Stage & Screen

Nicole Fava, BFA 2019 and Choreographer for Legally Blonde

Episode Summary

Nicole Fava graduated from our program in 2019 with a BFA in Musical Theatre and is back this year to choreograph our first major production—LEGALLY BLONDE—in more than 18 months. We talked about her time in our program as well as her experience choreographing this huge musical.

Episode Notes

Nicole Fava graduated from our program in 2019 with a BFA in Musical Theatre and is back this year to choreograph our first major in-theatre production—LEGALLY BLONDE—in more than 18 months.

We talked about her time in our program as well as her experience choreographing this huge musical.

To learn more about our production of Legally Blonde, check out this story:

For tickets, please contact the UM Box Office by calling (662) 915-7411 or visiting:

The Department of Theatre & Film is grateful for its patrons and corporate sponsors. As a department we are committed to the high quality instruction that our students receive. Investing in the students’ education and these quality productions helps us move toward our common goal of graduating successful, creative adults who are lifelong learners. If you are interested in contributing to these efforts, please visit:

Episode Transcription

From the Department of Theater and Film at the University of Mississippi, this is Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

Hello, hello and welcome back to Stage & Screen. I'm your host, Katherine Stewart and my guest. Today is Nicole Fava and she is a little bit of a 2-Fer because she is not only an alum of the department — she graduated in 2019 — but she's currently.

Katherine Stewart

Visiting us from New York as a guest artist.

Katherine Stewart

Choreographing our upcoming production of Legally Blonde. So we talked about her time in the program and we talked about this spectacular musical.

Katherine Stewart

I will put more information about the show and how you can see it.

Katherine Stewart

In the show notes, stick around and here's Nicole.

Katherine Stewart

Hi Nicole, thank you so much for taking time to chat with.

Katherine Stewart

Me today.

Nicole Fava

I of course I'm so excited.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, me too.

Katherine Stewart

So if you wouldn't mind just to kind of kick us off, could you introduce yourself?

Katherine Stewart

Tell us who you are and where you're from and how you got into theater.

Nicole Fava

Yeah, so like she said my name is Nicole Fava, I am from Aliso Viejo CA which is in Orange County.

Nicole Fava

I grew up there in my entire life and went to miss in 2015 through 2019. I guess I graduated.

Nicole Fava

In 2019 and uhm.

Nicole Fava

With the BFA in musical theatre and I.

Nicole Fava

Started doing theater gosh when I was like in kindergarten.

Nicole Fava

I just had a lot of energy and I loved attention.

Nicole Fava

That's a little girl, so I'm like we've got to do something with this, so she put me in like the school play when I was in kindergarten, which was Thum Belina.

Nicole Fava

I was dumping a like.

Nicole Fava

The smallest little girl in the entire world.

Nicole Fava

And I guess I just kept doing it and fell in love with it and never really thought I was going to do anything with it and then.

Nicole Fava

Fast forward here I am.

Katherine Stewart

So wow, how did you end up choosing Ole Miss all the way from California?

Nicole Fava

Yeah, so I first was looking at schools and my main thing was I wanted something different than Southern California and I knew I didn't want to be like in a big city.

Nicole Fava

I wasn't ready for that yet.

Nicole Fava

It was a little scary, so I also wanted to in high school.

Nicole Fava

A little early on in high school wanted to be like a cheerleader and do co-ed cheerleading.

Nicole Fava

So I was looking at schools look like a big football team and I thought I was going to do major in special education and be a cheerleader and wental miss fell in love.

Nicole Fava

I was like this is exactly what I wanted.

Nicole Fava

This is a A.

Nicole Fava

Sorry, there's sirens everywhere.

Katherine Stewart

It happens.

Nicole Fava

Especially in New York, come here.

Katherine Stewart

It's up.

Nicole Fava

Yeah I wanted.

Nicole Fava

I wanted to go somewhere.

Nicole Fava

Outside of like.

Nicole Fava

Southern California outside of anywhere that I knew anyone and I wanted to go somewhere where I probably would not go again for, uh, like that long period of time.

Nicole Fava

So like I wanted to be independent, go somewhere completely new and different, and I wanted like a big.

Nicole Fava

Football school.

Nicole Fava

And then toured it, and it's like fell in love and then was like maybe cheerleading is in my path.

