Stage & Screen

Elena Ontiveros, Performer, Teacher, and Makeup Artist, BFA 2018

Episode Summary

Elena Ontiveros graduated from our program in 2018 with a BFA in Musical Theatre and a BA in Music. Since then, she's built a very interesting caree—a mix of performance (both on stage and onscreen), teaching, and makeup design, all using a variety of skills she acquired during her time at UM. This is an excellent episode for anyone thinking about a career in theatre and film, because Elena does a wonderful job of explaining the many opportunities in our program and how to make the most of them.

Episode Notes

Elena Ontiveros graduated from our program in 2018 with a BFA in Musical Theatre and a BA in Music. Since then, she's built a very interesting caree—a mix of performance (both on stage and onscreen), teaching, and makeup design, all using a variety of skills she acquired during her time at UM. This is an excellent episode for anyone thinking about a career in theatre and film, because Elena does a wonderful job of explaining the many opportunities in our program and how to make the most of them.

To see some of Elena's work, check out her Instagram:

Also, here's the trailer for her upcoming film Dark Entities, which is slated to come out in fall 2021:

The Department of Theatre & Film is grateful for its patrons and corporate sponsors. As a department we are committed to the high quality instruction that our students receive. Investing in the students’ education and these quality productions helps us move toward our common goal of graduating successful, creative adults who are lifelong learners. If you are interested in contributing to these efforts, please visit:

Episode Transcription


From the Department of Theater and Film at the University of Mississippi, this is Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

Hi everyone, welcome back to Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

I'm your host, Katherine Stewart, and my guest today is Elena Ontiveros.

Katherine Stewart

Elena graduated from our program in 2018 and since then has built a very interesting career. Doing a mix of performing both on stage and on-screen teaching and makeup design.

Katherine Stewart

We had a super fun conversation with lots of laughs, and if you're considering a career in theater and film, this is a perfect episode because Elena does a wonderful job explaining.

Katherine Stewart

All of the opportunities in this department and how to make the most of them.

Katherine Stewart

Without further ado, here's Elena.

Katherine Stewart

Hi Elena, thank you so much for joining us today.

Katherine Stewart

How are you?

Elena Ontiveros

I am doing so well today, how are?

Katherine Stewart

You I'm doing great.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you for asking.

Katherine Stewart

So uhm, if you wouldn't mind just kind of introduce yourself, tell us who you are and where you're from.

Katherine Stewart

And I would love to hear how you got into theater.

Elena Ontiveros

Of course yeah. So hi, my name is Elena Ontiveros. I graduated in December of 2018 with a BFA in musical theater and a BA in music. I am from the Madison, Huntsville area, so if you know the big rocket, that's where I'm from.

Elena Ontiveros

I got into theater.

Elena Ontiveros

It start.

Elena Ontiveros

My story is a long one, so I loved singing as a child and it's so crazy.

Elena Ontiveros

'cause when I was nine years old, I was auditioning for like my youth choir.

Elena Ontiveros

We had like solos and stuff, and our choir instructor was like you have really bad tones.

Elena Ontiveros

Like I can't give you a solo.

Elena Ontiveros

Which is crazy to tell a 9 year old. And really what it was was during the early 2000s all the pop singers were singing with like a lot of nasality in their tone and I was just emulating that. 'cause that's.

Elena Ontiveros

What I wanted to sound like I wanted to like all these famous pop stars and so I really stopped singing for like 5 years and then I was doing I know and then I was doing a modern duet to the song for good from wicked, which is why I click it will always hold such a special place in my heart because I hadn't really been listening to show tunes.

Elena Ontiveros

It was not the kind of music I was listening to and the song just really moved me and it inspired me to start singing again.

Elena Ontiveros

And so I started doing voice lessons and then I was really heavily involved, not only in my high school drama department and choral department, but also a lot of different community theater.

Elena Ontiveros

The group and I was just performing at every opportunity I could, was not auditioning constantly, and it's kind of crazy because an almost alum that lived in Huntsville was like listening.

Elena Ontiveros

When we talk about all these principles, auditioning and he's like, have you thought of old men?

Elena Ontiveros

And it was just I hadn't, honestly, because I wasn't really looking.

Elena Ontiveros

At like schools in Alabama, or like my dream school was like Elon at the time and I was like no and he was like well, it's amazing and you should look at it.

Elena Ontiveros

And so I started looking into the program and I really enjoyed the fact that.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, you couldn't audition into the BFA until the end of your freshman year, 'cause it kind of really allowed you to explore yourself and who you are like away from any pressure you might have at home.

Elena Ontiveros

And not that I had any, but like you know what I mean, it allowed you to kind of discover who you are as a person before.

Elena Ontiveros

You make that commitment 'cause it's a commitment.

Elena Ontiveros

And so I went to Ole Miss, and I auditioned for the theater program and I just fell in love with the faculty and the campus, and so.

Elena Ontiveros

Here I am.

Elena Ontiveros

But yeah, and so it was truly.

Elena Ontiveros

The right choice, and it was kind of divine intervention too.

Elena Ontiveros

'cause I was sick for like a lot of my collegiate auditions like I still got accepted into a lot of programs.

Elena Ontiveros

The Ole Miss was the one I like felt best about, and so I kind of was, like you know what?

Elena Ontiveros

It's a sign so.

Katherine Stewart

I love it.

Katherine Stewart

So what did you end up focusing on and what were some of maybe the highlights of your time during the program?

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, so one of the reasons I loved studying an Ole Miss so much is because long term my goals have always been not only performing professionally but also teaching.

Elena Ontiveros

I love teaching theater and I love teaching voice in particular and so.

Elena Ontiveros

I love that at Ole Miss, the theater department and the vocal department really worked together to help me get both of my super demanding degrees.

