown from 1740. They'll pull that out, bring it out, put it on a table, and then you know. So whoever is doing research can look at that particular item.

Donna Buckley

So that's where all.

Donna Buckley

Those pieces of clothing are housed in its expansive amount, but it's like I'm not sure if that's happening yet because of because of the COVID set.

Katherine Stewart

And that's an opportunity that you've made available to some students in our department here too, with the local museum and their historic clothing collection.

Donna Buckley

Yes, and but the students really like it, so people don't think about our our museum here having clothing, but I think the earliest one is from the 1820s and it it goes all the way up into, you know mid century. But there there is some stunning things that.

Donna Buckley

Our museum has in their collection that's just not seen.

Donna Buckley

There's just not room or the ability to put it out on the floor.

Donna Buckley

But they even have something that is not pretty that my students love to see was a little infantryman's civil War southern civil war jacket and it was just so fascinating that piece of clothing had so much history attached to it. So being able to see those things.

Donna Buckley

Is also always very exciting for any student who is into fashion or into costuming or into history.

Katherine Stewart

It is totally different to see those items in person to sort of get the sense of what it was like for a person to wear them at the time when they were made.

Katherine Stewart

Absolutely well, I hope that opportunity will be available in May.

Donna Buckley

I hope so too yeah.

Katherine Stewart

Alright, well is there anything else we need to know about this study abroad?

Katherine Stewart

Like I said, I will put a link to all the information.

Katherine Stewart

And about it and the study abroad office, and where students can apply and it.

Katherine Stewart

Has all this.

Katherine Stewart

Stuff about financial aid and the course credits and and things like that on there.

Katherine Stewart

Is there anything else we should?

Donna Buckley

Add, uhm, just to realize that there's when we think of financial aid, we just think of the financial aid department, but there's also scholarships that are available through the.

Donna Buckley

Study abroad office if somebody needs help financially with getting their passport, they'll help you.



Donna Buckley

You also can get your passport through the study Abroad Office because they're actually an agent, so you can go through them and.

Donna Buckley

Get all the help that you need.

Donna Buckley

Setting that up.

Donna Buckley

There's also Pell grants if somebody is an honors student in the Honors College.

Donna Buckley

There are scholarships through the Honors College for study abroad programs, so that's something else that somebody might be able to tap into.

Donna Buckley

So there's a different aspects of.

Donna Buckley

Getting help for it and I know that that's the always the biggest worry because most people are like, oh, I really really want to go but I don't have the money and I mean I understand that.

Donna Buckley

So they're, but to know that there's other ways to tap into some money.

Katherine Stewart

That's great, so don't discredit the idea just because it seems like it's going to be expensive.

Katherine Stewart

There are ways to make it happen.

Katherine Stewart

It doesn't have to be a big daunting thing if you've never been abroad before.

Donna Buckley

That's right.

Katherine Stewart

Don't just say it's too much.

Katherine Stewart

Go ahead and.

Donna Buckley

Look into it, that's why I did it a class.

Donna Buckley

I attached it to a class with credit hours so that way people could get financial aid.

Katherine Stewart

Gotcha, that makes perfect sense.

Katherine Stewart

All right, well thank you so much Donna.

Katherine Stewart

This is a really, really exciting program.

Katherine Stewart

I can't wait until you are actually over there sending us pictures that we can share of all the fun things you're doing.

Katherine Stewart

I wish I could go on it myself.

Donna Buckley

You're welcome.

Donna Buckley

Yeah, but thank you so much for talking to me about it.

Donna Buckley

I hope that answers some questions.

Katherine Stewart

Absolutely, and I hope it will generate some interest and I'll put.

Katherine Stewart

Are you the contact person for this?

Katherine Stewart

Do you want me to include your?

Katherine Stewart

I know your email address is there in the study abroad site, but I could include.

Katherine Stewart

Your email address.

Katherine Stewart

In the yeah, that would be great notes as well.

Katherine Stewart

People want to reach out.

Katherine Stewart

Directly and just run some questions by you.

Donna Buckley

OK, and I was told that alumni can.

Donna Buckley

Go as well so.

Katherine Stewart

Oh, really, OK, that's very interesting.

Katherine Stewart

I will make sure to note that is there.

Katherine Stewart

Do they have to go through the alumni office or is it still study abroad?

Donna Buckley

No, they would still.

Katherine Stewart

Do you know?

Donna Buckley

Yeah, they would still do that, of course they.

Donna Buckley

Wouldn't be taking the.

Donna Buckley

Class per southeast, but they would still have to go through the the whole study abroad process, OK?

Katherine Stewart

That's very interesting.

Katherine Stewart

Alright, thank you for including that, because I don't think I had seen that detail anywhere.

Katherine Stewart

It's good.

Donna Buckley

To know alrighty.

Katherine Stewart

Alright well thanks Donna.

Katherine Stewart

Have a great rest.

Katherine Stewart

Of your day.

Donna Buckley

Bye bye bye bye.

Katherine Stewart

OK, once again that was Donna Buckley talking about the study abroad.

Katherine Stewart

She'll be leading in London at the end of the spring 2022 semester. Please see this episode shown out for all the information you need to take advantage of this very fun opportunity. Until next time.

Katherine Stewart

This is Stage & Screen.