Stage & Screen

Raey Bagley, Production Manager and Assistant Professor of Stage & Production Management

Episode Summary

In this episode, we catch up with our brand new Production Manager and Assistant Professor of Stage & Production Management, Raey Bagley. You'll learn all about Raey and their background, what makes a great production or stage manager, and all the ways theatre training is so useful—in work and in life—both onstage and off.

Episode Notes

In this episode, we catch up with our brand new Production Manager and Assistant Professor of Stage & Production Management, Raey Bagley.

You'll learn all about Raey and their background, what makes a great production or stage manager, and all the ways theatre training is so useful—in work and in life—both onstage and off.

For more information about Raey and their work, check out this site:

And for more information about our production of INTO THE BREECHES! and to buy tickets, please visit this link:

Episode Transcription


From the Department of Theater and Film at the University of Mississippi, this is Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

Hello, hello and welcome back to Stage & Screen.

Katherine Stewart

I'm your host, Katherine Stewart, and my guest today is Raey Bagley, who just joined our department as Assistant professor of stage and production management.

Katherine Stewart

I think you'll enjoy getting to know them as much as I did during this conversation.

Katherine Stewart

So, without further ado, here's Raey.

Katherine Stewart

Good morning, Raey.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you so much for joining us today.

Katherine Stewart

I'm really excited.

Katherine Stewart

To talk with you.

Katherine Stewart

So if you just want to get us started by telling us who you are and where you're from and a little bit about your background, that would be great.

Raey Bagely

Yeah, absolutely.

Raey Bagely

My name is Raey Bagley.

Raey Bagely

My pronouns are they/them.

Raey Bagely

I am coming most recently from the University of Alabama, where I just finished my graduate degree with a concentration in stage management.

Raey Bagely

I actually went after undergrad.

Raey Bagely

I went and looked, worked professionally for a very long time and it was actually working.

Raey Bagely

I fell into a teaching position on accident when I was in New York, working at a place called stage Door Manor.

Raey Bagely

I fell into teaching the stage management class that runs one of the festivals.

Raey Bagely

That happens.

Raey Bagely

It's called Drama Fest at that camp and I fell in love.

Raey Bagely

I absolutely fell in love.

Raey Bagely

I've always been kind of a mentor to other stage managers the the further along in my career.

Raey Bagely

That I get.

Raey Bagely

And it just kind of opened up a whole new world to me.

Raey Bagely

So it was shortly after that that I decided to go back to school and get my masters.

Raey Bagely

And I'm actually really glad that I did it that way.

Raey Bagely

I'm really glad that I went and got as much experience as I did professionally, about 15 years worth of experience professionally before I decided to go back.

Raey Bagely

And get my masters and now I'm here.

Katherine Stewart

Well, well again welcome we're we're very glad to have you.

Katherine Stewart

So tell me a little bit about stage management and and production management, which I know is your specialty and what you're doing for us in the department.

Raey Bagely

So this department has grown so much and needed this new position and I am so happy to be a part of this program and and a part of its growth.

Raey Bagely

So what a production manager does is they oversee all scheduling, they oversee budgets, they oversee every facet.

Raey Bagely

Of facilitation that is needed between every single department, which is almost identical to what a stage manager does.

Raey Bagely

So what a stage manager does is we facilitate every single aspect of a production of any type of live production.

Raey Bagely

There goes one of those things.

Raey Bagely

Every part of facet of a live production, from musicals to plays to corporate events to gaming conventions.

Raey Bagely

Even I've I've worked several of those.

Raey Bagely

So you are the center point of contact for anything to do with the production process we run.

Raey Bagely

Rehearsals we create what is called a show promptbook.

Raey Bagely

Some people call it just the the.

Raey Bagely

Book Air quotes and Lubbock or or.

Raey Bagely

It's also been known over the last 100 years as the show Bible.

Raey Bagely

And what that is, is it documents everything that happens in a production from the time that we decide to do the production to after the production has closed.

Raey Bagely

And what I do here at the university is I train.

Raey Bagely

Beginning stage managers how to do this process from start to end?