Elena Ontiveros

They really helped me and like inspired me and they were just very collaborative with me, which that is not the case at every university I mean.

Elena Ontiveros

I'm not going to name names that I've heard from other people that have studied at other places that are like yeah, no.

Elena Ontiveros

You definitely would not have been able to do that here, so once again it's just it worked out perfectly, but yeah, so here in Ole Miss I did the BFA musical theater and I added that music degree in junior year and.

Elena Ontiveros

I was in a lot of the mainstage productions, but there are like always four that kind of stand out to me in my head and one of them was the Spitfire Grill which was that was my first mainstage production and and it was such a fun show because it was the first time I had ever worked with a cast that small.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean there were only.

Elena Ontiveros

Having characters in the show, so with the whole cast of you know people and then the all the understudies were only 14 people in that cast, which I had never.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean doing like high school theater and community theater.

Elena Ontiveros

I had never experienced that before and so I'd never had that tight knit connection.

Elena Ontiveros

And it was also just like a really beautiful story.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, also in Midsummer Night's Dream it was my first Shakespearean show and you know the teachers and your classes are always.

Elena Ontiveros

You know, emphasizing the importance of analyzing the text and that point was really driven home during a midsummer's night dream.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, it's I mean literally, I remember the entire task.

Elena Ontiveros

We spent weeks just analyzing the text because it is so important.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean most of the audience is not going to necessarily know everything that you're saying.

Elena Ontiveros

Unless you know what you're saying and and it's definitely helped me, because like now I am certainly not as intimidated.

Elena Ontiveros

By Shakespeare plays as I was before being in that production.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, the big one.

Elena Ontiveros

My big one that I really always will hold such a special place in my heart was when we did zombie prom.

Elena Ontiveros

UM, I played miss Delilah strip and it was my first lead at boldness, and I was absolutely terrified.

Elena Ontiveros

She was a very like big bold.

Elena Ontiveros

Like just out there, I mean the whole show was very easy, but she in particular.

Elena Ontiveros

Was very different from my actual personality and.

Elena Ontiveros

It was just.

Elena Ontiveros

I was intimidated at first, especially with it being my first lead and I was like, oh like, I don't know.

Elena Ontiveros

But working through that show and really committing to those bold choices that I was making and working with Renee to really like, fine tune that.

Elena Ontiveros

Physicality, 'cause it was all very caricature, uhm?

Elena Ontiveros

It really just putting in that work and seeing it all play out.

Elena Ontiveros

It just truly transformed me and built my confidence not only as a performer but also as just a person in general.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, I really do feel like going into that show and coming out of it.

Elena Ontiveros

I was a different.

Elena Ontiveros

Performer uhm and thank you to Renee Polian for casting me and believing.

Elena Ontiveros

In me 'cause without that experience.

Elena Ontiveros

'cause I know I wouldn't be the same person I would say and then my final one is Assassins.

Elena Ontiveros

It was my last show.

Elena Ontiveros

So like, obviously you know sentiment there, but it was also I had the really cool opportunity of student music directing under Polmar Cichowski, which I learned.

Katherine Stewart

Oh wow huh?

Elena Ontiveros

So much from Paul, so it's just definitely I had a really.

Elena Ontiveros

I had a lot of amazing opportunities and I'm very, very fortunate for those.

Elena Ontiveros

Those are kind of like the four things that really stick out though.

Katherine Stewart

That's wonderful, it's wonderful.

Katherine Stewart

So what have you been doing since you graduated?

Elena Ontiveros

OK, well obviously it's been hard with this pandemic, uh, we're all just trying to do what we can.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm so I've been doing a lot of performing and a lot of teaching coming right out of school.

Elena Ontiveros

I've played Irene Molloy and Hello Dolly which was an amazing experience that was a dream role for me.

Elena Ontiveros

I also did, right?

Elena Ontiveros

After that, Lily St.

Elena Ontiveros

Regis and Annie, which like you could not have had two more contrasting roles one after another, and, and I've also been teaching with a local theater and Academy.

Elena Ontiveros

I teach voice lessons with the local music school.

Elena Ontiveros

And some of like the more exciting things I've been doing was I was actually in two different independent feature films.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, one of them is called Dark Entities.

Elena Ontiveros

It's set in the 70s and it follows a small family.

Elena Ontiveros

It's like three siblings and there are two of them are grown and one of them is younger and they're moving into this.

Elena Ontiveros

House that they inherited, not just trying to get a fresh start, not realizing that the house is actually haunted, and so the character I play is the sister.

Elena Ontiveros

Her name is Vera and in the movie you kind of follow her journey.

Elena Ontiveros

She's the one that you're kind of experiencing all of it with.

Elena Ontiveros

Definitely a lead in that one and then the the second moving on in. I'm not exactly 100% sure what all I'm allowed to say, but I will say that it's like a very my like thought provoking, enlightening script and.

Elena Ontiveros

It was a pleasure to shoot that one as well.

Elena Ontiveros

It was a really amazing experience.

Elena Ontiveros

All the way around and I know that Dark Entities will be coming out in fall of 2021.

Katherine Stewart

We will promote that.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, as I say, when I have more information about the release I will surely you know and with God of dreams.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't really know.

Elena Ontiveros

I know we're in post production right now and he did tell me that he was planning on.

Elena Ontiveros

And announcing release information soon so yeah, but yeah, definitely we'll send you more information about that later.

Katherine Stewart

Please do so. So, coming into the program, did you have like a specific aspiration to be onstage or in films or on TV or anything like that?

Katherine Stewart

Has all of this just sort of happened organically, or was

Elena Ontiveros

There yeah, well like coming into the program.

Elena Ontiveros

I had definitely taken some film classes in high school so I always knew that I wanted to do that.