Nicole Fava

Maybe special education isn't my path and then auditioned for the theater merit.

Nicole Fava

When I was in high school and I was like, Oh my gosh, this is perfect.

Nicole Fava

I love everyone.

Nicole Fava

The teachers are so nice.

Nicole Fava

I made friends already like I have to do theater.

Nicole Fava

So that's kind of how I ended up at all.

Nicole Fava

Miss and also doing.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, I love that so.

Katherine Stewart

So once you decided that you were going to commit to doing theater, did you have certain expectations or goals for doing a theater degree?

Nicole Fava

Yes and no.

Nicole Fava

Because I had changed my mind.

Nicole Fava

Kind of later on and I did go in being like a little unsure of myself in the theater world.

Nicole Fava

So I went in and I was like, oh, I'll just play it safe.

Nicole Fava

I'll do a BA in theater arts.

Nicole Fava

That way I can do like a minor in education.

Nicole Fava

Or something that will like give me a little something to fall back on if I'm not.

Nicole Fava

If I'm not cutting it.

Nicole Fava

If I'm not making.

Nicole Fava

The cut so.

Nicole Fava

Well then I we did the auditions for the first show and it was her.

Nicole Fava

And it was her at the Ford Center and I got a part and I was in the show and this is funny because I always talk about this with another girl that graduated with me at the same time.

Nicole Fava

We say like one of the most defining moments that I can actually pinpoint that that.

Nicole Fava

I remember the details of and could say like this was a changing moment in my life was opening night.

Nicole Fava

Stepping onstage that first night we like looked at each other from across the stage and we're like, Oh my God, this is exactly what we're supposed to be doing.

Nicole Fava

Like I don't want to do anything else.

Nicole Fava

So right after our opening night, like the next day.

Nicole Fava

I think I email.

Nicole Fava

Renee or Michael Barnett.

Nicole Fava

Someone who was in charge of the musical theater program at that time and I said, I.

Nicole Fava

Want to switch to a BFA?

Nicole Fava

And then now again, now we're here, that's just.

Nicole Fava

The thing of the bike, as now we're here.

Katherine Stewart

Exactly exactly so that actually leads into my next question.

Katherine Stewart

Aside from that, what are some highlights of your time in the program here?

Nicole Fava

Oh my gosh, everything everything obviously.

Nicole Fava

I first have to say I made some of the best friends that I will ever have like that are still my best friends to this date and we live together.

Nicole Fava

We we still talk.

Nicole Fava

We make time to see each other, even if we're.

Nicole Fava

Not in the same state.

Nicole Fava

Like that's first and foremost, I made the best friends ever.

Nicole Fava

I would say second would just be every single production that I did at will miss specifically things like I when I was in Chicago and I got to be the assistant choreographer or when I was doing.

Nicole Fava

Zombie prom and got to sing for the first time on stage ilness or all the Mississippi.

Nicole Fava

The dance companies I was kind of.

Nicole Fava

Under the belief that we'll miss that whatever you put into it, you get out.

Nicole Fava

So I was like, I wanna be involved in everything.

Nicole Fava

I wanted to make the do the all the student run things and I wanted to do Mississippi.

Nicole Fava

The dance company I wanted to do choreography and I.

Nicole Fava

Wanted to do.

Nicole Fava

To be in the plays and I want to be in the musical.

Nicole Fava

So I worked really hard to be involved in a little bit of everything and then it wound up that I was and I got all that experience.

Nicole Fava

By doing that kind of stuff.

Nicole Fava

So I.

Nicole Fava

I loved it.

Nicole Fava

I loved everything that I did there.

Nicole Fava

I honestly every show that I did every.

Nicole Fava

Thing that I like volunteered for to help out with.

Nicole Fava

I really did love.

Nicole Fava

Love it so much.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, that's awesome.

Katherine Stewart

So what have you been doing since graduation?

Katherine Stewart

I know there's been a pandemic and that has everything on hold.

Nicole Fava

Yeah, so right after I graduated I.

Nicole Fava

Was lucky enough to come.

Nicole Fava

I booked a.

Nicole Fava

I worked at a regional theater called Maine State Music Theater, which is one of the best East Coast regional summer theaters.

Nicole Fava

Uhm, it's an equity theater.