Raey Bagely

Finish I will be teaching here stage management one and two.

Raey Bagely

I will also be teaching production management one and two and talking about various forms of theories of communication, theories of leadership skills, how to talk to people, how to.

Raey Bagely

Update your vocabulary as it as it is necessary, since you are kind of a translator almost in between each of the departments, especially for the director, translating what the director wants and what the director needs into the language that other people in the production speak.

Raey Bagely

So that is what I'm doing here.

Katherine Stewart

So what are some of for somebody who might be interested in stage management or production management, what are some of the.

Katherine Stewart

I don't know skills or qualities that a person might have who wants to get into that or or could learn from you.

Raey Bagely

That is actually one of my favorite questions.

Raey Bagely

So several years ago, I think it was my first year in grad school, I did a I was doing a project, and I actually reached out to several different forums, several different stage management forums, different people that I know personally, different groups on on Facebook and Twitter, and so on and so forth.

Raey Bagely

I took a survey of.

Raey Bagely

Even if you're not doing stage management now, if you have any stage management experience, can you tell me what life skills?

Raey Bagely

Are directly translatable to what you do now, either in your career or in your life, and I had just a complete rainbow array of different answers that came back for the skills that you learned as a stage.

Raey Bagely

Manager for anybody who's not a stage manager, I think stage management skills are great to help you appreciate the production that you are working on as well.

Raey Bagely

Not many people actually know what, uh, what all is stage manager does what all it entails and I think.

Raey Bagely

Mostly because the stage manager does not have.

Raey Bagely

A specific job description.

Raey Bagely

There is not one job description that describes the stage manager.

Raey Bagely

It is going to change every company you go to.

Raey Bagely

It's going to change in every show that you work on.

Raey Bagely

Skills that you learn as a stage manager is definitely communication, and there are many different forms of communication.

Raey Bagely

That's bodily communication, that's verbal communication, and that's written communication are the three kind of primary forms of communication that a stage manager focuses on.

Raey Bagely

Another thing that you learn is time management.

Raey Bagely

We all struggle at some point.

Katherine Stewart

Big one.

Raey Bagely

Our whole time management, right?

Raey Bagely

And this get this this helps.

Raey Bagely

There are three primaries of a stage manager that are skills directly translatable to any type of of career or life skill, just just skills that you need in your everyday life.

Raey Bagely

And that's communication, facilitation and anticipation.

Raey Bagely

So you are.

Raey Bagely

Prepared kind of like the scouts, OK, so you're prepared for anything that could possibly happen.

Raey Bagely

You look, you stage managers have a unique way of looking at any kind of problem or subject or situation from many different angles and can come up with the best solution for anything that happens.

Raey Bagely

When it comes to facilitation, that's where we are the primary point of communication.

Raey Bagely

We can help others.

Raey Bagely

We helped set others up for success, essentially, which I think is beautiful.

Raey Bagely

There are two very interesting things that I got back from that survey, one of them said.

Raey Bagely

I learned how to do laundry.

Raey Bagely

Stage manager.

Raey Bagely

And I got to thinking about it and it's sure there are some situations where we're kind of a stage manager and.

Raey Bagely

You know semi colon here?

Raey Bagely

Uh, depending on what kind of company you're going to be working for.

Raey Bagely

If it's a smaller company, you might come in and you might help workshop hours.

Raey Bagely

Or if you're in an educational setting like this, you might go in and work different different shop hours or different crew hours for different shows just to learn different aspects.

Raey Bagely

Of any type of production.

Raey Bagely

And another one that I found really it's it's kind of a heart wrenching story this, this person reached out with an answer and they said when it comes to communication and facilitation, they had this person, had a person, a family member that was in Hospice care, had been in and out of different hospitals and and.

Raey Bagely

None of the rest of this person family was able to really communicate with the doctors, really, or communicate with Hospice care, or communicate with any kind of caretakers along the journey of this process for this family.

Raey Bagely

And this person that reached out with this answer was able to talk to many different people to come up with solutions on how to care for this family.