Elena Ontiveros

And yeah, I didn't really talk about that as much in my like.

Elena Ontiveros

Wow, I was your thing, but I was I did do like film classes and I was involved with the student films that I could get involved with I I remember like right before I moved out of Oxford back here I did a short film called Scars with a group that was there and and yeah, no.

Katherine Stewart


Elena Ontiveros

I mean I.

Elena Ontiveros

I love doing both I I don't it's so different with film.

Elena Ontiveros

I love it because it's so subtle and you really just feel like you're.

Elena Ontiveros

Kind of like not that in theater you don't feel like you're living in the moment, but with film you could just make so many subtle choices.

Elena Ontiveros

But with theater, I mean you truly cannot beat that energy from the audience and you're watching it live.

Elena Ontiveros

And it's just I don't know there I like both.

Elena Ontiveros

And another thing that I started.

Elena Ontiveros

Getting into.

Elena Ontiveros

I was in school and that I've kind of carried forward to is that I really started getting into makeup design like I remember when I was at Ole Miss.

Elena Ontiveros

I did makeup design for two of the different Ghostlight productions and I've been doing that since then, both for stage and film.

Elena Ontiveros

So yeah, I mean.

Elena Ontiveros

It's kind of you just find that's what I love about our department though is that you can take advantage of so many different opportunities in so many different fields of the industry.

Elena Ontiveros

And kind of really hone in on what you like and then carry that with you after you graduate for sure.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, that's definitely something I was going to ask about too.

Katherine Stewart

Like I know you've been very involved in makeup design.

Katherine Stewart

Is that totally separate from your performance work?

Katherine Stewart

Do you consider those two almost like divergent career paths or is that is it all rolled into one?

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, it kind of started it started so the way that started was that while I was here I was doing in order to do both of my degrees I had to do a lot of summer classes so I wasn't really looking for like super like professional work in different.

Elena Ontiveros

Regional theater companies.

Elena Ontiveros

I was more.

Elena Ontiveros

So really education focused and like doing some fun community theater volunteering on the side so that kind of started where I couldn't.

Elena Ontiveros

I could never make it in home in time to audition for the Community theater productions for summer.

Elena Ontiveros

Usually 'cause I was involved in a show at Ole Miss and and.



Elena Ontiveros

So what I did was I started just to be involved and have something to do that brought me creative joy.

Elena Ontiveros

I would start working makeup for shows and I remember I was on a makeup team for a production of Shrek, which is like.

Elena Ontiveros

Crazy, obviously, the fairy tale features.

Katherine Stewart

Lots of make up?

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, it's a lot of crazy intricate and like we particularly use a lot of glitter and and it was just.

Elena Ontiveros

It was so much fun.

Elena Ontiveros

And then I remember the very first show I ever make it designed with after that and it was the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Katherine Stewart

Oh my gosh.

Elena Ontiveros

With like a ton of cast members, yeah, and it was my first thing I ever did and it was insane and it was so hard but I like did it and it was really fulfilling.


At the project.

Elena Ontiveros

I I actually won a local award for it so it was just kind of like.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know I it it just kind of found me.

Elena Ontiveros

I guess like it didn't.

Elena Ontiveros

I never intended it for it to be a thing that I do.

Elena Ontiveros

And now it's so funny 'cause here in Huntsville I'm like one of the makeup people like.

Elena Ontiveros

I'm constantly being asked and I'm like.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, but I want to audition.

Elena Ontiveros

I do perform and and it's like they know me as a performer too, but it's I don't know.

Elena Ontiveros

There's just there are less makeup people than performers.

Elena Ontiveros

I think so they're like, yeah, but you could do both and I'm like.

Elena Ontiveros

Sure, uhm, but no yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

It's one of those things too, or it's like I've been working.

Elena Ontiveros

Not even just like in production, but like it's so funny 'cause people have even been reaching out to me for like if they have Halloween parties or something they'll like pay me to come do their makeup for their costume and I'm like sure so I think the get to the answer to your question.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, it's not really.

Elena Ontiveros

They're not like of equal part to me.

Katherine Stewart


Elena Ontiveros

Let's makeup is more something I do like on the side to make some extra money so I can really invest and dive into what I actually wanted to do, which is performing and teaching so.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, sorry that took so long.

Katherine Stewart

No, not at all.

Katherine Stewart

I think it's very cool that like you were able to acquire the skills to do different things that allow you to do what you want to do.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, so can you talk a little bit more about teaching?

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, uhm, so that was another thing.

Elena Ontiveros

It's just honestly I think part of it is I'm very lucky with my area like there's a lot of things going on.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean, Huntsville is literally booming right now.

Elena Ontiveros

It's like the third largest.

Elena Ontiveros

It was not the third largest.

Elena Ontiveros

It was ranked third, something like one of the third, like Best Cities, to live in or something I don't remember like very recently.

Elena Ontiveros

We were all very excited about it, but it's one of the larger cities in Alabama and the art community especially is just booming here and and so I got involved with the children.

Elena Ontiveros

Theater companies they do productions of different children's theater shows. They have touring shows where they actually have like paid actor.

Elena Ontiveros

Which is nice.

Elena Ontiveros

And then like we have our education program where we teach different classes and one of the main things we really focus on is like teaching life skills through theater.

Elena Ontiveros

So like a huge thing we harp on, especially 'cause I mean I teach like itty bitty.

Elena Ontiveros

So I teach like 5 to like 9 year olds mostly.

Elena Ontiveros

And and like one of the things I really, really harp on is building self confidence and the idea that they are our next.

Elena Ontiveros

You know they are our future.

Elena Ontiveros

They are next generation and so it to me.

Elena Ontiveros

One of the messages I really drive home in my classes.

Elena Ontiveros

Is that what you have to say is important and I want to give you the confidence.