Nicole Fava

I got to work with some of the best Broadway.

Nicole Fava

Directors and performers.

Nicole Fava

And I did that for three months.

Nicole Fava

We did Greece.

Nicole Fava

We did the Wizard of Oz.

Nicole Fava

We did Hello Dolly a bunch of work.

Nicole Fava

Few shows it was really, really special, and through that I then got.

Nicole Fava

I booked a job in a different part in Maine doing a straight play so I.

Nicole Fava

Say this all the time, but I think I'll miss for that because I was able to go and be kind of this like dancer, singer, actor and then also book a straight play because I had such an amazing acting training and singing, training and dancing training which at some schools you can't get that because you have such a focus on like one specific.

Nicole Fava

But I did that and then I booked the national tour of a Charlie Brown Christmas.

Nicole Fava

Went on that and then the pandemic kid.

Nicole Fava

Then after the pandemic I kind of switch gears a little bit to being on the other side of the table.

Nicole Fava

Uhm, I worked as an associate for Jacob Brent, who is, uh, was Broadway's Mr. Mistoffelees for forever.

Nicole Fava

And worked as his associate on Hello Dolly again up for the summer and then.

Nicole Fava

I was doing Legally Blonde and then.

Nicole Fava

I actually just got to.

Nicole Fava

Do one of another one of like the most special projects.

Nicole Fava

I think I've been a part of.

Nicole Fava

I just was involved in the workshop.

Nicole Fava

Bing and residency of a new musical called Swaynos, our American Musical at New York Theatre Barn, which was amazing.

Nicole Fava

But yeah, so that's really what I've been up to.

Nicole Fava

A little bit of everything.

Nicole Fava

Now I'm getting back into the performance gear and ready to see what's coming next.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, so you are.

Katherine Stewart

You are with our department now choreographing Legally Blonde which is our like first big show back since yay a couple of years yeah.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, So what has that experience been like?

Nicole Fava

My gosh it's been.

Nicole Fava

So much fun.

Nicole Fava

It's been great.

Nicole Fava

I love working with Rory.

Nicole Fava

I know he.

Nicole Fava

He was my director for the last show that I did at illness on the main stage and we had such a great time and being able to now be on the other side with him has been so fun.

Nicole Fava

Seeing how his vision comes to life and how how he's so collaborative with other people that he's working with, it's it's been really great and it's been funny because.

Nicole Fava

I do know some of the seniors, but other than that I don't know really anyone.

Nicole Fava

So to come in and kind of have a fresh start and be able to come in as a professional and a creative person has been really cool and everyones been so easy to work with and it's been really fun.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, so are there certain things that you are bringing to the choreography for this show in particular?

Katherine Stewart

Or they're like little?

Katherine Stewart

Hallmarks of the choreography that people can look out for, or.

Nicole Fava

Yeah, so it definitely has a very strong.

Nicole Fava

Jazz cheerleading, preppy feel to it.

Nicole Fava

A lot of like influences of marching band and influences of cheerleading and influences of.

Nicole Fava

That classic like musical theater, contemporary jazz.

Nicole Fava

Adds up

Nicole Fava

And I think.

Nicole Fava

I there are some things that I took a little bit of a different approach on just because I was coming in not knowing anyone, not knowing anyone styles or where they were at in their training and everything like that.

Nicole Fava

So I did take a couple.

Nicole Fava

Different approaches and I.

Nicole Fava

Think it has paid out paid off.

Nicole Fava

I guess we'll see.

Nicole Fava

But I yeah, I think definitely that like marching band, cheerleading, musical theater style will definitely be able to be picked out from each number.

Nicole Fava

Yeah, it's been also so great working with UM.

Nicole Fava

Like these powerful women that are in the cast and it's such like a female driven show.

Nicole Fava

So that's been really fun to being able to choreograph on like such strong female dancers and.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, and this is a huge show.

Katherine Stewart

Have you done choreography for this many cast members before?

Nicole Fava

No, they definitely.

Nicole Fava

I mean, there's a lot of people on stage.

Nicole Fava

At all times.

Nicole Fava

In a large theater, the the fourth quarter is huge.

Nicole Fava

Yeah, and.

Nicole Fava

The set is huge and to make.

Nicole Fava

The choreography and everyone on stage fit that.