Raey Bagely

And this person told me that they learned the skills that they needed to help communicate and facilitate the situation just because they had stage management experience.

Raey Bagely

So when I say life skills, I mean the actual things that happen in life outside of things that, you know, make you money.

Katherine Stewart

And, you know, that actually touches on something that I've heard a lot when talking to different people in different areas of working in theater about how much, if you have like a basic training in theater.

Katherine Stewart

Like you learn so many things that are applicable in life.

Katherine Stewart

I you know that you might not learn in another type of degree program or a different type of education.

Katherine Stewart

There are just so many asset assets to to that training that's really, that's really.

Raey Bagely

Yeah, absolutely.

Raey Bagely

It's any type of any, not even just necessarily stage management.

Raey Bagely

But you're right, theater, even even acting classes help lawyers to be able to stand up in a in a courtroom and be able to conduct themselves because you're being watched by a million people.

Raey Bagely

It's just a different type of production.

Katherine Stewart

You have to hold an audience.

Raey Bagely

You have to hold an audience who.

Katherine Stewart

And you have to compel people.

Raey Bagely

Yeah, yes, you have to.

Katherine Stewart

You have to.

Raey Bagely

You know, there's things like debate teams.

Raey Bagely

There's things like speech classes and and such and and not that those aren't beneficial, but we dive more into the theories of that in theater and.

Raey Bagely

And different ways of thinking about the same subject. So one subject matter, but you look at it from 1000 different directions.

Katherine Stewart

So can you tell me a little bit more about the classes that you're teaching?

Katherine Stewart

You said you have stage management one and two and then also production management, what, what actually is in those courses?

Raey Bagely

So production management, since this is a brand new course, I'm actually looking at until next semester, what I'm believing that that's going to look like it is, it is going to be a lot of theory as far as leadership skills and management.

Raey Bagely

But it's also I'm going to my idea anyway is to have students shadow me as the production manager.

Raey Bagely

They will work on all of the shows in a production management capacity.

Raey Bagely

We're going to learn how to work with large budgets.

Raey Bagely

We're going to learn how to work with scheduling for many different areas.

Raey Bagely

Not just a rehearsal schedule, not just a a calendar of when things are due, but putting all of the things into one single calendar, which if you look at my calendar can look kind of scary.


We have.

Raey Bagely

To take care of it and I am happy to facilitate and take care of those things.



Raey Bagely

So production management is is going to evolve as as this program evolves.

Raey Bagely

Most assuredly stage management and my stage management one class we work on, the basics we work on the here are the basic things that you need to know as a stage manager then and how you can.

Raey Bagely

Use those basics in any type of situation that you're going to be in any kind of production, whether it's a musical, whether it's a play, whether it's a different company that might have different ways that they like to do things.

Raey Bagely

Something I also do with my stage management one class as I assign them as assistant stage managers to the shows.

Raey Bagely

For example, on into the breaches, which is what we are working on right now, which opens on Friday.

Katherine Stewart

Which we'll talk about a little bit more in just a minute, yes.

Raey Bagely

Very tight.

Raey Bagely

Very exciting.


I'm the assistant.

Raey Bagely

Stage manager on that show is a freshman and she is in my stage management one class right now.

Raey Bagely

She is learning paperwork a lot.

Raey Bagely

A lot.

Raey Bagely

A lot of what we do and stage managers is paperwork.

Raey Bagely

It's documentation design.

Raey Bagely

How can you put a whole bunch of info on one piece of paper and people be able to read it without getting confused?

Raey Bagely

Without it look.

Raey Bagely

And like, it's all crap.

Raey Bagely

A whole bunch of things crammed onto one one thing.

Raey Bagely

How to break that down into different categories and and how to make it pleasing to the eye.

Raey Bagely


Raey Bagely

People will actually read it.

Raey Bagely

And and understand its content.

Raey Bagely

She is learning communication skills, how to talk to different types of people.

Raey Bagely

She's learning all kinds of things I'm very excited for, for that process for her.

Katherine Stewart

So you mentioned into the breaches, which is our show that is opening in two.

Katherine Stewart

Very exciting.