Elena Ontiveros

And also just the technical skill to project your voice so it is heard.

Elena Ontiveros

And so, uh, because I think what they have to say is so important and especially going into the future.

Elena Ontiveros

But they're gonna have to say it's so important, and I think if we can start driving that lesson home now of what you have to contribute and what.

Elena Ontiveros

You have to say is important at an early age that will help them carry.

Elena Ontiveros

Hopefully they will carry that forward the rest of their lives.

Elena Ontiveros

But we also do teach like.

Elena Ontiveros

Theater like this fun thing like and and we always do like shows like this last summer we just did a showcase of The Little Mermaid Junior and it was so much fun but yeah, and it's cool.

Katherine Stewart

Now fun.

Elena Ontiveros

'cause at fantasy I do also get to wear a lot of.

Elena Ontiveros

Perhaps I'm a teacher, but I'm also a performer.

Elena Ontiveros

I just did a production there, Tinkerbell where I was windy.

Elena Ontiveros

I I make that's one of the theaters I do makeup design for.

Elena Ontiveros

So like it's.

Elena Ontiveros

It's a really in a really amazing place and I think what they teach is really important, because it's not just it's theater, but we use theater to teach different things that you like.

Elena Ontiveros

I said like literally, life skills and and then yeah, and then at musicology.

Elena Ontiveros

I just I teach.

Elena Ontiveros

With at all levels.

Elena Ontiveros

But I really mainly focus on beginning piano.

Elena Ontiveros

I can play scales and I can play what I need to play in order to teach a voice.

Elena Ontiveros

Listen, but I'm not over here playing like Mozart like beginning to intermediate is like where I'm at.

Katherine Stewart

I love it.

Katherine Stewart

So are there certain things that you remember from your training in the program that you have brought forward into your teaching now?

Elena Ontiveros

Oh for sure.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, definitely like I always kind of focus on.

Elena Ontiveros

Then one of the main things I remember is just really the idea of simply being engaged on stage like and that was a huge thing specifically with Renee Foley.

Elena Ontiveros

Am I remember her at one point saying if you're comfortable you're not engaged.

Elena Ontiveros

So like, literally like.

Elena Ontiveros

Physically, and I remember that during zombie prom, like if you're ever just sitting relaxed chilling like you don't, you're not.

Elena Ontiveros

Your spine is not engaged and you're not like.

Elena Ontiveros

We there and so.

Elena Ontiveros

That's definitely 'cause I do.

Elena Ontiveros

Mostly teach younger kids, but I teach some older kids too, and so I'll be like are you?

Elena Ontiveros

Where are you?

Elena Ontiveros

Because you're not.

Elena Ontiveros

You're not here, you're not in this moment where.

Elena Ontiveros

Are you right now and and just that and the idea of like you constantly have to be like mentally involved as well, like you have to constantly be listening constantly, be reacting to things, uhm?

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, and then another huge thing.

Elena Ontiveros

This was something.

Elena Ontiveros

Renee, I just that woman.

Elena Ontiveros

She just taught me so much.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm I just I adore her but no, I'm one of the huge things I learned from her, which I'd never really no one had really ever explained to me like singing and dancing in a musical before her like I understood it was fun to just like burst into song and dance.

Elena Ontiveros

But like she was the one that really kind of.

Elena Ontiveros

Taught me.

Elena Ontiveros

How that like why that happens and it's when you.

Elena Ontiveros

Have so much energy and like so much passion you can't just say it.

Elena Ontiveros

You have to sing it and then it goes even higher when you have to sing and dance and it was just like I've definitely used that too.

Elena Ontiveros

Like when I've had students who even just in like audition coaching like explaining to them.

Elena Ontiveros

You have to like.

Elena Ontiveros

Show why you're singing like you have to show that energy, 'cause otherwise we're just sitting here watching you saying and we are like why and then another thing too is just.

Elena Ontiveros

At text, that text analysis is so important and I actually and I totally forgot to mention this earlier.

Elena Ontiveros

I also worked at at the at a high school I was helping with an advanced drama cost before the pandemic.

Elena Ontiveros

It feels so long ago now because it was right before.

Elena Ontiveros

The pandemic, it was literally that spring semester.

Elena Ontiveros

But yeah, so I forgot to mention that I also helped teach at a high school for a brief period of time.

Elena Ontiveros

It's like a contract teaching artist.

Elena Ontiveros

I think, and that was something I really drove home with those kids.

Elena Ontiveros

It's just like you have to analyze the text and you have to know exactly what you're saying.

Elena Ontiveros

But you also have to know exactly what your subtext is.

Elena Ontiveros

'cause a lot of times it's not the same as what you're actually saying, and so kind of working with kids on like that.

Elena Ontiveros

You know underbelly and cover.

Elena Ontiveros

Really 'cause I mean we it's very rare, especially if you're doing like a dramatic monologue.

Elena Ontiveros

It's very rare that what you're saying textually is actually what you're saying in your head.

Elena Ontiveros

So yeah, just I.

Elena Ontiveros

I learned so much at all.

Elena Ontiveros

Miss and.

Elena Ontiveros

Like really, I I just I try so hard to bring that knowledge forward to the next generation.

Elena Ontiveros

It's so important, but yeah.

Katherine Stewart

Well, and it it, it seems like you've crafted a very well rounded career for yourself.

Katherine Stewart

Since leaving, do you have any advice for current students or incoming students?

Elena Ontiveros

Yes, I do.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, definitely like when your faculty tells you that you get out of your education what you put into it.

Elena Ontiveros

They are not lying to you like you have to take advantage of.

Elena Ontiveros

You are so blessed to be in the Ole Miss Theater department because our faculty works so hard to provide you with so many different opportunities.