Nicole Fava

Worlds has definitely been the biggest challenge I think.

Nicole Fava

And also yeah, I've never done a project this big on my own.

Nicole Fava

I've always been like an assistant or an associate, so to be to be working.

Nicole Fava

As an independent professional.

Nicole Fava

It's I've it's.

Nicole Fava

Been amazing, but it's also been the hardest, hardest part so far.

Nicole Fava

Lots of bodies on stage, but it's great.

Katherine Stewart

Lots of bodies on.

Katherine Stewart

Stage lots of bodies in in a big space to.

Nicole Fava

Fill yes, exactly exactly.

Katherine Stewart

Well, I'm super excited to see it.

Katherine Stewart

I can't wait.

Katherine Stewart

I know the entire cast is so excited because again we haven't been on stage for over a year.

Katherine Stewart

So this is this is a big deal and I think to come back with such a big show with such high energy and so many people and all of that is is very special and to be in the Ford Center in such a big space.

Nicole Fava

I agree, I agree I.

Nicole Fava

Think this shows.

Nicole Fava

Really, really fun.

Nicole Fava

It's just about embracing yourself and like.

Nicole Fava

What you have the capability of doing, and I think it's not too deep.

Nicole Fava

And I think it's.

Nicole Fava

Just a great show to come in.

Nicole Fava

Back in theater in Oxford and justice.

Nicole Fava

Have a good.

Nicole Fava

Time like it's you don't have to sit and.

Nicole Fava

Think and cry and like you cry happy tears.

Nicole Fava

I don't know, but it's it's just a really fun fun show.

Nicole Fava

It's funny, it's high energy, it's I think it's going to be the perfect.

Nicole Fava

Show to come back.

Nicole Fava

Come to the theater I don't miss.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, absolutely.

Katherine Stewart

So you mentioned taking advantage of a lot of different opportunities and getting all the different kinds of training that you could have access to in the program.

Katherine Stewart

Do you have any advice for maybe incoming or current students about how best to take advantage of the program here?

Nicole Fava

Uh, I think.

Nicole Fava

I basically said something like this, but.

Nicole Fava

Like I think.

Nicole Fava

Volunteering and just going for every opportunity like say yes to everything obviously being careful of your.

Nicole Fava

Mental and physical health.

Nicole Fava

But saying yes to every opportunity that comes to you.

Nicole Fava

Will make you get so much out of the program and you'll leave feeling like you can handle the real world and the the real theater world.

Nicole Fava

But I think.

Nicole Fava

Coming in and just going diving head first.

Nicole Fava

That first two years.

Nicole Fava

Specifically, I think is the best advice I could give.

Nicole Fava

Just like go for it.

Nicole Fava

Make as many friends as possible, like talk to all the teachers.

Nicole Fava

Audition for every single show, audition for ghostlike shows.

Nicole Fava

Volunteer to do an IPO event.

Nicole Fava

Go to the game days.

Nicole Fava

Just do everything that you you want to do and can do and I think you'll kind of set yourself up for success there.

Katherine Stewart

Awesome, that's great advice, yeah?

Katherine Stewart

I'm sorry I don't go ahead.

Nicole Fava

Got it.

Nicole Fava

I just think too.

Nicole Fava

I don't know if it's talked about a lot, but like I think it's important to also.

Nicole Fava

Audition during the year for outside theater work.

Nicole Fava

Like for summer stock for.

Nicole Fava

For theme parks for different shows.

Nicole Fava

For community theater.

Nicole Fava

Something so that when you do leave Ole Miss for a time period, you're still using your tools and you're still getting your training in.

Nicole Fava

I think that's something that really set me apart and set.

Nicole Fava

Set up me up for.

Nicole Fava

Success was I got the whole year of training from Ole Miss and then I would go away for the summer and I would work at a professional theater.

Nicole Fava

I would do a outdoor musical something like that.

Nicole Fava

Where I.

Nicole Fava

Would then get.

Nicole Fava

Three more months of of training and experience and and expertise, so I think that's also something that when I was at Ole Miss, the teachers pushed for us to to do, and I think I wouldn't be where I am if they didn't do.

Nicole Fava

That and we.

Nicole Fava

We did an audition for stuff outside.