Katherine Stewart

What what are you doing for that show?

Raey Bagely

Well, one of the things I'm doing is I am the primary advisor for the stage manager on the show.

Raey Bagely

Now this particular stage manager, they are not on in my class, but they have been here for a few years before I got here and they're wonderful human being.

Raey Bagely

They're actually an actor.

Raey Bagely

They are.

Raey Bagely

They are part of the the acting program.

Raey Bagely

And I love when actors, especially in in an educational setting, are put in roles of stage management because it's going to help.

Raey Bagely

Like I said earlier, it's going to help them really appreciate all aspects of what they.

Raey Bagely

Do as a performer.

Raey Bagely

Just in the time that I've gotten to know them, they have grown so much.

Raey Bagely

And today actually is our second dress rehearsal.

Raey Bagely

Oh, and up until now I've been sitting right behind her, right behind them, making sure that they are calling queues correctly, making sure that they are announcing to the group that's that's including the cast and the production team that is sitting out in the house and working on things.

Raey Bagely

Where are we?

Raey Bagely

What are we doing?

Raey Bagely

Why are we holding?

Raey Bagely

Where are we going back to?

Raey Bagely

How are we getting?

Raey Bagely

To the next thing.

Raey Bagely

Uh, helping to facilitate the entire conversation while we are putting all of these elements together, costumes has been working in there in the costume department.

Raey Bagely

Lighting has been hanging lights and focusing lights and and making sure that all of that is put together.

Raey Bagely

Props have been building and painting and.

Raey Bagely

And distressing some things, as you'll see in the show.

Raey Bagely

So everybody has been working on these different elements and now it is up to the stage manager to put all of those together during this technical process.

Raey Bagely

So I've been.

Raey Bagely

Uh, shadowing them to to learn how to command a room, how to take charge, as it were, and and learning the difference between one of the actually one of the.


No change.

Raey Bagely

The research that I'm actually working on academically is, is the difference between being controlling and being in control as a stage manager.

Raey Bagely

And that's one of the things that we're just kind of working on in real time with which they have been absolutely wonderful.

Raey Bagely

They have picked up everything.

Raey Bagely

It can be very, I remember my very first stage.

Raey Bagely

Management role in undergrad.

Raey Bagely

And thinking, wow, you mean I'm in charge of all these people.

Raey Bagely

I have to tell these people what we're doing it's very intimidating to and then some of these people are your are your professors, you know, and and you're having to tell them what to do and what we're doing next and what you need to be able to make this show happen and they this stage manager is really, really.



Raey Bagely

Really come a long way and is just I'm I could not be more proud of them on it.

Raey Bagely

Another thing that I do is, is it's kind of splitting the stage management role down the middle.

Raey Bagely

So I I my goal is to in the future as I helped build this stage management program here at the university, that the stage manager will be doing more of what I've been doing in rehearsal, which is.

Raey Bagely

Asking, you know, after, after, let's say after a full run, we still have 45 minutes left in rehearsal and now we need to figure out what needs to be worked. What do we?

Raey Bagely

Have time to.

Raey Bagely

How do we make that happen?

Raey Bagely

And making making hard and fast immediate decisions based on the time that we have and and how to to put things together?

Raey Bagely

So my goal is to have the stage manager.

Raey Bagely

It may be completely hands out and just sitting in the background and watching as a production manager slash advisor.

Raey Bagely

Today, actually, since it's.

Raey Bagely

A second dress rehearsal I am.

Raey Bagely

Going to be hands out.

Raey Bagely

I'm there, I'm going to be there and I'm going to be in the in the house for for the stage manager to ask any questions or to to help facilitate in any way I can.

Raey Bagely

But they are going to be making all the calling, all the shots, making all the decisions and I'm I'm very excited for them and they seem very excited for the challenge as well.

Katherine Stewart

And I'm sure they feel so reassured and comforted knowing that you're there in case, you know, a random question comes up that they don't know exactly how to answer immediately or get, you know, get a little bit, a little bit overwhelmed or stuck with all of it.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, that's wonder.