Elena Ontiveros

But you have to be the one to acknowledge those opportunities and take advantage of them.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, like I would not be able to do what I'm doing if I had not only performed but also worked backstage.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean literally there have been times where.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, like for example, I remember I did set painting for the mystery of Edwin Drood, which is this huge, beautiful, crazy detail paint like detailed set and I mean.

Elena Ontiveros

Working on that detail.

Elena Ontiveros

Painting with decks with like a huge learning experience for me and it's just you really have to be willing to put in that work to get the most out of your education because our industry is a really hard one.

Elena Ontiveros

It was hard before the pandemic and it's certainly very difficult after the pandemic.

Elena Ontiveros

And so it's just.

Elena Ontiveros

The training that you get is the training that you're going to make the effort to get, and I think that is like one of the biggest things I can say and then also just be bold and believe in yourself because you are.

Elena Ontiveros

Like talented and you just have to have that faith.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean, like I said, I think my main thing.

Elena Ontiveros

It was I learned that during zombie prom, that's what I learned like be bold and believe in your choices and do them confidently.

Elena Ontiveros

And I mean that was something I'd been taught the entire time.

Elena Ontiveros

I was Little Mix, but it didn't.


Yeah, yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

It took that show for that lesson to really be ingrained and.

Elena Ontiveros

And then also just be kind to everyone because.

Elena Ontiveros

The connections that you make at Ole Miss are gonna carry with you throughout your entire professional career, so it's just.

Elena Ontiveros

Yes, work very, very hard.

Elena Ontiveros

Be confident but also understand that like we are all people and we are all trying to make it in this incredibly difficult industry and so really just be kind and be supportive of each other and build that family.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean, that's one of the things I really loved about our department when I was there was just.

Elena Ontiveros

Everyone felt like one big family and sometimes we didn't always agree with things, but.

Elena Ontiveros

We were still.

Elena Ontiveros

Supportive and caring and kind to each other.

Elena Ontiveros

So yeah, I think that would be all I would have to say on that.

Katherine Stewart

I love that it's wonderful advice.

Katherine Stewart

It's wonderful advice.

Katherine Stewart

OK, so last question.

Katherine Stewart

Do you have like a special moment or memory that you would be willing to share?

Elena Ontiveros

From my time at Ole Miss, let me think.

Elena Ontiveros

I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking I think one thing that really, really stands out to me.

Elena Ontiveros

In my head and.

Elena Ontiveros

And I think this is just I mean.

Elena Ontiveros

There are so many this, I think is the first one coming to me 'cause it was like one of the latest.

Elena Ontiveros

One up was probably our closing show of assassins up.

Elena Ontiveros

I was in the I was in the ensemble of that show and all of the ensemble members had to sing this song called something just broke and I remember and there were a lot of seniors in that ensemble.

Elena Ontiveros

It was me and then there was Alan Dillon and Nicole Fava and.

Elena Ontiveros

There were a lot of seniors in the show period.

Elena Ontiveros

I'm pretty sure of the ensemble.

Elena Ontiveros

Those were the only seniors though, and I remember like looking across stage backstage at Nicole and both of us just already before the songs even started.

Elena Ontiveros

We're both just crying and like we all went on stage and I remember.

Elena Ontiveros

Really, using that singing technique that I learned because it's very difficult to keep singing while you're crying, but if you breathe correctly, things happen and like it it was just.

Elena Ontiveros

Art that, like that ensemble, always felt really tight knit, but in that moment in particular it was so special.

Elena Ontiveros

And I mean.

Elena Ontiveros

They were seniors and they still had more shows to do, but that was my last show 'cause I graduated that winter and so that fall production like that was it for me and.



Elena Ontiveros

So it was.

Elena Ontiveros

It was very meaningful and I remember there was another senior who was in that production and his name was Joseph Stroke and he was like.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean, we're still like really good friends, but he was like one of my best friends was that whole mess and I remember him and I just like sitting there and holding each other for like 3 minutes after that show up because he and I had been.

Elena Ontiveros

Really close for like 4 years at that point.

Elena Ontiveros

So yeah, it's just.

Elena Ontiveros

I think like the main thing to pull away from those memories though is it's just.

Elena Ontiveros

It's about.

Elena Ontiveros

The people in our department and it's.

Elena Ontiveros

About what you create together, yeah, and the family that you make while you're there.

Elena Ontiveros

But yeah, those are moments and then like.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know.

Elena Ontiveros

There's a lot more, but those I think to me just because those are like.

Elena Ontiveros

Some of the last memories I have of my time in the department.

Elena Ontiveros

Those are the ones that just really stand out.

Elena Ontiveros

I'm sure there's like 50 bid jillion from my time though but yeah.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, no, that's lovely.

Katherine Stewart

I remember that show it was a wonderful show and you can always feel that, especially when there are seniors performing together and they know they're performing together for the last time.

Katherine Stewart

There's like an extra.

Katherine Stewart

Kind of freesol in there.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah yeah, and it was already like a very sad song and.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

Like it was good.

Elena Ontiveros

That we were all bawling our eyes out, but it yeah it was just.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know and like I'd had my senior show in high school or whatever, but it's just different.

Elena Ontiveros

It's just so different and.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know and like my time at Ole Miss was just so special to me and I was able to accomplish so much and learn so much about myself as a person and grow so much as a person and a performer.

Elena Ontiveros

But like a person and so yeah, I don't know that to me was just I mean that really sticks out definitely.

Elena Ontiveros

I will say though, I'm one of my favorite like saying just the backstage was during zombie prom.

Elena Ontiveros

Be, uh, putting on my 8 inch tall beehive that I named Petunia and trying to like perform in that.

Elena Ontiveros

'cause it was very different like my posture.