Nicole Fava

Of Ole Miss as well.

Katherine Stewart

Right, right, right nice.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, so after Legally Blonde is done, what's next for you?


That's the big question.

Nicole Fava

Right now I'm not exactly sure I've.

Nicole Fava

Been doing a bunch.

Nicole Fava

Callbacks and then auditioning in the city because I.

Nicole Fava

Did book this this?

Nicole Fava

Workshop with the new musical.


So when you.

Nicole Fava

Come there could be things going on in the future with that everything.

Nicole Fava

Is a little.

Nicole Fava

Bit up in the air, but that's just the the beauty of our industry.

Nicole Fava

And that's life is for as a as a freelance artist I guess.



Nicole Fava

But yeah, it's kind.

Nicole Fava

Of up in the air right now.

Nicole Fava

Hopefully it's something exciting.

Nicole Fava

Will be announced soon.

Katherine Stewart

It sounds very exciting.

Nicole Fava

Yeah, yeah, it's exactly.

Katherine Stewart

Well, is there anything else you would like to share that we didn't touch on during this conversation?

Katherine Stewart

Just throwing it out there.

Nicole Fava

Trying to think.

Katherine Stewart

If not, we can edit it out.

Nicole Fava

Yeah, I don't know.

Nicole Fava

I just think it's like it's so important.

Nicole Fava

Uhm as young artists and also now being heavily involved on like the creative side of things, I think it's really important to do things like Legally Blonde that are fun.

Nicole Fava

And that are going to make people smile and make people have the best time sitting in the audience.

Nicole Fava

And also on the.

Nicole Fava

Flip side, I think it's really important to.

Nicole Fava

Get those those new works get those works.

Nicole Fava

Those plays those musicals, those dance concerts that are amplifying voices that have something to say that's more that's more deep and important, and things that people need to hear.

Nicole Fava

To think about things, I don't know if I'm even making sense, but I think it's important as artists to help amplify voices.

Nicole Fava

That need to be heard.

Nicole Fava

Whether that, hey, let's have a great time and let's smile in the audience and let's like follow your dreams and follow your heart and go legally blondes or like blonde hair.

Nicole Fava

And yeah pink.

Nicole Fava

But also on the flip side, being able to like.

Nicole Fava

Invoke thought and feeling and and uh.

Nicole Fava

Progress in the world through theater is also very important.

Nicole Fava

I, I think, and I just.

Nicole Fava

There's a perfect balance of that, then I don't think we as an artistic community know yet, but I think that we're on we're on the way.

Nicole Fava

And as as young theater artists, I think we're the next generation of helping.

Nicole Fava

Steer that sure.

Katherine Stewart

That's great.

Nicole Fava

I'm like, yeah.

Katherine Stewart

No, that was perfect.

Katherine Stewart

Well, thank you so much Nicole.

Katherine Stewart

This is really fun.

Katherine Stewart

I, it's fun to catch up with you and just to see your face.


I love you.

Nicole Fava

Yeah, and I'm just so thankful for for.

Nicole Fava

What is it?

Nicole Fava

The University of Mississippi Theater Arts and Filmware.

Nicole Fava

Yeah, full name the.

Nicole Fava

Full official name.

Nicole Fava

I'm very thankful for for the department for bringing me back and letting me be apart.

Nicole Fava

Of of this this show.

Nicole Fava

And their their new season.

Nicole Fava

I'm just so excited to be to be here and be a part of it.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah well, the whole department is excited to have you so.


Wait, wait.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, and I I look forward to seeing you closer.

Katherine Stewart

I guess I'll see you.

Katherine Stewart

On opening night, you guys?


I'll see you there.

Katherine Stewart

Alright, well thank you again so much.

Katherine Stewart

I really appreciate you taking the time and we'll talk to you.

Soon, yes, thank.

Nicole Fava

You so much thanks.

Katherine Stewart

OK, once again that was Nicole Fava, recent ISH graduate and current choreographer of our production of Legally Blonde, which we are performing at the Ford Center for the Performing Arts, October 29 through 30.

Katherine Stewart

First, there's more information about the show and how you can see it in the show notes, and I hope you'll check that out because it's a super.

Katherine Stewart

Fun show and we'd love to see you there until next time.

Katherine Stewart

This is Stage & Screen.