Katherine Stewart

That's wonderful.

Katherine Stewart

Well, let's see.

Katherine Stewart

Is there anything about this show in particular that you would like to share?

Katherine Stewart

Thought, just thoughts on the show itself.

Katherine Stewart

What's what's your favorite?

Katherine Stewart

Thing about it.

Raey Bagely

Thoughts on the show itself?

Raey Bagely

I love the.

Raey Bagely

Content of this show, I think it is very relevant.

Raey Bagely

It is very much, in my opinion, a feminist show.

Katherine Stewart

Yeah, yes.

Raey Bagely

And I think it is very relevant to today, even though this show is set during World War Two.

Raey Bagely

OK, so there there are.

Raey Bagely

Costumes the the show takes place backstage of a theater, and all of the men, as it were, are overseas fighting in World War Two.

Raey Bagely

And it's up to the women now to put on a production and that's never that's been unheard of and and why would?

Raey Bagely

We do this kind.

Raey Bagely

Of thing and you know, oh, we can't do something like this without it.

Raey Bagely

So I think that that this is, this is a conversation that is still relevant today and and and probably will be unfortunately for the foreseeable future.

Raey Bagely

So I think it's, I think it's a great story to tell, to look at, to dissect, to think about.

Raey Bagely

While at the same time being hilarious.

Raey Bagely

Yeah, this show is so funny.

Raey Bagely

It's got really heart wrenching moments.

Raey Bagely

It's got beautiful, poignant moments.

Raey Bagely

But also, I'm having to wipe my face every couple of minutes because I'm laughing so hard.

Katherine Stewart

At yeah, for what?

Katherine Stewart

For one reason or another.

Raey Bagely

You know I it's it's great.

Raey Bagely

Comedy is challenging, especially when you are doing a comedy about something about a heavy topic.

Raey Bagely

And and I think this show does really well.

Raey Bagely

The director has has really put together a very beautiful show.

Raey Bagely

The cast has.

Raey Bagely

You can tell really dove into their characters and and appreciate what's going on in this, this production.

Raey Bagely

And it's funny, it's passionate and I think it's very relevant.

Katherine Stewart

That's that's absolutely it.

Katherine Stewart

You're absolutely right.

Katherine Stewart

Well, well, right.

Katherine Stewart

Thank you so much for visiting with me today.

Katherine Stewart

I'm super excited to have you on the podcast and introduce you to.

Katherine Stewart

All of our listeners and welcome you to.

Katherine Stewart

The department and all of that, yeah.

Raey Bagely

Thank you very much for having me I.

Raey Bagely

Everybody has been so welcoming to me.

Katherine Stewart

I'm so glad.

Raey Bagely

I have to.

Raey Bagely

Department husband.

Raey Bagely

Just because I've had a lot of questions, you know, like I said, I've I've worked professionally for a very long time.

Raey Bagely

This is not the first university I've worked at, but this is the first time.

Raey Bagely

That I have been in the position where I I am creating a program.

Raey Bagely

I'm creating a program for beginning stage managers and undergrad stage managers and future production managers or managers of any kind of.

Raey Bagely

Theater, any kind of live performance capacity and I'm, I'm really, really excited to be a part of that process.

Raey Bagely

I think everybody is very happy that this position exists now, yes.

Raey Bagely

And I just really look forward to helping facilitate the growth of this, of this program and the success of students because at the end of the day, we're here for them.

Katherine Stewart

And I'm so glad that this this position was was created and that you're in.

Katherine Stewart

So thank you so much for joining us.

Raey Bagely

You know very much.

Raey Bagely

I appreciate it.

Katherine Stewart

I love visiting with you and.

Katherine Stewart

Alright, once again, that was Raey Bagley, our new production manager and assistant professor of stage and production management.

Katherine Stewart

Don't forget to check out the show notes For more information about Ray as well as about our upcoming production of into the breach is, which opens tonight and Meek Auditorium and runs through October 9th.

Katherine Stewart

You'll find links and more information for both in the show notes.

Katherine Stewart

Till next time this is Stage & Screen.