Elena Ontiveros

Definitely had to alter once I got that wig on because it added like a lot of height and I'm already like a pretty tall person so.

Elena Ontiveros

That that was fun.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, no zombie problem was just.

Elena Ontiveros

Uh, who like I just I?

Elena Ontiveros

It was like one of my favorite shows I've ever been in.

Elena Ontiveros

It was just such a zany fun show, and I mean.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know.

Elena Ontiveros

It's one of those shows too, where they definitely had like a deeper meaning behind it, but.

Elena Ontiveros

On the surface, it's just so much fun.

Katherine Stewart

Well, I remember you messaging us when we were, I guess it was MTA a couple years ago and we had that dress set up as part of our booth.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, using Washington like that was my dress for zombie prom, but then like actually became a dress for Anton, I'm

Elena Ontiveros

Not really sure.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, yeah it was I I love it.



Elena Ontiveros

Yeah it was.

Elena Ontiveros

So funny 'cause it was.

Elena Ontiveros

It was like my wedding dress, but also like a funeral dress but also like a prom dress and I remember Oh my gosh, I remember during one of the shows it wouldn't zip like the IT, just it.

Elena Ontiveros

It's bit fine like it zip.

Katherine Stewart

Oh my gosh.

Elena Ontiveros

It's just there is something in like the lining.

Elena Ontiveros

Like a string, got caught in the zipper or something and it was actually the nights that the adjudicators were there and like we knew that.

Katherine Stewart

First course.

Elena Ontiveros

And I was like so.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know and so I mean I went up there and I danced and I was like I'm just really gonna try not to show my back to the audience.

Elena Ontiveros

But so yeah, no I I just remember that and yes it was the night.

Elena Ontiveros

And I was like of course thank you, but yeah, that's just you know.

Elena Ontiveros

You learn.

Elena Ontiveros

Turn that you just have to keep going.

Elena Ontiveros

The show must go on that's.

Katherine Stewart

I was going to say that's the essence of the show must.

Elena Ontiveros

Another super I was just saying that's another super important thing you learned.

Elena Ontiveros

Enormous theater is the ability to adapt so.

Elena Ontiveros

But yeah, yeah, yeah, but no I.

Elena Ontiveros

I was very excited to see that dress and it's it's nice.

Elena Ontiveros

That's like I think one of the nice things about social media is like the memories like saying 'cause like I just saw zombie prom memories like a couple months ago and I was like.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, that show is just so special for me and it was another.

Elena Ontiveros

I think I learned in my time that I really like smaller cats 'cause that cast was also pretty tight knit.

Elena Ontiveros

There was only like 10 characters in that show.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, and I.

Elena Ontiveros

I'm like fairly certain that was my first stage kiss.

Elena Ontiveros

Wow, which is crazy.

Elena Ontiveros

I know most girls already have their first stage kids.

Elena Ontiveros

Before like that late into their collegiate career, but I mean, I just like I hadn't played a lot of like.

Elena Ontiveros

Romantic females I've played some since then, but like that was my first like stage kiss.

Elena Ontiveros

Actually now that I think about it, which is insane, so many experiences will be strong.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, but yeah no I.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know.

Elena Ontiveros

Ole Miss Theater is really, really special, and the film department is really amazing too.

Elena Ontiveros

And I like Oh my gosh, UM.

Elena Ontiveros

I almost wish I could come back 'cause it's just like it's grown so much since I graduated like it's a full fledged BFA film program now, which is.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, Yep.

Elena Ontiveros

Saying 'cause when I was there, it was definitely I remember that was like Allen and Harrison.

Elena Ontiveros

Like gold.

Elena Ontiveros

They're like we're wanting to get to that point.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, but it was really more so.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean, like.

Elena Ontiveros

I wasn't its own program yet, and so I think that's amazing how much it's grown, and that's kind of the cool thing is like being there and having my own amazing experience, but also just like afterwards watching the program grow and watching like all these awesome experiences that the current and upcoming students are going to have.

Katherine Stewart

Yep, yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

It's like, really.

Elena Ontiveros

Uhm, yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know, I just I have a lot of love for all.

Katherine Stewart

It's wonderful to hear it's wonderful here.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you so much.

Elena Ontiveros

Of course, yeah.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, and thank you so much for taking the time to chat today.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, hopefully I didn't ramble too much.


Is it not?

Katherine Stewart

At all you did not at all.

Elena Ontiveros

Great, well thank you.

Elena Ontiveros

Thank you for thinking of me and reaching out to me and I really appreciated this opportunity.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, of course of course.

Elena Ontiveros

This is awesome.

Elena Ontiveros

See, you get so many opportunities at home.

Katherine Stewart

And see I know and listen.

Katherine Stewart

Keep us posted about these films that you're in.

Katherine Stewart

We will promote the heck out of them.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah for sure.

Elena Ontiveros

For sure it's very exciting.

Elena Ontiveros

Like they're independent film UM, and so I don't.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know.

Elena Ontiveros

I'm very excited about them though, and I mean, especially dark entities.

Elena Ontiveros

'cause like literally, I'm in so much of that one like we just finished ADR for it and it took me.

Katherine Stewart

It's so exciting.

Elena Ontiveros

Days to finish it days because it was so. I mean, the movie itself is probably like 2 1/2 hours long and I'm in like.


Oh well.

Elena Ontiveros


Elena Ontiveros

So it's like.

Katherine Stewart

Wow, that's so exciting.

Elena Ontiveros

It's very, very exciting and and it kind of leads back to the point I was making about being kind and keeping connections with people because the way I actually got involved in that project was he had.

Elena Ontiveros

He had taken submissions and auditioned like a ton of girls and he just like was not happy with any of them.

Elena Ontiveros

And then he literally reached out to me and was like.

Elena Ontiveros

Hey I've got this project that I'm working on.

Elena Ontiveros

I really want you to submit for it and so I submitted and then he asked me for my audition and I sent in my audition and he was like.

Elena Ontiveros

Finally, he was like it was you.

Elena Ontiveros

He was like you were like her like he would like blood sweat.

Elena Ontiveros

He kept saying to me longer filming.

Elena Ontiveros

He's like you just are Vera like and so.

Elena Ontiveros

But because I had kept that connection for like year.

Elena Ontiveros

Years, that's how I got that role so.

Katherine Stewart

And let's be so gratifying to hear that though, like you are her.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, it kind of was.

Elena Ontiveros

I was like I mean thank you like uhm no.

Elena Ontiveros

And I mean I think that was is just.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, like bringing that one.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean I know he was relieved 'cause he was like she was my main character and I like could not find.

Elena Ontiveros

Literally anyone.

Elena Ontiveros

And so like and I remember hearing that a bunch of school of being like.

Elena Ontiveros

The casting directors want you to do well, like the casting directors want you to be successful because you're helping them to do their job, and it was something that before that experience I was like.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, like I know what you're doing.

Elena Ontiveros

Like to me it was kind of like that does make me feel better about auditions and it makes me feel a little less scared, but like it's still a really scary experience, but that experience really kind of drove that point home 'cause it was just like the relief when he was calling me to like.

Elena Ontiveros

Cast me in the role like offering the role and I accepted it 'cause he was just like I have literally auditioned like so many girls and like so many and I was like.

Elena Ontiveros

Well, thank you.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, here I am.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, here I am but yeah, yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

So yeah, and I don't know, it's just.

Elena Ontiveros

It's been crazy.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean, it's it's been insane and like my journey like my journey definitely did not take the plan.

Elena Ontiveros

I thought it was going to take as pre pandemic.

Elena Ontiveros

I was going to move up to New York and and then like I.


Wow, OK.

Elena Ontiveros

Find like some.

Elena Ontiveros

It was just one of those things where it was like I put it off because I didn't really feel like I was ready yet.

Elena Ontiveros

Like emotionally, mentally, financially, like I didn't really feel like I was ready to make that move yet.

Elena Ontiveros

And then two months later the whole city shut down.


Right well.

Elena Ontiveros

So it's just like.

Elena Ontiveros

And I'm really happy with the path I'm on right now, 'cause I'm still performing professionally, like I'm doing singing gigs like I'm gonna be singing with this German band and we're going to be doing like a whole Oktoberfest circuit.

Elena Ontiveros

And like I've got.


That's fine.

Elena Ontiveros

I know, so it's like I still get the you know joy and success of performing professionally.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah huh?

Elena Ontiveros

But I also get to do all these other really cool amazing things with teaching and the makeup and everything so it's just everything happens for a reason and.

Elena Ontiveros

You adapt and you move forward and you find your own success.

Elena Ontiveros

So yeah.

Katherine Stewart

I love it.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, I don't know.

Elena Ontiveros

I I'm happy and that's to me like the main thing I think.

Katherine Stewart

That's the most important thing.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, like I'm definitely happy and I definitely feel like very fulfilled creatively which.

Elena Ontiveros

It's very important, yeah?

Katherine Stewart

That's perfect, that's the best you can ask for.

Elena Ontiveros

Exactly and yeah, and I've been thinking about maybe going back and like getting my masters.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

Teaching like more collegiately at some point.

Elena Ontiveros

But yeah, it's it's.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't think I'm I'm that's not my path yet.

Elena Ontiveros

It's like, uh?

Elena Ontiveros

Potential path and I'm not certain about it yet.

Elena Ontiveros

I I want to stay on this current one a little longer before I really make that student.

Elena Ontiveros

But yeah, so I don't know.

Elena Ontiveros

It's just.

Elena Ontiveros

But like I said, I think that's one of the cool things about our program is that it allows you to explore so many different aspects of the industry.

Elena Ontiveros

Like set painting, I never thought I would do that, but I had a blast doing that during Drood and then I've carried that forward with me because at fantasy.

Elena Ontiveros

I've helped do some set painting.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean I helped that paint for me to Little Mermaid Junior and we had like.

Elena Ontiveros

Huge set pieces and like all this detail of coral and stuff like that and so.

Elena Ontiveros

It's just.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, I took advantage of the opportunities and I learned a lot of skills then now I'm literally carrying them for like in every every job I've had.

Elena Ontiveros

I can think of a way that, like the training I received in school, helped me with it.

Elena Ontiveros

Like if I really looked back and thought about everything I've done professionally.


So cold.

Elena Ontiveros

Like something at school, helped kind.

Elena Ontiveros

To prepare me for it, so yeah.

Katherine Stewart

I'm so great.

Katherine Stewart

That's so great and it's great advice to to take advantage of all the opportunities that are offered.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, I mean I remember hearing that my freshman year and just seeing like.

Elena Ontiveros

We'll do like I.

Elena Ontiveros

I think it was Michael Barnett that told me that like and I was like for sure and it was just crazy.

Elena Ontiveros

And I mean I had to work super duper hard 'cause I was trying to balance 2 super demanding degrees so.

Katherine Stewart

Oh yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

Which is why I did a lot of summer school.

Elena Ontiveros

I did like 10 hours of school every summer.

Elena Ontiveros

But yeah, but yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

So definitely just.

Elena Ontiveros

Work super duper hard.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, and I mean not only in your classes, but also really try and find a way to get involved, not even if it's just for a credit.

Elena Ontiveros

I know some people like you're just trying to get those tech credits, but don't just try and get the tech.

Elena Ontiveros

Do it to learn like really take advantage.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah yeah, and get really involved.

Elena Ontiveros

Do you guys still have?

Elena Ontiveros

Ghost Light and Darrell.

Elena Ontiveros

OK, well not the cuckoo cuckoo. I was hoping so uhm but yeah no like definitely get involved in ghost like then even just like our fundraisers like AP oh I don't know if they're still doing this but when I was there we had our haunted house every year even just do that like and that's honestly one of the ways that's probably like.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, so it's still going.

Elena Ontiveros

The very first, like.

Elena Ontiveros

Make up thing I did was I before hunchback before Shrek before anything I did my own and a couple of other people make up for the I don't know if it was our.

Katherine Stewart

Sure, yeah yeah, yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know if it was the first apeo haunted house.

Elena Ontiveros

With the first one I was involved in, I remember we had it at Fulton Chapel and we was like Insane asylum themed or something and I remember doing my makeup and a lot of other people make up for it and that was kind of the very first thing I did with makeup.

Elena Ontiveros

So see it all ties back.

Elena Ontiveros

But yeah, so like definitely getting involved in everything you can in.

Elena Ontiveros

In all aspects to help with set building help subset painting, help with lights up with sounds, help with costumes and design I mean dressing, that's another thing I've worked.

Elena Ontiveros

We have a.

Elena Ontiveros

We have a we have a Broadway theater league tours through one of our theaters in town and I worked wardrobe for Sponge Bob.

Elena Ontiveros

And I was doing.


How signed yeah?

Elena Ontiveros

Like quick changes, it was so much fun but so crazy like one of the changes I had the account number I had.

Elena Ontiveros

He was the cucumber and trying to get that cucumber.

Elena Ontiveros

That's like super tall and heavy over this like giant man was very difficult like I'm tall, but I'm not that tall and dumb like.

Elena Ontiveros

But no, yeah, and I mean that was my first experience with doing anything with wardrobe was I.

Elena Ontiveros

I was a dresser and even ahead dresser for a couple of the shows up while I was an Ole Miss so.

Elena Ontiveros

Really just do everything like yes if you want to perform perform but also really try to get your hands and just some.

Elena Ontiveros

Technical aspects if multiple I would say but like try to get at least your hand in most of them 'cause.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean, especially like I know of so many people who like are starting their own theater companies or like.

Elena Ontiveros

Even if you want to go into like educational theater like you have to be able to understand like lighting and sound and set and everything.

Elena Ontiveros

So it's.

Elena Ontiveros

I don't know like I just.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, it's like we all want like if you're a performance major like yes, you want to perform but like, make sure you really get experience in all those technical.

Katherine Stewart

Aspects as well.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, don't limit yourself.

Elena Ontiveros

Yes, don't put yourself in a little performer box for sure.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, it sounds like you really made the most of every possible opportunity, yeah?

Katherine Stewart

And they have already, oh.

Elena Ontiveros

I definitely yeah exactly, and that's the thing I mean, like they were 100% correct, like and I remember that I think in our.


Yeah, yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

It was like acting two. It was acting 220 when I was there.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, I think it's like business of theater or something or something like that, yeah?

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, yeah, and that's something that Joe talked about was like really getting involved in like multiple aspects and I remember when I took my interject costuming class she was talking about like building different technical resumes like I have my acting resume, but I also.

Elena Ontiveros

Have my makeup for the May and I mean with all of the stuff I've done not only on stage but in film.

Katherine Stewart

Right for sure.

Elena Ontiveros

I've got like a nice little makeup resume now and I can.

Elena Ontiveros

I mean, it's not like the main thing I want to do, but if I did decide, like oh, I want to become a makeup designer as well, like.



Elena Ontiveros

More professionally.

Elena Ontiveros

Like I could like, totally send that resume out and I have like a lot of shows on it and a lot of like crazy shows like Hunchback and Shrek and James and the Giant Peach.

Elena Ontiveros

And The Little Mermaid.

Elena Ontiveros

And like a lot of shows that require crazy makeup so, but yeah, and shows that require more subtle makeup, like you know.

Elena Ontiveros

Black comedy and like Lone Star Bourbon you know stuff like that.

Elena Ontiveros

So yeah, yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

But yeah, so just make make the most of your opportunities that are available to you.

Elena Ontiveros

I guess 'cause you have a lot so.


I love it.

Katherine Stewart

That's wonderful.

Katherine Stewart

Wonderful thank you so much Elena.

Katherine Stewart

It's been wonderful catching up with you.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, it's.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah yeah, I yeah, I appreciate you taking the time.

Katherine Stewart

I'm super excited to hear about everything you have going on.

Katherine Stewart

And please do keep us posted.

Katherine Stewart

With your films and everything coming up so that we can like, share your good news and.

Elena Ontiveros

I will.

Elena Ontiveros

For sure, thank you, thank you.

Katherine Stewart

Promote it and all that, yeah.

Elena Ontiveros

Yeah, I'll definitely like is it would a good place to do that.

Elena Ontiveros

Just be like on the Instagram like the messaging.

Katherine Stewart

That's fine, I I.

Katherine Stewart

I received those so yeah that's.

Elena Ontiveros

Or I can email, I don't know.

Katherine Stewart

Peter, right?

Elena Ontiveros

The great thing with our technical age is that there's many, many outlets.

Elena Ontiveros

So, OK, awesome.

Elena Ontiveros

I will definitely do that though.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you, thank you so much. OK, once again, that was Elena Ontiveros 2018 graduate from.


Thank you.

Katherine Stewart

our program. do check out the show notes for some more info about what she's been up to, including a link to the trailer for the film Dark entities, which she stars in as ever.

Katherine Stewart

If you haven't subscribed to the podcast, please do so and if you're enjoying the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and share your favorite episodes with your friends, family and anyone you know who may be interested in our program.

Katherine Stewart

 Until next time this is Stage & Screen.